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Graduate Presentation Powerpoint Templates

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Templates Presentation

Transcript: 1- The user creates a New Space 2- During some time it's modified according to the project needs 3- As the space results useful for a whole company or area the user decides to ask for saving it as Template 4-The Collaborate Team takes care of this process 5- The new process covers the Analysis of the Space that we should save as Template and the Estimation to finish it. 6- Also we should contemplate the current release dates to provide the user the go live Date Save Templates with Content Some Issues are: New Process: 1- URLs that are inherited Some items to take in care to know in which Release the Template will go live: Templates Creation Process Columns Duplicated that couldn't be removed Current Process: Advantages and Disadvantages Features that couldn't be enable Content Type Duplicated that couldn't be removed 1- The user creates a New Space 2- During some time it's modified according to the project needs 3- As the space results useful for a whole company or area the user decides to ask for saving it as Template 4-The Collaborate Team takes care of this process, but during it we usually face some issues Duplicated Content Type This Process will be easier if... - The Site Collections are aligned - The user doesn't modify the Template meanwhile the support team is working on it - If the changes are planed with time Missing Features Issues Estimation: Duplicated Columns Hidden Features 1-The complex of the data inside the Space and its estimation. 2-The issues that we found testing it and the estimation related to them . 3- We will accept simple changes until 7 days before the first INT deploy. 4- Once we passed the limit to request changes the Template will go live in the Next Release. 5- If the user request new Changes after the first INT deploy they will be performed to the next release. .Dotx files required - Old Library Template

Graduate Presentation

Transcript: Teaching Philosophy • I received my Bachelor’s in Education in 2000 from Taibah University in Saudi Arabia. • I taught English in a public elementary school for 8 years before coming to America to pursue my Master’s Degree in Educational Technology. • In 2015, I began studying at Washburn University. • Using technology allows teachers to easily create evaluation activities to assess student learning. • It is easy to collect assessment data with educational technology, and efficiently use the information to improve future learning and teaching. • Educational technology gives the teacher flexibility in designing activities for the classroom. Introduction • Students enjoy discovering the world independently. Teachers should use this passion to integrating technology in the classroom. • Learning to use technology in an academic environment promotes self-esteem and trust. Students will carry these values with them outside of the classroom. • Teachers need to maintain control of the technological tools in the classroom to be sure students are responsible and focused during activities. Future Plans In my life, NETS Standard 5: Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership Standard 1 Graduate Presentation Samer Almughamisi Candidate for Master's in Curriculum & Instruction With An Emphasis In Technology Washburn University NETS Standard 2: Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments My Goals Personal Vision Statement My Beliefs Teaching Philosophy • Technology should be used as a tool to increase learning in the classroom, not just for fun. • Using technology in the classroom provides students with good way to gather information and process knowledge. • Educational technology helps promote collaboration between students, inside and outside the classroom (and provides a good solution for meeting with each another outside of the class). The main goal of education is to develop the community with more effective communication and knowledge. Each student is a part of the community, and we improve the community by developing each individual student in the best way. Technology helps develop the ability of the students to solve real-world problem creatively and effectively. It makes it easier for educators to create attractive assignments and activities. Using technology in the classroom helps improves the method of education for gathering and processing information. Each student learns in their own way according to their own abilities and experiences. Educational technology helps students achieve the same level of learning in the classroom. Technology makes the world small and makes information more accessible for educators to improve their teaching methods. Each of the 5 ITSE standards are important for improving teaching. We cannot focus on only part of the set, but must incorporate all standards when developing and improving our teaching methods. ED 587 - Emerging Technologies in Education SW607 - Macro Hum Beh in Soc Envir ED 660 - Advanced Educational Psychology ED 672 - Issues in American Education ED 668 - Curriculum Development and Evaluation ED 585 - Issues in Educational Technology ED 565 - Introduction to Educational Research ED 680 - Integrating Educational Technology in Curriculum ED 584 - Multimedia in the Classroom ED 582 - Leadership in Educational Technology ELPS812: Design of Educational Technology EA 584 - School Finance and Business Administration NETS Standard 4: Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility Standard 5 • I have received admission to the doctoral program at the University of Kansas, where I hope to continue my studies and obtain a PhD in Educational Technology. • My final goal is to work in administration in the educational system in Saudi Arabia to help develop and improve the curriculum. • As an educator, I plan use technology to continually improve my teaching method. Reflection Introduction Standard 3 In general, • Learning is ever-expanding and effective educators must continuously update their methods to accommodate. • Teachers maintain professionalism by staying organized and prepared. There are many technological tools to help teachers organize their ideas and materials so the class can be managed effectively and efficiently. • Professionalism is not just the job of the teacher; it is the work of the entire school system. A professional education system creates a stronger community as a whole. NETS Standard 3: Model Digital-Age Work and Learning Summary of Courses Active and Effective Helpful and Supportive Honest and Respected Live in peace Successful life PhD in Educational Technology Standard 2 • Technology makes the world very small. • Quick and effective communication between teachers, students, and parents creates a more direct and communal learning environment. • Teachers should continually develop their technological knowledge as the technologies grow and change. Future Plans • I believe everyone is unique and has something you can

Graduate Presentation

Transcript: Operations staff MSc Students Process Engineers The Biorefinery Team Unit Controllers Off Gas Test Procedure, Design and Staff Training is ready to go. Advance Ocean validity and grow the business. Benjamin Mowatt HOW MUCH OXYGEN IS DISSOLVED PER METER OF WATER. Microbiological Analysis Of 'The Seafield Foam' Value & Legacy to Veolia Phase 1 Trials Of Brand New SOTE Measurement Technique Filamentous identification Created new consultancy networks - there to aid the growth of Ocean moving forward; %/m Value & Legacy to Veolia Microbiological operator knowledge - increasing diagnostics, reducing process error risk and process team costs - 'grow our own'; Seafield foam now at 20% coverage Tidworth, Development Services New SOTE technique phase 1 trials - potential for Veolia to be involved in a brand new testing technique (value to business/ cost saving); Research, Planning & Design 40 - 62% Creation Of Microbiological Training Presentation And Documentation Legacy Where next? Meeting Expectations - Rapport Building - Confidence In Veolia Value & Legacy to Veolia Biorefinery, Newbridge PFI Scotland Energy Bill: £5.2 Million Microbiology Value & Legacy to Veolia Placement & Project Why Measure SOTE Accurately? 1%/m SOTE Difference = £200 per day in discrepancy Insight and Development Legacy Project Grow the company name - Lectures given to universities, aiding our sustainability policy, business growth and improving tomorrow; Value & Legacy to Veolia Placement 1 Insight and Development The Experts Delivery of Microbiological Training Technical Knowledge Organisation/ Planning Training Others Professionalism Mob: +44 (0)7770728421

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