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Gravity Powerpoint Modern Presentation Template

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Gravity PowerPoint.

Transcript: Gravity Solid- Bonds are very strong. Particles are kept in place and Vibrate. Liquid- Bonds start to weaken allowing the particles to slide past each other. Gas- Bonds dissappear, and the particles fly everywere. After pressure drops CO2 will try to escape the air. If there was no gravity water would not fall and there would be no pressure. without gravity Asphalt would not be able to set. Earth VS. Outer Space Earth has gravity. Outer Space doesn't. therefor gravity hold's us onto the ground, and in Outer Space you would float. Space Flight Exeriments- There is a Weightless Flight Program that teachers are allowed to do as a hands-on-activity. The program was developed in cooperation with the Zero Gravity Corporation (ZERO-G), Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., a company that specializes in bringing the exhilaration of weightlessness to the general public. As part of the program, practicing classroom middle school teachers and future middle school teachers have the opportunity to participate in hands-on science workshops, and perform and experiment in a parabolic or "zero-gravity" aircraft flight that creates temporary weightlessness comparable to what humans would experience during space travel to the moon or Mars. It also mimics how astronauts train for space flights. Here is a story i found on Space Flight Experiment's- Plasma- A highly ionized gas, usually at a high temperatures that conduct electricity and is effected by a magnetic field.

Gravity Presentation

Transcript: Bellis, Mary. "Sir Isaac Newton." N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Nov. 2012. <>. Bellis, Mary. "Johannes Kepler." N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Nov. 2012. <>. Heckert, Paul A. "Understanding the Cavendish Experiment." N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Nov. 2012. <>. Stein, James. "The Schwarzchild Radius: Nature's Breaking Point." www, N.p., 20 Dec. 2011. Web. 22 Nov. 2012. <>. A theory is a big complex structure that's accepted as being true for the moment Overview 1. In his book, Principia, Newton explains 3 basic laws that govern the way objects move; these laws are known as Newton's Laws. 384-322 b.c. How does gravity correspond to the bending of space-timeFabric? Why is it called the general THEORY of relativity and not the general HYPOTHESIS of relativity? Wrote a book called Principia. What is gravitational lensing? Aristotle believed the earth was the center of the universe and that heavier objects will fall faster than lighter objects. Aristotle also believed that the planets revolve around the Earth. Darling, David. "Wormhole." The Encyclopedia of Science. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Nov. 2012. <>. Stevens, Patsy. "Galileo Galilei." Garden of Praise. Ed. Patsy Stevens. N.p., 2008. Web. 14 Nov. 2012. <>. Hatch, Robert A. "Sir Isaac Newton." The Scientific Revolution Homepage. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Nov. 2012. <>. "laws, theories, and hypotheses." Furry Elephant. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2012. <>. Terr, David. "Verified Predictions of General Relativity." Ezine Articles. Google, 10 Feb. 2007. Web. 25 Nov. 2012. <>. Physicists and mathematician How does gravity bend light? 3. Contributions of Isaac Newton A hypothesis is normally a statement about one part of a theory that you can go out and test by experiment or observation. Gravity Kelper sided with Copernicus' idea that the sun was the center of the universe, except he believed that the planets didn't move in a circular orbit moving at constant speeds. 2. Before Newton changed the way of thinking about gravity, people believed that the planets were held in their places by some invisible shield. 1642-1727 Contributions to the Universal Law of Gravity by Henry Cavendish Black holes are the endpoints of stars at least 10-15 times as massive as the sun. The Schwarzschild Radius is the number at which you can compress something before you reach natures limit, such as a black hole. Aristotle What predictions of general relativity have been verified, if any? The major difference between a scientific law and a scientific theory is that theories are huge, complex structures with raggedy edges that would take a book to describe. A law can be written in a single sentence. Part I: History of Classical Gravity Schwarzschild Radius Citations Formulated laws of motion and gravity, which were mathematical formulas that explain how an object moves when a force acts on it. Strong gravity can bend light from large masses and wrap it around small galaxy clusters. Inertial and Gravitational properties The third experimentally verified prediction is the slowing down of time due to gravity. This effect causes light to be redshifted in the presence of a strong gravitational field, i.e. near the surface of a massive star. This effect is observed in the spectra of massive stars. Taken to its extreme, this effect predicts the existence of black holes, i.e. objects which are so massive that nothing, not even light, can escape from their gravity. Black holes have been observed indirectly and now their existence is practically undisputed. Agreed with Galileo's way of using mathematics to prove and explain the laws that govern the universe. Newton's childhood was anything but happy, and throughout his life he verged on emotional collapse,occasionally falling into violent and vindictive attacks against friends and enemies alike. Galileo Gravitational and Inertial masses are proportional to each other. They are the same, this discovery led Einstein to develop the general theory of relativity. Galileo believed that if plants(as he called them) could revolve around another planet, then the planets could revolve around another body such as the sun. When a planet or something that is massive in size, it pulls time and space with it due to its strong gravity, which causes the fabric to spin and pull with them, this is called gravitomagnetism. Worm Holes

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