The Eco Green Factory
Transcript: CONSTRUCTION Eco Factory Engi.Moaz Soliman +201118609684 SOLISOFT OUR COMPANY OUR SOLUTION To be an eco factory, we pay special attention to those facilities which consume large amounts of electricity, such as lighting, air conditioning, and power generation facilities. OUR SOLUTION PV System SOLUTION 1 The production capacity of the PV system is 250 TW per year On an area of 600 square kilometers Hydrogen SOLUTION 2 Hydrogen Fuel Cells. A fuel cell combines hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity, heat, and water. Fuel cells are often compared to batteries. Both convert the energy produced by a chemical reaction into usable electric power. Modern industries complex PROJECT PROJECT 1 Resources High voltage electrical & Production of demineralized water & Hydrogen gas PROJECT 2 PROJECT 2 Metal Forming Marble and granite Recycled plastic Alois Muller University of Stuttgart OUR TEAM CB Group Gensoler-EG OUR NUMBERS OUR NUMBERS COMPLETED PROJECT STATS The space Energy produced The first stage The third stage 200 Km2 83 TW 200 Km2 83 TW The second stage 83 TW 200 Km2 CUSTOMER SATISFACTION CUSTOMER SATISFACTION Price for value Reducing production costs Energy resources are renewable PROJECT TIMELINE PROJECT TIMELINE Breaking Ground Ceremony Foundations Completed Facade Completed Project Opening Ceremony PRICING PRICING NUMBER 2 NUMBER 3 NUMBER 1 STATISTIC 1 STATISTIC 2 STATISTIC 3 TITLE TITLE TITLE TITLE