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Gun Themed Powerpoint Template

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Pro Gun Powerpoint

Transcript: By Kris, Devin, Jen and Eric Dec. 5th The History of Gun Rights James Madison originally proposed the Second Amendment shortly after the Constitution was officially ratified as a way to provide more power to state militias, which today are considered the National Guard. It was deemed a compromise between Federalists — those who supported the Constitution as it was ratified — and the anti-Federalists — those who supported states having more power. Having just used guns and other arms to ward off the English, the amendment was originally created to give citizens the opportunity to fight back against a tyrannical federal government. Todays World Insert your own text here. Talk about something related to your first topic or just put some placeholder text here. Where Did Gun Rights Originate? What is the 2nd Amendment? The Second Amendment (proposed 1789) was intended to protect gun ownership of all able-bodied men so that they could participate in the militia to keep the peace and defend the country if needed. It is the right to: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. What is the 2nd Amendment? Daniel J. Schultz, lawyer, stated, "the Framers [of the Constitution and Bill of Rights] understood that 'well-regulated' militias, that is, armed citizens, ready to form militias that would be well trained, self-regulated and disciplined would post no threat to their fellow citizens, but would, indeed, help to 'insure domestic Tranquility' and 'provide for the common defence.'" In other words Guns can protect communities. Some historians suggest that the idea of an individual versus a collective right would not have occurred to the Founding Fathers because the two were intertwined and inseparable: there was an individual right in order to fulfill the collective right of serving in the militia. What was Going Through the Mind of the 2nd Amendment Writers? What was Going Through the Mind of the 2nd Amendme... Convicted felons, persons adjudicated as mentally ill, and some others are prohibited from possessing firearms and ammunition in the US. In most states, residents may carry a handgun or other weapon in public in a concealed or open manner on one's person or in proximity, but that is restricted by some states and many cities. Some jurisdictions require a permit for concealed carry, but most jurisdictions do not require a permit for open carry, if it is allowed. Some states and localities require licenses to own or purchase guns and ammunition Can Everyone Bear Amrs? Historical Significance Insert your own text here. Talk about something related to your second topic or just put some placeholder text here. Insert your own text here. Talk about something related to your second topic or just put some placeholder text here. Violence Prevention Insert your own text here. Talk about something related to your third topic or just put some placeholder text here. Those who take interpret the amendment in a collective way think the amendment gives each state the right to maintain and train formal militia units that can provide protection against an oppressive federal government. They argue the "well regulated militia" clause clearly means the right to bear arms should only be given to these organized groups. They believe this allows for only those in the official militia to carry guns legally, and say the federal government cannot abolish state militias. Those with the opposite viewpoint believe the amendment gives every citizen the right to own guns, free of federal regulations, to protect themselves in the face of danger. The individualists believe the amendment's militia clause was never meant to restrict each citizen's rights to bear arms. What's The Opinion Today? 1. Should More Gun Control Laws Be Enacted?- 2. Background of the Issue- 3. See a Timeline of Gun Control in the United States Sources Insert your own text here. Talk about something related to your fourth topic or just put some placeholder text here. Sources

Themed Restaurants

Transcript: Themed Restaurants Dinner in the Sky Heart Attack Grill Rainforest Cafe Mars 2112 The Heart Attack Grill History < > <> <> <> <> Price, cuisine, atmosphere and service vary widely and according to location Most prices fall in between $15 - $30, however urban centers seem to price somewhat higher Rainforest Cafe General Layout Melissa Douma, Nathalie Andre, & Alyssa Niles Menu & Pricing Further Examples... Chon, Kaye & Maier, Thomas. Welcome to Hospitality: An Introduction. New York: Delmar, 2009 "Theme Restaurant." Wikipedia. Nupedia, 18 June 2015. Web. 5 Sept 2015. < > Paris cafes & cabarets in Montmartre in the late 19th century United States - late 1950s David Tallichet fairly "busy" Works Cited The Bubba Gump Shrimp & Co. Mars 2112 Mars 2112 was one of many tourist targeted restaurants in the Times Square district of New York City based on future space travel. Although it shut down operation in November of 2001, it is a great example of the lengths that themed restaurants go to in order to create a unique experience for the guests.

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