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Free Powerpoint Template For Health And Wellness

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Wellness Powerpoint

Transcript: My Parents have been divorced since i was 15 months old. I was going to try out for winter swim this year but cant because of my knee I also love playing bass guitar. My Role Model is my Mom. Friends "Imagine Dragons â âContinued Silence EPâ Review." Imagine Dragons â âContinued Silence EPâ Review. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Oct. 2012. <>. I love to draw and play music in my free time Me :) By: Lizzy Wagstaff Wellness Period 4 Groups and Teams When I'm older I want to do something with art. My Role Model My favorite book is Identical by Ellen Hopkinz Favorites Shes been through a lot and I wish I could by like her when I grow up My mom is nice and understanding of everything I do. I have another sister, Helena, and two step-brothers, Ron Jr. and Andy. I live with my mom, Pauline, brother, Reid, and step-dad, Ron. "All Data by Institution - Parsons School of Design, New School University." All Data by Institution - Parsons School of Design, New School University. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Oct. 2012. <>. My Dad, David, lives an hour away and I don't get to see him very often. "Welcome to Cranbrook Academy of Art." Welcome to Cranbrook Academy of Art. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Oct. 2012. <>. "The J-B Piano Company." - Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Oct. 2012. <>. My Friends are nice and caring, and always there for me I play volleyball in fall, winter, and summer. My Family I'd like to major in Graphic Design when I go to college Some of my really good friends are: Sophie Saunders Cheyann Ellis Tianna Snyder Meg Cole Alex Corba Sarah Connell and Amanda Mann I play Volleyball, I horseback ride, and I Swim. Career Goals "Rhode Island School of Design." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 24 Oct. 2012. Web. 20 Oct. 2012. <>. My favorite color is green. My Favorite band is Imagine Dragons or Red. Works Cited I love to play piano and draw. Hobbies and Interests


Transcript: b Y EDUCATION FOR HEALTH AND WELLNESS 2 X ELDER JEXEL GARCIA TUESTA g m 1 p Introduction F A quality education is the foundation of health and wellness. To lead a productive and healthy life, each individual must possess the necessary knowledge for the prevention of diseases and pathologies. E THE UNESCO To study properly, children and adolescents need adequate nutrition and good health. The statistics presented by the UNESCO World Education Monitoring Report show that the high level of education achieved by mothers contributes to the improvement of vaccination rates and children's nutrition, reduces the number of infant deaths that can be prevented, as well as maternal mortality and the number of people infected with HIV. D THE INCHEON DECLARATION Education is itself a catalyst for development and health action. The Incheon Declaration of 2015 confirms that education develops the competencies, values, and attitudes for citizens to live healthy lives, make well-informed decisions, and confront problems on a local and global scale. C OBJECTIVE OF UNESCO Contributes to the education sectors at the national level in the fight against HIV and with a view to promoting the improvement of health and well-being. It strengthens collaboration between the education and health sectors, reflecting growing international recognition because it is widely known that a more comprehensive approach to school health and joint action by all sectors are necessary. B To guarantee the right to a quality education, the great current challenge for educational systems and teachers is to prepare so that those who enter school not only remain in it, but can develop all their capacities from a perspective of equity and quality that considers the emotional dimension of the teaching staff and that of their students. EDUCATION IN TRANSIT THE INCLUTION Inclusion, which necessarily addresses the vulnerability of children, requires adequate preparation for demanding situations; a series of resources that are acceptable to use in class. Thank you! A

Health and Wellness

Transcript: Find out what resources are available (i.e. free gym at Humber, fitness classes offered in your area, nice parks to walk through) Simple daily exercise: (taking the stairs instead of the elevator for instance) Start slowly, adhere to your fitness level, consult a medical doctor before starting any major changes Find an activity you enjoy!! Females 6-7 Males 8 Whipped cream= 70 cals 1 syrup pump= 20 cals Caramel Drizzle=15 cals 1 Grande Flavoured Latte with 2% milk=250 calories Better overall physical health (including cardiovascular, muscular, etc) Can attribute to a clearer mind Exercise creates endorphins (happy hormones) Can help fight off obesity and other diseases Gives you energy! Exercise Tips Humber Athletics Portion Control Tips Record what you eat (food journal) Measure your portion (use cups) Use smaller plates/bowls Plate your food in the kitchen NO TV+eating Hide temptations Go green, green vegs=nutritious and low in calories Females 2 Males 2 Exercise= crucial for overall health Exercise doesn’t have to be scary, overwhelming or 5 hours in the gym! Simple ways to exercise daily The best way to exercise is to just, well start! Many benefits to exercise Health & Wellness Females 2 Males 3 Females 7-8 Males 8-10 A healthier and happier you! General Eating Habits Exercise General Benefits of Exercise Ages 19-50 Hours of Operation: Mon – Fri 6:30am - 10:00pm Saturday/Sundays 10:00am – 4:00pm General Phone: 416 675-6622, Extension 3525 Website: Resources such as can also provide useful tips Have breakfast! Eat Slowly (20 minutes) Smaller meals, more often Drink 2 L of water a day Eat seasonal, eat wholesome 355 calories for a medium fancy latte= 1/5 of your daily calories (female, 19-30, not active)

Health and Wellness Proposal Powerpoint!

Transcript: -Once I week I will post in our Facebook group a weekly eating healthy challenge and if wecomplete it, we will get a certain number of points. -For example, one challenge could be to decrease one dessert item everyday for a week. So if you usually have a cookie at lunch and dinner, exchange one of those cookies for a piece of fruit instead - I have a fitblr (a tumblr all about working out/ diet/ basically just a healthy blog as well as a Pinterest that I will update frequently and link them in the health and wellness group description in case sisters want motivation, tips, and other workouts they can do -Also in the facebook group, I will randomly post facts and tips about staying healthy and tips on what to eat in the dining halls! Proposal for Health and Wellness! What I propose to do as Health and Wellness Chair! Weekly Eating Healthy Challenge! Team and Reward System! -Our teams will be broken down into our three color lines. -We will work out a reward system where if sisters work out, do the weekly eating healthy challenges, do my suggested workout, come to group workouts, come to the mental health meetings, etc. we will get a certain number of points. -The points will go towards spirit week! Weekly Dorm Workouts! Group Workouts/ Meetings! -About twice a month I would like to have a group workout sessions where we do a workout video in a classroom and the people who show up get points added to their team -Also I would like to do a mental health meeting (maybe around midterms and finals) where we basically just all get together and vent about school, friends, parents, basically any problems they are having. I think it is important for people to share things that are stressing them out so they ultimately feel better and less stressed. -I will use surveymonkey regarding sister's availability Social Media! - Every week, I will also post 1 or 2 dorm workouts that can be done in a dorm or lounge and if completed, we will receive a certain number of points. -These workouts might consist of work out videos (Jillian Michaels, Insanity, yoga video, etc.), a workout that I made, or a workout that I found

Health and Wellness

Transcript: Why Some Fat is Good for You Sarah Bailey Lauren Eyoel Do You Want a Six Pack!?? NOT THAAAT KIND OF SIX PACK!! This kind of six pack... ;) Soooo..... Do we have a solution for you! Through our research we have found articles that support not only a healthy and regular metabolism but also concentrate on burning unwanted body fat. This may actually come as a surprise to you, but.... It seems that not only do all the articles we have found discuss simply living a healthy diet (i.e. fruits, veggies, and protein) but they also emphasized the value of unsaturated fats. Which is found in foods like almonds, pistachios, olives, avocado, and fish. The difference between Saturated, Unsaturated and Trans fat? All composed of different chemical arrangements of triglycerides--the main form of fat in our bodies. Trans fat-has been chemically altered Saturated Fat (found mostly in animal products and usually in a solid state---"saturated" with hydrogen atoms) consists of single bonded hydrogen and carbon atoms which are not only harder for your body to break apart but also can cause more health risks. Unsaturated fat (found usually in a liquid form) consists of double-bonded hydrogen and carbon atoms As stated by Dr. Oz, there are certain fats that cause your body to go into a "burning fat" mode. Things like olives help fill you up and also help you build lean body mass. Canola Oil has the lowest saturated fat content (7%) and pistachios contain Linoleic Acid which is known to boost your metabolism. Our Body needs healthy fat! According to Our article, the human brain is 60% fat. Good fats help you NOT feel hungry! They also help reduce inflammation. Fat is needed to support our organ function. Burning Good fat provides more energy than burning carbohydrates. Vitamin A, D, and K can not be absorbed into the body unless you have fat!!! Our article emphasized how these unsaturated fats which usually contain linoleic acids and omega-3's can target fat throughout the body. Finally our article emphasized the importance of these few steps: Eat Breakfast Eat up to 6 meals a day! It's OK just keep them small and healthy FIBER!! it's good for you FRUIT!! it's good for you too....especially in smoothies because it fills you up and provides an assortment of nutrients in all fields. Omega-3's and Linoleic Acid....yum. Just remember.... a little fat is good for you! As long as it's the right kind of fat. Besides, fatty foods can make life worth living! And... as John P. McCarthy would say in the movie, The Last Holiday; The secret to Life is....BUTTER. THANK YOU!!!!! The New Abs Diet Cookbook: The Whey to Weight Loss Dr Oz: Ayurvedic Diet Secrets

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