Free Health Care
Transcript: Evidence In conclusion, health care should be free because it is accessible to everyone, Free, and your loved ones will get the care they deserve. Free health care will enable people to live longer and live stress free. “Citizens can get free medicines for essential needs without fear of not being able to pay for it” ( Opposing Paragraph To Expensive To Risky The right Care wont be provided “It will encourage patients to ask questions about problems they may have instead of waiting until they are able to afford it” ( “A right to health care could increase the wait time for medical services” ( Evidence says that “Healthcare will be for everyone and that no one will be left out”. “Providing a right to health care could raise taxes” ( “Doctors will be able to focus more on you rather than how you will pay for the medication and treatments” ( Conclusion Main Point #1 “A right to health care could increase the US debt and deficit” ( A right List of Public services Wont be scared anymore Any one can use no matter Age, Gender, and Income. Wont be denied Doctors main focus Main Point #2 “Providing a right to health care could create a doctor shortage” ( Risks and Danger Debt Bankruptcies Healthcare in America should be free because it is a basic human right in which the nation should ensure that everyone is covered by equal health care, That anyone can use regardless of age, gender, and income, also with free Healthcare there will be less deaths per year. Evidence Thesis Statement “Insurance companies would charge outrages prices or even deny coverage to americans based on particular medical conditions, age, or even gender” ( Free Health Care “Everyone will be under the same framework” ( states that “The United states Government already provides free public education, public maintenance, and other public services and that free healthcare should be added to that list”. Main Point #3 states that “America spends around 2.8 Trillion dollars each year” “A right to health care could lower the quality and availability of disease Screening and treatment” ( “About 62% of all bankruptcies were related to medical expenses in 2007” (