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Highland Pitch Deck Powerpoint Template Free

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pitch deck template

Transcript: Investor Pitch Deck 11/24/2020 Opportunity The Opportunity There are a lot of people that don't have time to walk their dog. Many people would be willing to pay somebody to walk their dog and take them outside to go to the bathroom while they are at work. The Problem The Problem People have problem No Dog Walks Dog Walking Service Happy People Sad People Some people have to work all day and nobody is home to take the dog for a walk. This leads to the dogs having accidents in the house. The Solution Mr. Kraus's Dog Walking Service offers a professional and reliable dog walking experience. We provide peace of mind by ensuring pets get enough exercise and don't have accidents in the house. We even provide waste removal services! The Solution The Market Our target market consists of dog owners that live within two miles of town. The Market Market Size Market Size $5 $5,000 200 potential customers per dog possible weekly income Competitive Analysis Competitive Analysis There are currently no other businesses offering dog walking services in our area. We have an untapped pool of potential customers and already have a list of people interested in our services. Our Solution Provide high quality dog walking, training, and waste removal services. Our Solution Product Dog walks Dog training Waste removal Product Invest Today! Earn money by helping fund our dog walking service. A portion of all profits will go to you. Why to Invest About Me About Me Mr. Kraus Experienced Dog Walker

Pitch Deck Template 17December2012

Transcript: Slide #5: The Current Problem (2) Slide #15: The Ask! A pitch deck cannon crescendo without a clear ask-- aka what you are looking for... What size investment are you looking for? How long does it get you? How will you spend it? What are goals before raising the next round? How else can the investors help? This is commonly overlooked but easy to create! Slide #1: The Big Idea (1) Logo, company image, Expanded company 1-liner and The Big Vision: Today and Tomorrow Slide #8: Your Solution. Why now? (2) Slide #6: The Current Problem (3) Slide #3: Why us? The Team: Why are you the right team for solving this problem? Include management team and advisers, investors. Include bios with key, relevant experience. Outline division of responsibilities. Think about this as an expanded AngelList team profile. Slide #2: The Big Idea (2) Slide #4: The Market... The Current Problem (1) Customer/ consumer pains? How are they solving today? Slide #14: What's The Future? 12months and Out So far, you've spend the deck outlining team, product and success to date. Now talk about what's next... And how it ties into the big vision and the fundraising ask. What are the next 12 - 24 months of : Product Performance People Finances Slide #13: Traction and Validation (3) Slide #12: Traction and Validation (2) Slide #10: Your Solution. Why now? (4) Slide #11: Traction and Validation (1) Your Product... Your Traction You've set the stage... now show off the product and traction/ validation: I want to know: Is the product resonating? Is it trending in the right direction? Engagement, Engagement, Engagement... engagement data leading to user acquisition! What are your KPIs? Goals? What are your acquisition, usage, retention metrics? Slide #9: Your Solution. Why now? (3) Slide #7: Your Solution. How will they solve with you? How is it different than market? Why Now? (1) Why is solution possible today? Why is it right for today, tomorrow? How big is the market? How big can you be? What value are you creating? Be realistic!

Pitch Deck

Transcript: A quickonomy C 3 How does it all come together? THE PROBLEM: How It Works People in the region are having trouble saving money because they don’t have previous knowledge or money to consult with a professional that can help them be organized with it. WHAT'S GOING ON?: what's going on? Those lead to mess, wastefulness and going into deep debts. 66% do not have enough knowledge about money or how to handle it 74% did not have money related classes in school Lower-income married couples outspent their income by 23% The volume of debts has increased by 65% ​​since 2008, the average salary increased only by 18% RESEARCH Why? decrease volume of debts emphasise the importance of savings expand people's knowledge and awarness WHY? Solution Our Solution is 1 Website that allows people to manage their money consumption by several ways. 2 set a goal Input how much money you have Amount of money you wish to save Process of using the website tips and videos: how to handle money? 3 MOCKUP According to the Survey results: 4 % of teenagers are interested in using the website % of people aged 21+ are interested in using the website Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats. SWOT SWOT ANALYSIS Analysis analysis focusing on millennial s multiple revenue streams easy to use a lot of competition complex product (in terms of technology) difficult to penetrate asking for additional personal info competition banks have the costumer relationships freemium model collaborations s o w T Users Who are we approaching? everyone. young couples students Who is our competition? competition mint: trackers moneystrands: trackers, goals financial advisor: tips - all in one - uncommon in region - low effort- high reward UNIQENESS uniqueness THE VISION: OUR VISION What should we aim for? a society where people are more cautious with their spending and are more aware of the importance and benefits of saving money. WHAT ARE WE AIMING FOR? The Vision We see the direct connection between education and financial status. 72% of students don’t have financial related classes 92% of people would use a website to help them with their money What's next? Future Plans "Freemium" banks discounts with Clients and Partners Connect Contact Info @quickonomy

Pitch Deck

Transcript: ABOUT BUILDING BETTER EXPERIENCES STRATEGIZE DESIGN IMPLEMENT WHO WE ARE iCiDIGITAL is an industry leading digital agency delivering end-to-end strategy, design, and implementation solutions. With expertise in AEM, and experience building adaptive systems with Adobe Marketing Cloud, iCiDIGITAL is a powerful implementation partner for enterprise organizations. WHO WE ARE "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with…" - Jim Rohn SO WE DON’T SURROUND OURSELVES WITH AVERAGE PEOPLE. OUR LAW OF ANTI-AVERAGE: LEADERSHIP EXECUTIVE TEAM GREG BOONE President & CEO STEVE BARBERIO SVP, Digital Solutions JUDY GEASLEN VP, Corporate Operations MARK KELLEY VP, Digital Engagement LEADERSHIP TEAM DALE MEAD Director, Architecture JOHN ZEREN Director, Software Development TJ IACIOFANO Head of Digital Consulting TY RHUDY Director, Digital Engagement JASON HARRELL Director, Technical Architecture ADRIANA RUBIO Director, Strategic Partnerships DAN SPANO Director, PMO WHAT WE DO Digital Strategy An established foundation of leadership, guidance, and planning drives your business goals to success through adaptive solutions. WHAT WE DO Experience Design Expert led research and iterative design combines your corporate vision with your user’s needs to deliver the best customer experience. Technology Implementation Our highly-trained consultants build end-to-end systems, customize integrations, and provide assessments to maximize performance. Building Better Experiences iCiDIGITAL is an industry leading digital agency delivering end-to-end strategy, design, and implementation solutions. With expertise in AEM, and experience building adaptive systems with Adobe Marketing Cloud, iCiDIGITAL is a powerful implementation partner for enterprise organizations. Creating Partnerships & Solutions Through trusted partnerships, we have successfully launched solutions for enterprises like Ingersoll Rand, AICPA, Food Lion, and Charter; Through both remote and onsite models, we work with clients across the country. 50+ Onshore AEM Consultants iCiDIGITAL is a premier supplier of AEM development and design services with extensive experience creating flagship websites on AEM for major brands. Our development teams are highly skilled and thrive together as a cohesive unit to implement best practices and deliver high-quality outcomes to our customers. HOW WE DO IT H W WE DO IT iCiDIGITAL does not position itself as a deliverables vendor, rather we base all of our engagements on a strategic partnership model. Utilizing this model, we intensely study and internalize your business goals; then we leverage our expertise by combining your business initiatives with marketing technology to properly align People, Process, and Platforms. We work with you to identify who will be using the platform we create, and the processes that currently exist within your company, before creating a solution. We strive to ensure that you get a robust platform that streamlines your team’s efforts, that works within your existing systems, and meets the needs of your business–all while improving your user’s experience. TRAINING - SKILLS - COMMUNICATION PEOPLE PLATFORM PROCESS REQUIREMENTS - BEST PRACTICES - POLICIES FOUNDATION & ARCHITECTURE - FEATURE SET - CUSTOMIZATION CLIENT EXPERIENCE CLIENT EXPERIENCE

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