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Human Fetus Powerpoint Template Free

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Human Fetus Heart

Transcript: Cell Any of the distinct type of material of which animals or plants are made, consisting of specialized cells and their products. I got a picture of heart tissue and I realized that this picture looks a lot like my human fetus heart picture from class. Any number of organized or specialized structures within a living cell. So, I got a picture of an organelle in the human fetus heart. By Kylee Brown Molecule Biological Organization The smallest structural and functional unit of an organism. I got a picture of a cell in the heart. Organ System A molecule containing a very large number of atoms, such as a protein, nucleic acid, or synthetic polymer. This is a picture of a macromolecule in the human fetus heart. Complex Organism Tissue A group of organs that work together to perform one or more functions. This picture shows the human heart's organ system. Macromolecule A group of atoms bonded together. This is a picture of molecules in the human fetus heart. Organelle The highest level of organization for living things is the biosphere; it encompasses all other levels. Organ Human Fetus Heart Atom The atom is the smallest level of biological organization. An atom is a source of nuclear energy. This is a picture of a human atom. A part of an organism that is typically self-contained and has a specific vital function, such as the heart or liver in humans. So this is the heart because it's an organ! Complex organisms have specialized tissues, such as nerves, organs or flowers. This picture is a heart showing its more specialized organisms because it has a bigger role than smaller organisms.

Human Template

Transcript: Karely Cardoso Human Resources Human resources specialists are responsible for recruiting, screening, interviewing and placing workers. They may also handle employee relations, payroll, benefits, and training. Human resources managers plan, direct and coordinate the administrative functions of an organization. Description Description Human resources specialists are responsible for recruiting, screening, interviewing and placing workers. They may also handle employee relations, payroll, benefits, and training. Human resources managers plan, direct and coordinate the administrative functions of an organization. Duties Duties Subtopic 1 you need good communication skills PICTURES The human resources department handles a range of different functions within an organization. The department is responsible for hiring and firing employees, training workers, maintaining interoffice relationships and interpreting employment laws. function Function TIMELINE 2018 MAP Location 2 Location 3 Location 1 Definitely collaborative and good relations should exist between HR and other Departments. HR, as you say, is responsible for a number of areas, but decisions are usually in conjunction with other functions. HR may have established policies and programs, but generally there would have been discussion and executive approval and areas like recruitment and compensation would have a great deal of functional management input whether in final selection of a candidate or job evaluation and performance management which usually impact on compensation. HR, Interactions with other departments interactions


Transcript: bpm The umbilical cord is essential for any developing fetus's survival. It has two arteries and a vein that supplies the fetus with oxygenated and nutrient-rich blood from the placenta! The mother gains nutrients from the food she consumes which the fetus, like a blood-sucking parasite, takes for itself! SCIENCE!!! The Eyes of the Human-Fetus Cake Biology Human fetuses (Feti? Fetice?) begin to develop their eyes 4 weeks after pregnancy. After 8 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus's retina begins to form. At week 16, the baby can finally sense light! While in the womb, the eyes will be as developed as they can be by week 26. By then, the fetus will have eyelids and the ability to blink! A baby's skin will begin to develop from 5 to 8 weeks after pregnancy. Each layer of the fetus's epidermis (that means skin for all of you "dull" audience members) will be fully developed by 4 months of pregnancy! Now you may be wondering, "Why is your model's skin made of frosting!?" Well, like freshly developed fetus skin, the frosting was made and applied in layers! No, not the Trident chewing gum... Sheets of material that are piled upon one another to cover the surface! gf 62 A Presentation by Christian Ramirez, Tanner Newport, and Michele Tellez Skin Development TCM Well you see, kids see the world in a sweet, bright, and colorful way! What else is sweet, bright, and colorful? M&M's of course! What else could possibly alter the way kids perceive this depressing, cruel, and overall terrible world we all live in? To shield our cake-baby's innocence from society, misogyny and everything else wrong with the human race, we permanently replaced the little fella's eyes with something that couldn't be corrupt by the world's flaws! Fun Fact: the fetus's heart actually pumps deoxygenated and nutrient-deprived blood back into the placenta! The Structure of Infants... and Cakes! We used Twizzlers for our fetus's umbilical. In some cultures, people will actually eat it after their child's birth. So instead of eating an umbilical, we decide to use a Twizzler instead. It actually tastes better. Why Did We Use M&M's For Our Model's Eyes? That Thing That Gives You Your Belly Button.

Fetus Fetus

Transcript: Gestation - 40 Weeks! Jonathan Martinez WebdMD: Kaiser Permanente: EHD: Weeks 1-4 1-4 The sperm and the egg unite together to create a fertilized egg. Once together, it travels to the uterus, where the baby will grow, and implants itself onto the walls. By 4 weeks, organs like the brain, eyes, heart, and lungs are developing! The placenta forms around 10 days after fertilization. The mother will not feel any different than normal. Any symptoms will feel like she is on her period. Pregnancy tests can be used to see if the mother is pregnant. (WebMD) (Kaiser Permanente) (Cleveland Clinic) (EHD) Weeks 5-8 5-8 The baby will begin forming limbs and other organs like the intestines, brain, and eyes. The heart will begin to beat. The baby will be the size of a grain of rice. The mother will begin to feel different. Hormone changes will cause the woman to feel moody. The mother will feel a lot more sick than usual. At this point, the mother should visit the doctor to check on her baby. (WebMD) (Kaiser Permanente) (EHD) Weeks 9-12 9-12 The baby is growing much faster, reaching the size of a garlic bulb. The baby is now recognizable. Organs like the intestines and the genitals are developing. Mothers will begin to feel more tired, as well as beginning to gain weight. The uterus is expanding as well. Hormone changes cause the mothers to take in more nutrients. (WebMD) (EHD) Weeks 13-16 13-16 The baby can move! Its bones are becoming harder, it can move its eyes, its heart can be heard at the doctor's office, and is now the size of a carrot! The mother can now feel the baby inside of them. They may even show a bump! Vessels in the face or legs can become visible. Mothers should visit the doctor's office if they become a problem. Or even to hear the heartbeat of the baby! (WebMD) (Kaiser Permanente) (EHD) Weeks 17-20 17-20 The baby reaches papaya length! It can now hear sounds and is more mobile, moving around more. Fat begins to form and the baby's skin is clear! The mother has now gained 33% of their pregnancy weight and will have increased their blood volume by 70%. The thyroid gland is more active, causing the mother to sweat more. At this point, the gender of the baby is now able to be determined! (WebMD) (Kaiser Permanente) (EHD) Weeks 21-24 21-24 The baby is ~12 inches long! The baby's sex organs have formed by the 24th week; the baby can now hiccup; the skin is loose as muscle forms to fill it in; and white blood cells are being made! The mother is showing more and more and their bump is usually above the belly button. Hormones are making the joints soft as the body prepares for birth. Hormones are also increasing body temperature. (WebMD) (Kaiser Premanente) (EHD) Weeks 25-28 25-28 The third trimester! The baby's organs are close to being fully developed. By Week 28, it will be `10 inches long from head to the rump. It should also be getting into position for birth - head first. Visits to their ob-gyn will be more frequent. Prenatal vitamins are recommended to ensure the baby and mother receive all necessary vitamins. Shortness of breath is common as the uterus presses on the diaphragm, crowding on the lungs. (WebMD) (Kaiser Permanente) (EHD) Weeks 29-32 29-32 The baby is preparing for birth. All organs should be developed apart from the lungs. All 5 senses should also be working (the baby can cry!). It should weigh 4 pounds and be 18 inches in length, gaining 1/2 pounds a week. The mother should begin lactation around this time. The joints will also soften as the body prepares for labor. They will have gained 21-27 lbs by week 31 and may still gain 1 lb a week. (WebMD) (Kaiser Permanente) Weeks 33-36 33-36 The baby has developed the most within these weeks than in any other! The brain is almost fuly developed; the baby can control its body temperature, can blink, and can yawn! It reaches 20 inches and should not grow more than that, but it will gain half a pound a week until birth. The mother has gained 24-27 lbs by week 35. The uterus has expanded to reach the ribs by week 36 and makes walking uncomfortable. Contractions known as Braxton Hicks ccontractions will occur. This is just to prepare the mother for birth. The mother should schedule a doctors visit weekly to test for bacteria. (WebMD) (Kaiser Permanente) (EHD) Weeks 37-40 37-40 The baby should be almost fully developed. The skin becomes pinker, toenails grow, and has fallen into the pe making it easier for the mother to walk.The baby should weigh around 7.5 lbs, the weight of a watermelon. The mother has reached their maximum weight, between 25-35 lbs. Pressure on the bladder by the uterus can cause more urination. The uterus has expanded from 2 ounces to 2.5 lbs, a vast difference. (WebdMD) (Kaiser Permanente) (EHD)

Human Development (Fetus)

Transcript: What is one of the five senses the baby has in the second trimester ? At Forty Weeks Achondroplasia: A form of short-limbed dwarfism Down Syndrome: A congenital disorder arising from a chromosome defect, causing intellectual impairment and physical abnormalities including short stature and a broad facial profile. True Question III At Thirty-Two weeks Down Syndrome Symptoms True So Far........... Eight Weeks False Sixteen weeks Question Time short stature (significantly below average for age and sex) short arms and legs (especially the upper arms and thighs) in comparison to body height short fingers (the ring and middle fingers may also point away from each other) disproportionately large head compared to the body abnormally large forehead underdevelopment of the mid-face region (between the forehead and upper jaw) Human Development (Fetus) At thirty two weeks the full skelton is formed but very feeble They baby is now ready to be birthed In some cases birth defects have developed Four Weeks Achondroplasia Twelve Weeks In the third trimester is the skeleton fully formed ? Sperm Fertlizes an egg which begins the pregnancy process Brain and spinal cord All major organs are begining to form Nerves and mucles begin to work together Birth Defects In the first trimester the major organs have started to form Second Trimester Clarifications Homework Twenty weeks False so far........... At Thirty-Six Weeks Skin Starts to Form Meconium (mih-KOH-nee-uhm) Lanugo (luh-NOO-goh) Baby can hear and swallow. Footprints and fingerprints have formed. baby sleeps and wakes regularly. Meconium (mih-KOH-nee-uhm) Lanugo Vernix Amniotic Sac Chloasma Cholostrom Conception Folic Acid Stillbirth 9 months to develop Develops different things each month At the end of nine months the baby is healthy enough to live on its own and is born Third Trimestor Introduction Question II First Trimester Flat facial features. Small head and ears. Short neck. Bulging tongue. Eyes that slant upward. Oddly shaped ears. Poor muscle tone. Questions Twenty-four weeks

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