Transcript: Chain of Narrators He died in 164 or 165. Narrated from: Sabit el-Benani, Bakr ibn Abd Allah, Habib ibn Ebi Sabit His students: Ibn Mubarek, Muslim ibn Ibrahim, Kamil ibn Talha Ibn Medin said about him: His reliability is in a medium level. Abu Zerr and Abu Dawud said about him: He makes 'tedlis' often but he is reliable. His real name is Amr ibn el-Hayseme. Ebu Gateni is his nickname. He died at al-Basrah in 198 AH. Narrated from: Ebu Hanife, Malik ibn Migvel, Sugbe His students: Ahmad ibn Menig, Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Yahya ibn Ma'in Imam Shafi, Yahya ibn Ma'in and Ibn Hacer said about him: He is reliable. Ahmad ibn Hanbal said about him: There is no problem about him. Fifth Narrator Actual (fiili) hadith Seharen Furi Bekr ibn Abd Allah said about him "Whoever want to see the person worshipped mostly at this time, look at Sabit ibn Eslem" Shugbe said about him "Sabit ibn Eslem was reading all Quran at one day and one night and he was fasting often" Ibn Hacer said about him: He is reliable. According to above mentioned statements we can say reliable for him. Azim Abadi Avn'ul Magbud A well-known sahabi (companion). The servant of the Prophet (pbuh) He is third at el-Muksirun with 2286 hadith narration. Died at al-Basrah in 93 AH aged 103. Narrated from: Abu Bakr, Umar ibn Al-Khattāb, Uthman ibn Affan His students: Sabit el-Benani, Hasan Al-Basri, , Bakr ibn Abd Allah Second Narrator Third Narrator A tabiin (follower) Died in 127 AH aged 86. Narrated from: Anas ibn Malik, Abd Allah ibn Magfel, Umar ibn Ebi Seleme His Students: Cagfer ibn Suleyman, Suheyl ibn Ebi Hazem, Suleyman ibn Mugire Anas ibn Malik said about him "Everything has a key and key of goodness is Sabit ibn Eslem" Died in 224 AH aged 84. Narrated from: Ibn el-Mubarek, Ali ibn Hasim, Yahya ibn Zekeriyya His students: Abu Dawud, Bukhari, Tirmizhi Ibn Hacer said about him: He is reliable and hafiz Bezl'ul Mechud Sevde Karakaş Hz. Enes'den demiştir ki: (Gizlice bir derdini açmak üzere) ağzını Peygamber (s.a.)'in kulağına yaklaştıran hiçbir adam görmedim ki o adam başını (Hz. Peygamber'den) uzaklaştırmadıkça (Rasûlullah) başını (ondan) uzaklaştırmış olsun. Yine (Hz. Peygamber'in) elini tutan hiç bir adam görmedim ki o adam (Hz. Peygamberin) elini bırakmadıkça (Hz. Peygamber onun) elini bırakmış olsun. Merfu hadith Thank You Fourth Narrator It was narrated that Anas said: "I never saw any man whispering into the ear of the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) and the Messenger of Allah moving his head away until the man moved his head away, and I never saw any man taking his hand and him pulling his hand away until the man let his hand go." Nisai said about him: He is weak. There is a dispute about Mubarek's reliability. This dispute is the reason of called this hadith as weak. Meaning of humility: The state or quality of being humble; freedom from pride and arrogance; lowliness of mind; a modest estimate of one's own worth; a sense of one's own unworthiness through imperfection and sinfulness; self-abasement; humbleness. Humasi Isnad First Narrator