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Indiana Wesleyan University Powerpoint Template

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Indiana Wesleyan

Transcript: Michael Pavis Indiana Wesleyan BBA0168 COMMUNICATION IN BUSINESS Introduction Agenda Interacting effectively with your audience Overcoming fear and speaking with confidence Communicating nonverbally Using visual aids and handouts Handling questions Name, Title Interacting effectively with your audiance Know your audiance Know your audiance Knowing who you present to will save you from awkward conversations and questions during your presentation. Eye contact Eye contact You would be surprised how simple eye contact can engage everyone around you engage them with questions engage them with questions Keeping everyone engaged is easy if you ask the audience multiple questions through the presentation Overcoming fear and speaking with confidence Overcoming fear and speaking with confidence Watch presentations online Watch presentations online I would always suggest watching someone else give presentations. It always helps to look up effective presenters to see how they cure the fear of presenting. Practice makes perfect Practice makes perfect Take your time and practice your presentation in front of the mirror or a friend. Communicating nonverbally Communicating nonverbally Acknowledgement Acknowledgement Noding your head and smiling can go a long way for your audience. Hand gestures Hand gestures Take the time to use hand gestures in moderation. Point to things, or give thumbs up. Using visual aids and handouts Using visual aids and handouts Being Visual Being visual A lot of people use visual aids to help them throughout presentations. The key is to never give them anything to read. You need them to have their eyes on you, and not the paper. Handling questions Handling questions Depending on the type of presentation, you may want to wait for questions at the end. I would Highly suggest being prepped on your topic. That way you can effectively answer any questions that may come your way. Name, Title

Indiana Wesleyan University

Transcript: Indiana Wesleyan University By: Zachary E. Hill My College School Information 1. Name of school: Indiana Wesleyan University 2.University Site: 3. University Location: Marion IN 4. Private university 5. Undergraduate Enrollment: 2,677(fall 2020) 6. Majors: Economics, Accounting AS, Biology, Computer Science, and Finance. 8. Application Deadline: Fall semester early admission deadline is March 1, spring is September 1. 9. Tuition: 27,960 USD 10. Room and Board: 9,574 USD 11. Indirect Expenses: 3,468 USD 12. 75% of full time undergraduate students receive a financial aid. 13. Scholarships for Freshmen: President's = 13,000 USD, Dean's = 11,000 USD 14. IWU Swim Club, Social Justice Club, Science Club, IWU Marching Band, Spike-ball Club. Admission Requirements a. Couldn't find information on topic b. A minimum of 2.6 on a 4.0 scale. c. SAT, Math: 550, Reading + Writing: 580, Composite: 1130 ACT: 21 - 27 d. Yes must be signed by teacher or guidance counselor e. applicants must submit official Transcripts, freshmen must submit high school transcripts, transfer students must submit official transcripts. Home schooled students must submit a transcript with GPA on a 4.0 scale and signed by a parent. Admission Requirements Demographic Breakdown of IWU Demographic Breakdown IWU is made up of 64% women and 36% men(Undergraduate) Racial Breakdown: 83% White, 4% Hispanic, 3.8% Black, 3.4% Multi-Ethnic, 1.7% Asian, 1.6% International, 0.2% Alaska Native or American Indian(Undergraduate) Geographic Diversity: In state: 56%, Out of State: 43%, Foreign: 1% My Questions About IWU My Questions Question One: Is the school strict? Question Two: Why is the majority of the University White? College Research Project Conclusion Conclusion 1. I would still attend the school because I like the activities and majors that are available for students to study 2. I learned that the school is predominantly white and also that people from other countries don't tend to go to that University. 3. I liked the clubs available there is also a marching band available I would like to join. 4. I don't like the GPA range I feel like its too large making it too easy for other students to get in. 5. I will have had a completed high school transcript by the time I try to admit into IWU. 6. I need a higher GPA as of right now 7. I'm thinking about attending Butler or Purdue 8. I want to know what other good majors Purdue other than engineering. I want to know why Butler University is so expensive.

Wesleyan University

Transcript: Financial aid office: (860) 685-2800 Academics Tuition is $47,702 Average grant award for students is $39,000 Total grants range from $1,800 to $56,600 No student is asked to borrow more than $3,500 as a first-year student If accepted, Wesleyan will meet your full demonstrated need with financial aid Offers work-study programs Location: Middletown, Connecticut Founded in 1831 316-acre campus Climate: Weather varies from very cold in the winter to warm in the summer It snows! Described as New England weather Climate Mr. Hoffman and his wife's visit It is a Liberal Arts College ("Little Ivy") Student-Faculty ratio is 9:1 Student Body: 2,940 Known for its Life Sciences programs, Film Studies, Economics, and English Great research opportunities Endowment: 668.3 million Open Curriculum Test Optional We will first go to A Symphony a La Carte (a free symphony event at Crowell Concert Hall). After, we will then go to Tommy's Restaurant, a casual dining lounge located nearby Wesleyan. We will then return to campus along the West College Courtyard. Wesleyan has numerous food vendors on campus Mr. Hoffman and his wife can go to Pi Cafe, Summerfields, or Usdan Cafe (all located on campus) Housing Contact Information Intramural Sports The Wesleyan Argus is the oldest bi-weekly college newspaper (1868) Woodrow Wilson, president of the United States from 1913 to 1921, taught history and political economy at Wesleyan from 1888 to 1890. In 1865, Wesleyan's first intercollegiate game was played against Yale in baseball Nearly 50% of students study abroad in over 50 countries Undergraduate students are required to live on campus all four years Room rates for 2014-2015 year: Freshmen & Sophomores: $13,226 (per year) Juniors & Seniors: $15,034 (per year) Singles, doubles, and triples are available First-year students may choose from 8 different residence halls Wesleyan University Wesleyan offers: dodgeball broomball soccer basketball squash softball Wesleyan has 16 intercollegiate sports Interesting Facts Tuition and Financial Aid General Information Saturday's Date Housing

Indiana Wesleyan University

Transcript: PASS Examination for Professional Practice Crazy Psychology Experiments Training 15,872 Requirements $28,826 Tuition- $19,376 Location Freshman live on campus first year Internship Known For: 16 & 1 Co-Ed & 1 Married Dorm Own hours full-time part-time HIGH Psychology $2 movies 40 organizations Live performances 200ft movie theaters Indiana Wesleyan University Bookstore Math tutor CYBERsecurity Clinical Staff ADPI Dining Hall Private Enviroment Qualities In-State & Out of State Tasks Social Life Become One Degree- Master's Degree for some but a Doctorate is typically required MEDIAN SAT &ACT 2.8 GPA Application Housing Contract- signature Teacher Ed Business CAPS Liberal Arts PERKS Psychology Schedule Auditorium Conduct scientific studies to study behavior and brain function Collect information through observations, interviews, surveys, tests, and other methods Find patterns that will help them understand and predict behavior Use their knowledge to increase understanding among individuals and groups Develop programs that improve schools and workplaces by addressing psychological issues Work with individuals, couples, and families to help them make desired changes to behaviors Identify and diagnose mental, behavioral, or emotional disorders Develop and carry out treatment plans Collaborate with physicians or social workers to help treat patients Advise people how to deal with their problems Study the mindset of people Examine individual and group interactions Often appear in court as an eye witness Giving them your full attention Being aware of others reactions and behaviors Talking to others to get information correctly Monitoring performance of yourself and others Understanding information Refer clients to specialists Analyze data worksheets and notes The main campus Campus Life Campus Dorms LOW Doctorate License & Certification Mental Health Center Hospitals Schools Marion, Indiana Student Jobs

Indiana Wesleyan University

Transcript: Atropa belladonna (2–4 pills with every meal in Koster's Antigaspills,[10] compound containing strychnine, subject of investigation) [11] atropine (extract of seminal vesicles) [10] Brom-Nervacit (bromide, since August 1941 a spoonful almost every night, to counteract stimulation from methamphetamine and permit sleep)[5] caffeine chamomile cocaine and adrenaline (via eyedrops) [12] E. coli [13] enzymes Eukodal or Eukodol (trade name for oxycodone)[14] Eupaverinum (papaverine, antispasmotic)[5] Glyconorm (metformin) [5] Methamphetamine (as Pervitin and Vitamultin)[5][10] morphine Mutaflor (pills prescribed to Hitler for flatulence in 1936, the first unorthodox drug treatment from Morell; bacteria extracted from human faeces, see: E. coli)[13] oxedrine tartrate potassium bromide prophenazone (a derivative of Phenazone) proteins and lipids derived from animal tissues and fats sodium barbitone strychnine[11] sulfonamide testosterone vitamins Devotional Schedule HIST-160 Workshop 5 Prayer II Timothy 4;7 reads: "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful" As we come to the end of the course, some of us have struggled with the work, and we feel like we have been in a fight. A fight to succeed against failure. But, when this workshop is over, you have finished this race, not the total program and you have more races to run, but you have succeeded in one step if you completed and passed the course. Well, that is very much like our lives. Every day, every week, all the time, we are in a race or that fight against failure. If we put forth the effort, we can say that I have fought the good fight or in other words, I have given it my all; I have finished the race. That doesn't say I have won it, but I have finished. But most important, I have remained faithful. Faithful to myself, my family, my job, my work, and my God. The one thing that coaches always tell their players in any sport is to finish well. That is true in every course, in school, in work, and in life. IF you finish well, you can say, I have given it my everything (I have fought a good fight); I have run the race (I did it all -the whole thing) and I remained faithful (I have not lost my convictions, my integrity, my drive, my commitment, my faith etc.) John 4:34: "Then Jesus explained: "My nourishment comes from doing the will of God, who sent me and from FINISHING his work." (NLT) Acts 20:22b-24": Paul speaking "I don't know what awaits me except the Holy Spirit tells me in city after city that jail and suffering lie ahead. . But my life is worth nothing unless I use it for FINISHING the work assigned t me by the Lord Jesus…" (NLT) II Corinthians 8:11: "Now you should FINISH what you started. Let the eagerness you showed in the beginning be matched now by your giving. Give in proportion to what you have." (NLT) James 1:4: "Perseverance must FINISH its work so you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. (NIC) So, our challenge to you is FINISH WELL! Finish this course well, finish this program well but above everything else, when you come to the end, finish life well because you have trusted Christ alone for salvation and that is what it is all about. God bless you as you "run the race". Devotion • Present a devotion, take prayer requests, pray 10 Learning Activity 1 • Discussion of the Faith and History paper 10 Learning Activity 2 • Overview of the chapter reading and discussion 65 Break One At 1:15 hours in 15 Learning Activity 3 Final Essay Exam and Discussion Board 120 Break Two • Give break as you see fit either before the final essay or take a break during the exam 15 Learning Activity 4 • Class Closing and Prayer 5 Indiana Wesleyan University 1.Complete the following reading: a.Chapter 24 in The West in the World. b.Chapter 25 in The West in the World. c.Skim read Chapter 26 in The West in the World. 2.By the end of each workshop, you should be prepared to complete a the Final Exam. The exam will cover the assigned reading for each workshop. Dear Lord and Father of all, Thank you for today. Thank you for ways in which you provide for us all. For Your protection and love we thank you. Help us to focus our hearts and minds now on what we are about to learn. Inspire us by Your Holy Spirit as we listen and learn. Guide us by your eternal light as we discover more about the world around us. We ask all this in the name of Jesus. Amen. What's Next?

Indiana Wesleyan University

Transcript: I am an adult Andrew Parker Forgetfulness Get Out While You Can Indiana Wesleyan University They already know Too much God Good News is no longer important Chapel is enough Curfew WiFi What really happens with chapel: I'll take anti abortion facts for 1000, Alex. This man should be hosting jeopardy not chapel. #iwuchapel I feel like I attend Hogwarts when I come to this chapel. #IWUchapel Whenever I see the spelling of "Savior" as "Saviour", I feel like I've temporarily been taken either to the 1700's or the UK. #IWUChapel Senior bucket list: Interpretive dance in chapel by the end of this semester! #IWUChapel That David Green bust is going to look so dang good next to the Tom Hanks one from last year. #IWU #IWUChapel If caffeine were a person, that person would be today's chapel speaker. #IWUChapel right after the prayer was over i turn to my friends and say: still not a good enough reason to use the word penetrate. #IWUchapel One month What do I wear? Freshman 15 Indiana decreases desire to worship frustrates students increases usage of social media Conclusion Chapel WiFi Continued Inconvenient Cannot complete work Sketchy Routers Closes at 7 p.m. That does not even make sense Do you know what state we live in? Side Door IWU Bubble Inconsistent glimpses of hope forced to relocate 3 days too long The aim of chapel is to help you: continually go deeper in your knowledge and love of God. enjoy encouraging fellowship with the Body of Christ. challenge yourself to reach out into the world for the glory of Christ. Alarm Excessively long Loud Embarrassing Officially a loner

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