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Yoga Powerpoint Template

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Transcript: This yoga is slow-paced, gentle, and focused on breathing and meditation. The purpose it to introduce beginners to yoga with basic poses. It relieves stress and provides physical exercise. Hatha is good for people wanting to learn about and know yoga. Kundalini This yoga is fast-paced and intense with the lungs and push-ups. The purpose is to improve on one’s spiritual self. It relieves stress, and helps lose weight. Ashtanga is good for strength and stamina. Hatha Types of Yoga There are many different types of yoga. The most common types of yoga are: Hatha Kundalini Bikram Ashtanga Works Cited This yoga is for loosening tight muscles and sweating. It is suppose to help flush out toxins and to stretch the muscles. It also helps recover for injuries, to have flexibility, and to clean the body. Bikram yoga is really good for people who want to push themselves into exercising. Kundalini yoga is a form of physical and meditative yoga. It includes various techniques using the mind, body, and senses. This yoga helps to eliminate and get rid of bad habits like smoking and alcohol addiction. It strengthens your immune system and helps fight off diseases. Lastly, it encourages positive attitude and feelings. Clip of yoga Yoga By: Mayra Valdez Shawntanik Williams What is yoga? Ashtanga Yoga is a system of exercises practiced as part of the Hindu discipline. It is a combination of breathing exercises, physical posture, and meditation. Yoga has been practiced for more than 5,000 years. Bikram “What is Kundalini Yoga?” The Times of, 26 Aug. 2010. Web. 7 Oct. 2012. “What is Yoga?” The Art of Living., 2012. Web. 4 Oct. 2012. “5 Different types of yoga- Which One Suits You the Best?” Daily Cup of Yoga., 9 June 2012. Web. 28 . “Types of Yoga.” Catalogs Info Library., 2012. Web. 30 Sept. 2012.


Transcript: Yoga for Stress Relief core poses corpse Pose The Proper Way To Breathe Half Lotus Downward Facing Dog Stephanie Guffey standing poses Boat Pose Triangle Child's Pose My Favorite Poses Namaste Lotus Pose One of the first things to learn is breathing. Breathing is an essential part of life and just doing it properly can make a difference in anyone's life. Types of Poses for weight loss Good for strength, balance and focus they are good for both energy and weight loss. arm balances Breathing should be broken into three parts. When you breathe in your abdomen should inflate like a balloon and deflate when you exhale. Inhaling: 1st-Your lower abdomen should fill. 2nd-Your mid-abdomen should fill. 3rd-Your chest should fill. Exhaling: Should be done slowly and calmly. Lotus Pose* Good for grounding and calming they provide the deepest muscle opening and twisting. What do you use to relieve stress? Standing Poses Fallen Log Pose for back pain From Micheal Taylor Opens up the chest and spine and feels great. Also a great connection to intuition. Lizard back bends Happy Baby There are many different forms of yoga. What I am focusing on are some basic moves to get you started. All of these poses can have a very relaxing and relieving effect. They are also pretty easy for me to do. Back Bends Reclining Eagle According to Secrets of Yoga restorative poses Half Moon Seated Poses For me the best way to relieve stress is practicing yoga. I find it to be much healthier and effective than other forms of stress relief that I have tried. seated poses inversion poses

powerpoint template

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