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Stakeholder Map Template Powerpoint

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Stakeholder map

Transcript: President Barack Obama said if enough states reform their marijuana laws, Congress may change federal law that continues to make the drug illegal. Decision-makers: Chicago City Council Rahm Emmanuel, Board President Chicago Police Department Illinois Laws Decision-makers: Illinois General Assembly (Senate & House) Governor Bruce Rauner State's Attorney, Lisa Madigan = Communities Against Mass Incarceration Patchwork: Decision-makers: Cook County Board of Commissioners Toni Preckwinkle, Board President Anita Alvarez, Cook County State's Attorney State penalties: Huffington Post, March 2015: Federal policy: Medical marijuana: Jan 2014: 4-yr statewide medical marijuana pilot begins (Approved by General Assembly). Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) controls program; permits 2.5 ounces / person for a two-week period. Considered the strictest medical marijuana law in country. Expensive, limited conditions, extensive criteria, requires ID. Feb 2015: Gov. Rauner approves 18 medical marijuana cultivation licenses (all prescribed marijuana must be grown in IL) and 52 selling licenses Feb 2015: IDPH begins accepting patient applications May 2015: Advisory Committee recommends adding PTSD, IBS, and migraines (among others) to list As of May 6: 2,300 people approved; dispensary not open yet State law permits arrests for possession of any amount of marijuana More than 100 municipalities have ordinances at city level to allow police to issue tickets instead of making arrests Effect of these ordinances vary widely. For instance, "in Champaign, 75% of marijuana misdemeanor marijuana possession offenders received a ticket instead of arrest" vs. "only 7%" in Chicago Drug policy stakeholder map Department of Justice / Attorney General Holder / Federal prosecutors "Trust but verify" state-level regulation processes prosecute cannabis distributors who sell to minors, profit criminal enterprises, cross state-lines, distribute other controlled substances, use violence, grow or sell marijuana on public lands Authority / Enforcement: Sheriffs Jail Courts Prosecutors Public defenders As of 2011: Non-Chicago part of County policed by Sheriff receive ticket for up to 10 g of marijuana Department of Justice / Drug Enforcement Agency Marijuana is a prohibited Schedule I Controlled Substance: the most tightly controlled schedule reserved for "no currently accepted medical use" even medical marijuana is illegal federally but as of 12/2014, DOJ cannot use $ to go after medical marijuana in 32 states where it has been legalized other Schedule I substances include heroin, LSD, and ecstasy cocaine and meth are both Schedule II (i.e., less restricted) City of Chicago As of 2015: Will no longer prosecute low-level drug offenses in all of Cook County (up to 30g); Will dismiss misdemeanor marijuana cases; Will divert nonviolent offenders into social programs and medical treatment facilities. In 2012: City Council and Mayor Emanuel approve tickets for up to 15g of marijuana possession. Tickets issued at discretion of Chicago Police Department. Cannot be issued (i.e., must arrest) if: offender does not produce ID appears to be a "threat" publicly smoking cannabis on school or park district property Tickets are for $250-$500 and up to 10 hours community service. No risk of jail time. "Civil ticket," so does not go on criminal record and arrest does not go on law enforcement record. Federal response to state legalization: Medical Marijuana in IL Federal consequences: "It's kind of putting marijuana on the same playing field as plutonium," said Chris Lindsey, legislative analyst of the national Marijuana Policy Project, which favors legal regulation of marijuana sales similar to selling alcohol. "It's pretty phenomenal how high the bar is" to even apply for a license. Cook County 1st offense (any amount): misdemeanor, possible 1 yr prison / $1,000 2nd offense (any amount): misdemeanor, 15 days (mandatory minimum) / $2,500 Subsequent offense (any amount): misdemeanor, 90 days (mandatory minimum)-3 years / $5,000

Stakeholder map

Transcript: Tourists significant contributors of money to the local tourism industry temporary stakeholders in the industry, and have the lowest stakes as they have the most alternatives if ecotourism in the area fails neither supporters nor naysayers of ecotourism - I think most tourists pretend to care about regional ecotourism efforts but realistically, most of them will choose the options that are most convenient and affordable to them, regardless of the implications. Government infrastructure branch Locals Stakeholder map Active participants in the local economy and have a meaningful contribution to the resource of money attitudes of locals towards ecotourism may significantly affect movements for change, which may prompt the government to act on changing the local industry interests and motivations are to be undisturbed (or hopefully benefitted) by ecotourism are supporters of whatever makes their lives best - whether that be supporting ecotourism or calling for its abolishment if it does more harm than good. Stakeholders due to their maintenance of living conditions and provision of resources like transportaion, which many tourists utilize two priorities: 1. ensure that transportation is easiest, affordable, and convenient for region's locals 2. ensure that any added traffic as a result of tourism does not overbear the locals' needs and the government's resources supporters of ecotourism - would make their jobs easier (sustainable transportation? sign me up!) NGOs Could be composed of any of these individuals (and then some!) Would probably by the principles of environmentalism and protection of local culture and resources, so they would be supporters of active changes towards ecotourist practices. Government environmental branch Government Local Business Owners - Tourist industry Hold significant stake due to their protection of the local environment, as tasked by the government also provide resource of knowledge/science regarding what the ecotourist attraction pertains to specifically (wildlife, plants, natural resources, etc.) are strong supporters of ecotourism that's guided by research naysayers to mindless exploitation of the land (most forms of modern tourism) Most affected by ecotourism industry control more immediate resources pertaining to ecotourism (things the tourist actually sees, like food, attractions, etc.) motivation - financial, + seek to educate and spread the beauties of their region to tourists interests Biggest supporters of ecotourism but may be naysayers to change due to being accustomed to how things currently are. Controls most of the resources, primarily financial resources & local/national laws, also controls permits and development plans being approved. top motivations - financial growth and using tourist opportunity as source of global power Can be both a supporter and a naysayer, but whatever they are - they are to the extreme. Local business owners - non-tourism International touristic competitors International tourism agencies Active participants in the local economy and have a meaningful contribution to the resource of money interests - financial, mostly for their work to be unaffected by tourism are naysayers when significant change due to ecotourism forces them to step out of their comfort zone. Hold some stakes due to their additional resources (airline companies, travel agencies, hotel chains, food franchises, etc.) passive supporters of ecotourism but realistically have little interest in specific location due to their service of large regions Have some stake in how other touristic attractions operate their industries because: a. if other attractions are lacking in ecotourism, that gives competitors the floor to advance in ecotourism and get more money b. if other attractions develop in ecotourism significantly, it gives competitors the push to invest in ecotourism to properly compete with them. motivation: to earn more money than this touristic attraction, in the easiest and most sustainable way posisble for them. Investors (non-local) Locals employed in the tourist industry Can have significant financial stake in specific businesses or in industry sectors government decisions can easily be influenced by investors if they worry that certain decisions could deter current or potential large financial influxes priority is that their investment pays off - whether that be pro or anti ecotourism Control the resource of LABOR for ecotourism motivations - mostly financial self-sustainability but some may share business owners' passion of spreading awareness of their region to tourists Can be naysayers when ecotourism demands more work on their part, but are general supporters as members of the local community.

Stakeholder Map

Transcript: Global European UN / World Governance UN Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Specialized agency of the United Nations that leads international efforts to defeat hunger. World Health Organisation Directs and coordinates international health within the United Nations system. UN World Food Programme The World Food Programme (WFP) is the leading humanitarian organization saving lives and changing lives, delivering food assistance in emergencies and working with communities to improve nutrition and build resilience. World Economic Forum Independent international organization committed to improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas. World Resources Institute Global research organization that turns big ideas into action at the nexus of environment, economic opportunity and human well-being. Funding innovation Funding innovation Culterra Capital Culterra Capital is an advisory firm focused solely on tech-driven innovation across the food supply chain. AgFunder AgFunder is a new kind of venture capital firm. Our mission is to invest in technologies to rapidly transform our food and agriculture system. Sprout Agritech Backs bold agtech and foodtech businesses and entrepreneurs globally. Sustainability Sustainability International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems (iPES-Food) The International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems (IPES-Food) is an independent panel of experts with a mission to promote transition to sustainable food systems around the world. Since 2015, IPES-Food has shaped the debate on global food system reform through scientific reports & detailed policy recommendations. Food innovation Food innovation EAT Forum EAT is the science-based global platform for food system transformation. EAT is a global, non-profit startup dedicated to transforming our global food system through sound science, impatient disruption and novel partnerships. FReSH FReSH (Food Reform for Sustainability and Health) is an effort to drive the transformation of the food system and to create a set of business solutions for industry change. FReSH is a project of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development. Future Food Network The Future Food Institute is an Italian-based non-profit with global horizons that aims to build a more equitable world through enlightening a world-class breed of innovators, boosting entrepreneurial potential and improving agri-food expertise and tradition. Institute of Food Technologists Forum for passionate science of food professionals and technologists to collaborate, learn, and contribute all with the goal of inspiring and transforming collective scientific knowledge into innovative solutions for the benefit of all people around the world. Global Alliance for the Future of Food Philanthropic foundations working together and with others to transform global food systems now and for future generations. Food Revolution Network i Committed to healthy, ethical, and sustainable food for all. It aims to empower individuals, build community, and transform food systems to support healthy people and a healthy planet. Health Health Joint Programming Initiative ‘A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life’ (JPI HDHL) Consists of 26 member countries within and outside Europe, working on the integration of research in the areas of food, nutrition, health and physical activity, to help prevent or minimize lifestyle-related chronic diseases. Federation of European Nutrition Societies The Federation of European Nutrition Societies (FENS) is a non-profit Federation consisting of 26 European Nutrition societies, each representing one country. The Nutrition Society The Nutrition Society was established in 1941 and is dedicated to delivering its mission of advancing the scientific study of nutrition and its application to the maintenance of human and animal health. Wellcome Trust Global charitable foundation dedicated to improving health. It supports bright minds in science, the humanities and the social sciences, as well as education, public engagement and the application of research to medicine. Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) Swiss-based foundation launched at the UN to tackle the human suffering caused by malnutrition. Working with governments, businesses and EU

Stakeholder Map

Transcript: Stakeholder Map: Urban Affairs Week Cameron I originally primarily looked to personal stories to tell the story whether or not gentrification was a bad thing, and those stories that were most often discussed were those from the displaced. - At least 14 locally owned businesses - 1.6% of East Liberty jobs are held by East Liberty residents Read about the people being moved from different parts of the city People are afraid this might happen to them. East Liberty is highly contentious and often has a negative stereotype associated with how development happened. Eric Aly Shaw Annie - gentrification, urban development, or population growth are necessary and unstoppable forces. Uses research as evidence Describes technical solutions to systemic problems Robert Personal Annie My views of gentrification were very much informed by my experiences in New York City and Portland, Oregon. Both had experienced rapid gentrification to the point that it was increasingly difficult for non-wealthy residents to live comfortably and hope to have savings. From a community with a major history of redlining, but less with a current history of gent. b/c of total economic collapse > no one is moving anywhere > no influx of capital/investment anywhere // poorest city in US Vague understanding of gent. as a social evil from reading about neighborhoods in other places > no ancedotal evidence, only very high-level policy understanding Clark Alex S. Sandoval The voice of communities lie within their abilities to organzie, inform, and empower their citizenry. "A developer is going to develop, it is just a matter of if are smart enough to work with the developer and leverage them to fulfill the communities needs." "Even 20 percent is progress." Displaces vulnerable people Destroys the social fabric of a community Powerful developers take advantage of residents "The worst thing that could happen to us would be to become East Liberty" Uses stories of individuals as evidence Speaks about personal experiences and perceptions Social Good Policy Clark Cameron I now see gentrification as presenting a potential good for the community, so long as the community is given the tools to determine its future vision for the new influx of wealth. However, more often than not, it is my understanding that communities are not engaged to the extent that they should be, and are not empowered as a result. If people are committed to helping communities realize their goal, then gentrification can act positively for residents. Development In Pittsburgh Eric "Pittsburgh does not have a housing policy" Displacement in East Liberty: - At least 400 residents - 764 subsized units "Gentrification works for those who organize it." Nic The conventional narrative about gentrification is an oversimplification of a complicated system Indirect displacement occurs at a much lower rate than the narrative suggests -- Jacob Vigdor Direct displacement is not an essential element of private development of blighted urban neighborhoods Many residents in neighborhoods undergoing significant change benefit from the additional choices in resources and rising property values -- Lance Freeman It must be approached prospectively and carefully to ensure that the most people benefit. Nic Change is a constant and must be managed not resisted Homeowner stabilization efforts are insufficient to mitigate blight at scale Vouchers and projects are too inflexible to meet the changing need for housing over time Tax credits are a powerful tool to guide the course of development in a community but without a buyer on the other end, developers will not be incentivized effectively Wealth building and community development require the adoption of strange bed-fellows in order to effectively leverage forces in the real estate market Frame of Mind ROBERT Reinvesment is an opportunity anyway, if a community (neighborhood and city level) has been proactive with policies to ensure that low/moderate income housing will be included as a part of the continued fabric. But no space - no kinship network - is unchanging. Displacement is a myth Residents benefit from lower crime-rates, better funded schools, more grocery stores and other assets Changes in housing markets are a reality that should be accepted not resisted Social Evil

Stakeholder Map

Transcript: Mattel 2007 Case Study CPSC Commissioner Nancy A. Nord: "plan of action includes dialogue and initiatives with the chinese government... 1)Working directly w/ manufacturers in China, increasing border surveillance 2)Establish office of international programs and intergovernmental affairs as to recognize American Safety standards. Upper MGMT ~2007 Socratic Seminar 3) Will conduct industry specific safety seminars in China. Customer Union Was Mattel Liable for their contractors seeking subcontractors? Consumer rights The Consumer Union then asks that 8 steps should be taken to assist safeguard the health and safety of American consumers Sally Greenburg, Publisher of Consumer Reports Magazine: "Consumers feel that they can trust neither the toy industry nor our government to keep their children safe... We recommend that Congress set a goal of funding the CPSC ... welcoming the federal regulatory involvement in making testing and inspection mandatory. " -B.O.D -Ellen L. Brothers 52 Executive Vice President of Mattel and President, American Girl 2003 -Thomas A. Debrowski 57 Executive Vice President, Worldwide Operations 2000 -Kevin M. Farr 50 Chief Financial Officer 1996 -Neil B. Friedman 60 President, Mattel Brands 1999 -Alan Kaye 54 Senior Vice President, Human Resources 2000 -Geoff Massingberd 50 Senior Vice President, Corporate Responsibility 2007 -Robert Normile 48 Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary 1999 -Michael A. Salop 43 Senior Vice President, Investor Relations and Treasurer 2005 -Bryan Stockton 54 President, International 2000 -H. Scott Topham 47 Senior Vice President and Corporate Controller 2004 Contractors dilemma: Do we front-load pay applications? As a subcontractor, do we provide different prices to various contractors in order to impact the award of a contract? Do we bid knowing about defects in plans so it can form the basis of a claim later? Form 10-K Mattel Inc Published: 2008-02-26 16:55:59 Submitted: 2008-02-26 Filing Agent: DONNELLEY FINANCIAL SOLUTIONS /FA/ Period Ending In: 2007-12-31 Chairman and Chief Executive - Robert Eckert - Since May 2000 ICCA International Center for Corporate Accountability S. Prakash Sethi Shifting Production to Asia 80s Mattel Strictly used outside contractors, putting what they believed, their intellectual property at risk. 90s Mattel built/acquired production facilities in East and Southeast Asia. Contractors -Ex: Early light can anyone guess what practices they wished their fellow contractors to follow? In '97 Mattel had developed a detailed code of conduct called it's Global Manufacturing Principles. Case summary Subcontractors What was the issue? How did Mattel respond? Who was affected? Key Market stakeholders Nonmarket stakeholders Internal stakeholders External stakeholders Primary stakeholders Secondary stakeholders Government roles Liability Consumer rights <<Google *Slide to the left*

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