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Scrapbook Style Powerpoint Template

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Style Template & Storyboard

Transcript: Impacts in the Workplace Here is where I will wrap up my presentation. I will likely close with a brief summary of topics discussed, a personal anecdote and a short question and answer session if the setting allows. Thank the audience for their time, and step down. Closing Personal Anecdote Impacts in a School Environment If attached to an school or organization, I would include a handout or pamphlet outlining my presentation as well as some contact information for various resources. Workplace Solutions Style Template & Storyboard This is where I detail the difference in technology usage between the generations. Using some derived stats from my resources if needed, I will show how many people are moving with this change as those who are not. Identification of the Generational Gap Here I will offer solutions for school settings. This is mostly tapping resources that the school may offer, as well as how to handle some other more abstract issues like those of cyber bullying and the like. General Style and Presentation This is where I introduce myself, and give a light outline of my speech that I am giving. This will ideally open with a greeting and a smile. I'll make brief eye contact and acknowledgement of those who respond to my greeting before moving on. This is a pivotal point where I will need to grab my audience and ring them in so presentation is key here. Professional Dressed, Clean cut appearance Standing upright, with good posture Smiling and making eye contact Gesturing with hands for better expression Reduce the usage of notes to a minimum I explain the impact of this phenomena in the workplace here. Using the generational management heirarchy as a primary example, and how its held back many businesses should paint a good picture for them to understand the need for these skills. I will cover a few cons to this argument for the sake of fairness, but keep it mostly positive. Explanation of Tech Usage Between Generations Speech Sequence and Composition Pamphlet/Handout This where I explain the general details of the generational gap with technology usage. This is to be handled with a bit of tact, as experience tells me this can be a rather sensitive topic with people that are identified like this. The less people I offend with this portion, the better. The ideal environment for this presentation is A classroom, conference room, or similar area where a group would meet to hear a speech or lecture. This is where I tell a short story of my experiences on the job with my coworkers and their skill gap with technology. This serves as a point for both connecting to the audience, and illustrating the point of the difference in tech usage that exists between the generations. I make a transition from workplace tech usage to school tech usage, likely through the mention of taking classes to learn tech. I tap my resources to mention the pros and cons of school tech usage, but aim for a more positive beat to keep the interest in learning. Setting Solutions for School Introduction I offer solutions for learning to use more modern technology here. This is mostly through classes and community programs, but I will also suggest independent exploration and discovery as well for learning resources.

Style curriculum template

Transcript: EXPERIÊNCIA "Só se pode alcançar um grande êxito quando nos mantemos fiéis a nós mesmos". Friedrich Nietzsche ORGANIZAÇÃO: HABILIDADES SALVE A DATA: 28/10 CUSTO: R$ 5,00 SESSÕES: 16:00 FACILITADORA LETÍCIA DOMINGOS 18:00 FACILITADOR MOISÉS PINHEIRO EDUCAÇÃO VAGAS LIMITADAS INSCRIÇÕES LATTES WORKSHOP CONTATO EXPERIENCE 2017-2015 2017-2015 Job / position title here Company Name Here Main activities and responsibilities: Name and address of the employer: 2015-2011 2015-2011 Job / position title here Company Name Here Main activities and responsibilities: Name and address of the employer: 2010-2001 2010-2001 Job / position title here Company Name Here Main activities and responsibilities: Name and address of the employer: EDUCATION ELEMENTARY EDUCATION Principal subjects / occupational skills covered: Address of the institution: Institution Name here HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA Principal subjects / occupational skills covered: Address of the institution: Institution Name here BACHELOR'S DEGREE Principal subjects / occupational skills covered: Address of the institution: Institution Name here MASTER'S DEGREE Institution Name here Address of the institution: Master's Degree in: Principal subjects / occupational skills covered: PH.D. Institution Name here Address of the institution: PH.D. in: Principal subjects / occupational skills covered: SKILLS MANAGERIAL Language Skills Mother tongue (s) Language 1 Language 2 Other language (s) Language 1 Language 2 Language 3 Other Skills Name your Skills Skills description: Skills proficiency: Skill 1 Skill 2 Skill 3 TECHNICAL Name your Skills Skills description: Skills proficiency: Skill 1 Skill 2 Skill 3 COMPUTER Name your Skills Skills description: ARTISTIC address line: ADDRESS Your Street Name / House Nr. / etc. here Name of Your City / Town / Place here Name of Your State / Province here Your Zip Code here 001 664 123 4567 001 664 123 4567 CITY / TOWN STATE ZIP CODE PHONE NR. MOBILE CONTACT Paste the link of your LinkedIn profile here Paste the link of your Facebook profile here Paste the link of your Twitter profile here Paste the link of your own or other website

powerpoint template

Transcript: Nobody knows babies like we do! Quality products . Good Customer service. Every Kid really loves this store.. BABYLOU ABOUT US About Us BabyLou was established in 2004. It has been more than a decade since we started, where we have ensured to take care of every need and want of every child and infant under one roof, true to the caption “NO BODY KNOWS BABIES LIKE WE DO”. Our benchmark is to provide 100% customer service and satisfaction and continue to deliver the same with a wide range of toys, garments and Baby Products. Play and Create We Are Best 01 02 03 Block games Building Blocks help Kids to use their brain. PLAY TO LEARN in Crusing Adventures Our Discoveries Enjoy a sunny vacation aboard a luxury yacht with the LEGO® Creator 3in1 31083 Cruising Adventures set. This ship has all the comforts you need, including a well-equipped cabin and a toilet. Sail away to a sunny bay and take the cool water scooter to the beach. Build a sandcastle, enjoy a picnic, go surfing or check out the cute sea creatures before you head back to the yacht for a spot of fishing. Escape into the mountains Disney Little Princes in Also available for your Babies..... Also... Out of The World… Our reponsibility BABYLOU…. Our Responsibility All children have the right to fun, creative and engaging play experiences. Play is essential because when children play, they learn. As a provider of play experiences, we must ensure that our behaviour and actions are responsible towards all children and towards our stakeholders, society and the environment. We are committed to continue earning the trust our stakeholders place in us, and we are always inspired by children to be the best we can be. Innovate for children We aim to inspire children through our unique playful learning experiences and to play an active role in making a global difference on product safety while being dedicated promoters of responsibility towards children.

Graves Scrapbook powerpoint

Transcript: It's Kind of a Funny Story - Scrapbook By Gabby Thompson Characters: Characters Craig Gilner Aaron Nia Noelle Craig's Family Bobby Dr. Minerva Smitty Muqtada Character details Craig Gilner Aaron Nia Bobby Noelle » Craig’s best friend, Aaron, is one of his fellow classmates at Executive Pre-Professional. He is very smart and Self-confident person. When Craig and Aaron hang out they mostly watch movies and smoke pot. » Nia is Aaron's girlfriend. She also is a student at the same school Craig and Aaron attend. Nia deals with small psychiatric problems of her own in the development of the novel just like Craig. Nia and Craig are related in another ways: Nia was Craig's crush before Noelle surfaces. » Bobby is a fellow patient at Six North who has a history of drug abuse. »The main character of my book is Craig Gilner. He lives in Brooklyn, New York and goes to an ivy-league high school. Craig is a smart and cautious teenage student. He has been facing numerous amounts of psychological problems. As he was trying to deal with his problems, he felt it was best if he checked himself into the psychiatric clinic, Six North. Throughout the book it shows how Craig maneuvered through the many challenges he faced with the new place he had entered, the disorders he was attempting to fix, and his many insecurities with his school work and girls. » Noelle is a beautiful teenage girl who has cut her own face, arms, and legs with scissors. Noelle and Craig meet during his stay in Six North psychiatric facility. They begin to form a love interest for each other. Noelle helps Craig find something for him to get his mind off things, art. Character details Dr. Minerva The Gilner's Family Solomon Smitty Muqtada » Mom Lynn is a loving and supportive character, who always wants to help her kids in any way she can. » Dad George is good-natured father, and is also a workaholic. » Sarah Sarah is craig's younger sister, who is illustrated as genius at everything she does. » Muqtada is Craig's Egyptian roommate during his stay at Six North. He rarely leaves his bed. With him spending most of his time in bed instead of the shower he has a strong body odor that lingers. However, throughout his stay Craig achieves to persuade Muqtada by playing Egyptian music at the pizza party. » Smitty is an administrator at Six North. » Solomon is a patient at Six North who overdosed on 100+ pills of acid which caused him to form hyperextensive hearing. » Dr. Minerva is Craig's psychologist throughout his time at Six North. Plot Plot Exposition - After considering suicide by jumping off the Brooklyn Bridge, teenage Craig Gilner decides to go to the hospital to seek help. Craig's first reaction of the place he was quite unsure what he had go himself into. He was not sure if he had made the right decison for coimg to Sixth North due for the fact that he will miss school and have a chance for his friends to find out where he is. Another thing that happened when he was checked into the Psychiatric facility, he was placed in the adult side of the building since the teen side was under construction. Rising Action - Craig was introduced to Bobby, an adult patient who insists on believing that he is only there on vacation, as he soon begins to look after Craig. During a discussion group, Craig learns that Bobby was stressed about an upcoming interview in desires of moving to a halfway house. Bobby explains that all he does not having any other clothes to wear to the interview except for the sweater that he has on. Craig offers that Bobby could borrow one of his dad's work shirts to wear. After a little arguement Bobby finally accepts the shirt. Craig's nice offer to Bobby catches Noelle, another teenage patient who is in for self-harming, eye. She is impressed by Craig and leaves him a little note to meet up with her that night. Later, Craig and Noelle attend a painting session for the patients. Craig began to paint and did not realize that this may be one of the solutions to his many problems. Climax - As his stay gets longer he began to grew a close bond with Bobby and Noelle. Bobby expressed to Craig the he is a Father to a beautiful little girl and that is inSixth North for the same reason as Craig, but he actually tired to commit suicide before getting help. Craig helps Bobby with his feelings and troubles and in return Bobby help Craig gain the courage to ask Noelle out. Falling Action - One night during Craig's stay, Nia stops by to visit Craig at the hospital, revealing that Aaron and her had broken up. Craig takes Nia back to his room so they can talk, but she had other ideas. She tries to seduce him. However, the two are caught by Craig's roommate Muqtada, an old Egyptian man who has not left the room during his stay. As Nia runs out of the room, Criag chases her and yells down the hall that he loves her, unaware that Noelle is standing behind him. Noelle storms off upset leaving behind a drawing of a self portrait that she planned on giving to Craig.

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