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Powerpoint Template For Interview Presentation

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interview Powerpoint

Transcript: For most of Monica's childhood she was left in her room and pushed to the side. When Monica was 13, she moved in with her father. Amidst the stresses of a new town, a new school, new friends to make, and a whole new life, Monica began exhibiting very odd behaviors. January 2013 Monica was diagnosed with Disassociative Identity Disorder when she was 14 years old. She had been experiencing symptoms for many years unbeknownst to the people around her Disassociative Identity Disorder (D.I.D.) A mental illness Caused by a severe traumatic event in a person's emotional or social life which Causes the person to disassociate themselves from who they truly are. Disassociative Identity Disorder (D.I.D.) What happens with (D.I.D.) Moderate to severe anxiety attacks Hearing voices Blackout periods The turning point Early Symptoms Monica's grandmother tended to be verbally abusive and uncaring. What was done about it? A person with D.I.D. creates an imaginary world in which they become lost. In this world the person assumes the life of other people in their mind. Each person created has characteristics of a certain emotion or feeling. These people can have characteristics of being happy, sad, angry, cheerful, guilty, annoyed, violent, Monica began feeling outwardly depressed. She was feeling suicidal and had low self-esteem. Monica was struggling with the voices in her head. One person told her that the was worthless and unwanted. Monica began cutting herself and binge eating. On the inside Monica's world was falling apart as she was consumed by her own creations. Monica grew up in a broken household and was raised mainly by her grandmother. In the beginning Monica's History Monica hid her problems when she was younger. She was too afraid to tell anyone. The anxiety attacks subsided as Monica learned to cope with her inner struggle Interview with Monica J Anise

Interview Powerpoint

Transcript: The First Coast Group Meet The Team Meet The Team Meet our Director Executives Evone Graduating from the University of Connecticut, Evone always had a passion for providing healthcare advisory. She created The First Coast Group with her end goal in mind, starting non-profit organizations that can reach global programs. North American Clients North American Clients Get to know who we are Your Role Expectations Company News Time Management Solution Oriented Have a strong work ethic Open Door Policy Have a good attitude Full Professionalism Integrity Work hard, play hard mentality Events & Team Nights Team 2022 Events Quarter 3 Special Dates Weekly business trips New York Top Gun Puerto Rico Org Retreat Owners Summit Los Angeles/Las Vegas Dubai PO Retreat South African Gala 5 Market Expansions About Us Our Corporate Structure Our Leadership Program 8 Great Working Habits Leadership Program 1. Have a positive attitude 2. Be early 3. Be prepared 4. Work your full hours 5. Manage your working territory 6. Maintain a positive attitude 7. Know WHY & WHERE you're going 8. Take control Employee vs Entrepreneur Mentality Entrepreneur vs Employee Probation Period 2-3 Week Training Learn basic sales modules Learn marketing systems & campaign specifics Build product knowledge Manage business & client accounts Avg. $400-600 weekly Probation Period Our Leadership Opportunities 6-8 Months CT Small scale management Manages team of 8-10 people Domestic business trips Interviewing & training Run workshops & sales platforms Campaign meetings Avg. $800-1200 weekly Assistant Director 2-4 Months AD Large scale management Cross training in HR, PR, Finance, & Social Media Manages team of 10-20 people Interacts with client International business trips Avg. $2000-2400 weekly Director Director Maintains relationships with clients Run multiple campaigns and locations Perform financial aspects Responsible for organizational growth Strategies for clientele and market research Avg $80,000-120,000 first year (varies by region) What's next? What's Next Continuous growth International Expansion 40 Offices Organizational growth Keys to Success 1. Have a student mentality 2. Have a great attitude 3. Have an outrageous work ethic Keep in Mind Who's next? Who's next?

Presentation for interview

Transcript: Streamlining faith into NUS In 2013-14 we want to build on the success we’ve had over the past three years by continuing to support unions to implement the Hate Speech Guidance and develop the work that supports this including working to reduce discrimination and harassment; hate crime; sharing best practice; and increasing knowledge and understanding of the needs of students of faith, as well as increasing inter faith engagement. This will be done by: - Ensuring SUs are equipped to manage their responsibilities under charity legislation and able to implement the guidance on external speakers - Tackling student-targeted hate crime on campus and (far right) extremism in local communities - Improving the experiences of students’ of faith in further and higher education - Two research projects - Equality Act 2010 - Increased Islamophobia and Anti-Semitism - Increase in hate crime - Rise of the Far Right - Northern Ireland conflict escalating - International conflicts ongoing e.g. Israel/Palestine - PREVENT agenda has broadened but perceptions of it have not, though homegrown Islamic extremism is still defined as the biggest threat to the UK - an end to being funded from BIS and the Home Office's Preventing Violent Extremism budget - Students' Unions being awarded for their efforts to establish and maintain good campus relations - NUS/self funded project - a more inclusive and representative NUS - One Campus, Many Communities - creating a positive message on campus about pro-multiculturalism and diversity, not just faith - Challenge the rhetoric around International Students - Reconciling LGBT equalities and R&B equalities - Gender equality and Women's Rights - Increase representation in SUs and wider society - Hate crime, discrimination and harassment reporting - Hate Speech an implemented procedure not a political policy - Conflict resolution programme in partnership with external organisations Faith and Good Campus Relations Leadership through enthusiasm Action Orientated Innovator Internal NUS Group - Student involvement in the development of the project: Greater consultation on what their needs are and what wider outcomes they wish to see. - Knowledge of the volume of work currently happening in both the further and higher education sectors: There are institutions doing this work, often with the help of external organisations, who are not in contact with NUS about their work or being recognised for it. - Identify further best practice: Catalogue resources and search for examples of best practice through surveying Unions and their current practice. The NUS project was developed in response to a variety of concerns significant at the time it was framed, such as concerns about possible ‘radicalisation’ of students at further and higher education institutions. In addition, there was a need to respond to issues and challenges students’ unions and students of faith were experiencing including how to increase engagement with faith groups and respond to issues of discrimination, and sporadic tensions between different groups on campus, as well as nationally for example tensions between UJS and FOSIS Community Cohesion Management Style 2014 onwards - Understanding the complexity of faith and interfaith relations on campus. - Dealing with the political sensitivity around certain issues the project is concerned with. - Maintaining relationships with student faith groups and developing these with those less engaged with us. - Keeping up to date with the work currently happening with regards to interfaith relations in other sectors. Students' Union Quality Mark Liberation - London is the most religiously diverse region of the UK with the highest proportion of Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus and Jews (ONS - 2011 Census) - 38% staff identify as having a religion but only 3% are non- Christian (NUS Staff Survey 2012) - Less than 10% staff are 'Black' (NUS Staff Survey 2012) - NUS seeks Investors in Diversity Award (NUS People Strategy 2011-2014) - Religious Diversity and Anti-Discrimination Training for staff in all offices - Visits to places of worship - Informal learning through 'Shared experience' sessions looking at rites of passage staff undergo - Quiet space (which can also be used as prayer space) in the new NUS HQ building Current Climate 2009-2012 Project manager role 2013-2014 Since 2009, with funding from the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (DBIS), NUS has taken a clear leadership role in delivering its responsibilities of supporting students’ unions to: - Understand the risks posed by some external speakers and how to mitigate against these risks - Understand their responsibilities in relation to the Prevent agenda - Respond to tensions between different student faith groups - Support student faith groups negotiate for improved services and gain acknowledgement from their institutions of their specific needs (particularly in relation to changing equality legislation), and - Increase interaction,

Interview Template

Transcript: by call center they answered about any question for service customers e banking consists of service such as utility payment . customer can use this features by charge your phone , Reserve a ticket and bill payment and all this feature under ATMs Q3: what e-banking consist of ? Q6:what about E-Banking risk ? Interview Template Q10: Bank establish training courses for employees for helped customer in electronic channels ? Q5: what about security in online bank site? inside Alex bank we worked for create new features and actually make it for example utility payment Q9: Are all products and features part of legal subject bank establish training courses by Coordinates with ITs Mr amr has a background in E-Banking in the beginning life he worked in customers service interviewee name : Amr kaled Q8: How banks helped customers if they needed any questions ? Q4: Are customers reject dealing with bank by using e- banking ? position of : head of SMEs department Q7: Are all banks development themselves by create new products inside electronic channels ? yes , should auditor sector accepted a new products or features : saving a time for both banking and customers for example if 1 million of customers come to bank for make transactions that mean all of them needed 1 million employes what about positive impact of E-banking for both banks and customers ? ? There are many hackers have developed themselves should bank acheave best secure manager for example : secure inside alex bank building on two steps 1) customer has user name and password 2)second step like system create code and change this code Every 10 seconds after customer put password Q1: What the main aim of E-Banking TWO RESONS : 1)reduce cost 2) Speeds of banking services such as withdraw and deposits funds he submit some projects related to e banking he doing many operation related to development e banking customers now be aware they have smartphones and update many applications but older persons and some customer live in upper Egypt rejected use electronic channels because different culture

powerpoint template

Transcript: Nobody knows babies like we do! Quality products . Good Customer service. Every Kid really loves this store.. BABYLOU ABOUT US About Us BabyLou was established in 2004. It has been more than a decade since we started, where we have ensured to take care of every need and want of every child and infant under one roof, true to the caption “NO BODY KNOWS BABIES LIKE WE DO”. Our benchmark is to provide 100% customer service and satisfaction and continue to deliver the same with a wide range of toys, garments and Baby Products. Play and Create We Are Best 01 02 03 Block games Building Blocks help Kids to use their brain. PLAY TO LEARN in Crusing Adventures Our Discoveries Enjoy a sunny vacation aboard a luxury yacht with the LEGO® Creator 3in1 31083 Cruising Adventures set. This ship has all the comforts you need, including a well-equipped cabin and a toilet. Sail away to a sunny bay and take the cool water scooter to the beach. Build a sandcastle, enjoy a picnic, go surfing or check out the cute sea creatures before you head back to the yacht for a spot of fishing. Escape into the mountains Disney Little Princes in Also available for your Babies..... Also... Out of The World… Our reponsibility BABYLOU…. Our Responsibility All children have the right to fun, creative and engaging play experiences. Play is essential because when children play, they learn. As a provider of play experiences, we must ensure that our behaviour and actions are responsible towards all children and towards our stakeholders, society and the environment. We are committed to continue earning the trust our stakeholders place in us, and we are always inspired by children to be the best we can be. Innovate for children We aim to inspire children through our unique playful learning experiences and to play an active role in making a global difference on product safety while being dedicated promoters of responsibility towards children.

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