Template Inventory List
Transcript: Inventory Tracker Excel has different templates use can use for different things. You can create an inventory of items in your home or business, and store photos or other related documents along with the data. You can enter information about products, customers, and orders, and then create reports that show sales by employee, region, time period, or some other value. You can track tasks for a group of people, and enter new tasks at the same time others are updating their existing tasks in the same database. You can use Excel to keep track of data in a time sheet or list — for example, a time sheet for tracking work, or an inventory list that keeps track of equipment. Edit sample data as needed. To add a row to this table. Click into the last cell in the row above the total row (column J) and then press the Tab key. Excel Templates Want to emphasize your data by using conditional formatting icons, data bars, and color scales. Want to perform sophisticated what-if analysis operations on your data, such as statistical, engineering, and regression analysis. Want to keep track of items in a simple list, either for personal use or for limited collaboration purposes. With the editor list you can have the The Inventory Value on Hand and Total Inventory Value columns (columns E and I) calculate automatically. You will fill the cells that have the arrow option on the top right corner and you will start to input all the values. Vol I, No. 1 Tuesday, February 25, 2014 $2.50 When to use Excel Template Inventory List How to use it