Folder structure
Transcript: Project folder For each of these folders, the following subfolders as neccesary. Again, one folder for each task, that contains folders like: One folder for each task or aggregates, where spss summaries, brain blobs, tables, word docs, etc, are stored. Also summaries of things like movement parameters and such will be stored here - automatically. fmri_task rsmri Scripts will work through this folder, with a simple file where you can hook off which analysis to run. Scripts, designfiles, instructions, etc, will go here. secondlevel - for individual repeated measures physiological_craving EV "Output" - as in output of analysis steps Bases Physlog Project folder Here goes logs, notes, whatever, so when someone has run something, they can note it here. As well as group information etc that can be useful for people sharing their stuff. "Supplementary" - as in files needed in other analyses behavioral_task "Results" - as in finished results Subject x - (501/502/503/etc) Behavioral data folder will contain each subjects', and for each their session (like the previous folder example), eprime data in our case. Easy way to back up then. Pre - as in preprocessing "Raw" - as in raw data of all kinds Misc BETs FAST - segmentation data etc... all these have then Session/subject. Follows same structure as rawdata, with Session/Subject These will vary from project to project but fits all behavioral_craving physiological_task All the folders in rawdata contain the following firstlevel - as in individual analysis File x - (fmri.nii) One folder here for each task, almost as in raw: "fmri_craving" "behavioral_craving" "physiological_craving" Session x - (Session1/Session2) Folder structure - Main folder can be "Hedoniclab" or something bet - for brain extracts mc - for motion correction fmri - for preprocessed fmri file fast - for segmentations reg - for regressors etc... Whithin these, the same SessionX/SubjectX as rawdata Session/subject Project folder thirdlevel - for group level statistics 3Dmri And one folder called "commons" - for all things that are common over more than one task, like bets. Behavioral and other aggregate datafiles would go here, including highlevel feat analysis. fmri_checkerboard