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Mining Engineering Powerpoint Template

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Mining Engineering

Transcript: Mining Engineers are the people who are responsible for finding the metals / minerals used in factorys to use so you can have your gold watch or your canned beans. Mining Engineers are also responsible for planning and building the mine shafts for the miners to work in with out being crushed by 500,000 tons of rocks. The Mining Engineers salary average is about $64,552 a year. But if they work real hard they can get that promotion. The Mining Engineers try to creat new technology every day to make the miners safe and still be alive by the end of the day.So they kind of work with safety Engineers Mining Engineers don't really work in mine shafts or under ground. They work in buildings or they're traveling to foreign mining sites so they can assist them from doing the wrong things. Engineers are actually a combination of other engineers, for one of them is a geologist. The geologists help find where all the metals are and make sure that the miners don't dig in the wrong spot. The mining engineers are expecting that in 10 years job employment would rise 15% in the mining field because of the demand in minerals and metals.So at least thats going to be good for our economy. So I hope you liked my presentation and don't get hit by the rocks! What do Mining Engineers do??? example Presenting his new ideas to keep the miners from being killed The entrance to a mine shaft under ground. Mining Geologists showing rock formations and certain rock spots. He's making sure that their on task getting the metals out off the ground.

Mining Engineering

Transcript: Mining engineers need at least a bachelor's degree to find a job and many research positions require a master's degree or doctorate. Some courses that students need to take cover geology, mining operation, mine design, and environmental reclamation, among others. Any mining engineer who works in the public sector must have a state license. Description "What Is Mining Engineering?" What Is Mining Engineering? UNSW Australia, 28 Jan. 2015. Web. 28 Jan. 2015. <>. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2014-15 Edition, Mining and Geological Engineers, on the Internet at (visited January 29, 2015). Caldwell, Jack. "Should I Become A Mining Engineer?" Australian Mining. Cirrus Media, 15 Nov. 2013. Web. 29 Jan. 2015. <>. Over the five years to November 2018, the number of job openings for Mining Engineers is expected to be low (equal to or less than 5,000). Job openings can arise from employment growth and people leaving the occupation. Job requirements and duties Mining engineering is an engineering discipline that involves the practice, the theory, the science, the technology, and application of extracting and processing minerals from a naturally occurring environment. Employment opportunities Very much a male-dominated career in the United States, Mining Engineers earn an average of $72K annually. Mining Engineering Salary

Mining Engineering

Transcript: References: "Importance" The most expensive part of the exploration. For a driller, all other methods are like beating about the bush. Samples of all into the ground. Quntify mineralizations at given points far beneath the surface. How do you find ore deposits and define their extent and metal content? "Exploration Drilling" "From Prospecting to Mining" Search for a district mineral deposits with the view to mine with profit. Choose the area and apply for exploration. Wait the Approval by officials. Mining Engineering "Exploration" Review of historical and existing data. Detailed and accurate geological map using tape and compass. Air photos to locate outcrops, major fault zones, basic topographic control, geophysics, geochemistry, and drilling. The mining company has to ensure that the deposit is economically viable and needs a guarantee of ore production over a sufficiently long period of time, before the heavy investments required to set up a mining operation will be considered. Mining engineer and Geologists working together. He looks for surface exposure of minerals, by observing irregularities in color, shape or rock composition. His experience tells him where to look, to have the greatest chances of success. Quantify the mineralization, and define the shape, size and metal content of the deposit using the step by step procedure in exploration activities. The objective is to be fairly certain that the deposit is economic viable by providing a detailed knowledge of the geology for a clear financial picture. Ore is an economic concept, defined as a concentration of minerals, which can be economically exploited and turned into a saleable product. Mining Engineering Mining Engineering Mining Engineering Mining Engineering The mining engineer is to apply knowledge of pertinent scientific theory, engineering fundamentals, and improved technology to recover natural resources. Mining is a world-wide activity involving the extraction of non-metallics, metal ores of all kinds, and solid fuel and energy sources such as coal and nuclear materials. Mining Engineering "Prospecting" "Function" Mining engineering is a broad profession, which embraces all required activities to facilitate the recovery of valuable minerals and products from the earth’s crust for the benefit of humanity. An adequate supply of mineral products at competitive prices is the life-blood of the continuing growth of industrialized nations and the foundation of the progress for the developing countries. “If it was not grown in the field or fished out of the water, then it must have been mined.” Name: Rommel Cotta Teacher's name: Tricia Kurtich Class: Listening Mining Enginnering

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