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Maze Powerpoint Template

Create your presentation by reusing a template from our community or transition your PowerPoint deck into a visually compelling Prezi presentation.


Transcript: Weaknesses as a group The Gaming Experance. My role-Anna Game Concept. Probable the single most important thing behind every game is the gaming experience. Without a good gaming experience, players would not want to play the games that you have developed. But as well as giving players a good experience, players need a goal and the possibility of a reward if the goal was completed. This would drive the player to continue and progress throw the game. Barriers By: Sophie, Alex, Anna and Chris This was manly the base idea behind the game. We wanted the game to be random as well as exciting to draw the player in and make them want to play the game. The concept was to design a maze with many different options to get throw. Depending on what direction you choose depends on what will happen to you next. This was many different players wont necessarily have the same story to tell. The characters in the game are designed around the area you are in. Different characters have different traits so that reflect that n there design. This allows new players to come to terms with different abilities and tactics easier without being completely thrown off during an encounter. Maze. Strengths as a group My role- Chris The idea is to put the play in a new and interesting environment the is not simply worked out. The player is able to explore the world around them and is enticed to explore new areas of interest wile being challenged to the up most fullest. As you progress throw the game, many new choices and opportunity's will occur that could change the fate of the game. My role- Sophie Thanks for listening. Maze. My role-Alex Maze are new game concept that pushes the boundary of modern gaming. Based on some games already on the marked, this game is sure to stand out from the compensation and lead a new way for future RPG's. The Idea.


Transcript: maze THE mazeS By: Abigail SIN, Nicole KOO & Kaylee TAM MAZE 1 Maze 1 choose one of the circles then see if you were right! Then keep on going until it says "you completed MAZE 1. Try MAZE 2" You Did it!!! Try another one Dead end!!! Sorry not this one! you did it! Try a harder one Sorry not this one! bad luck!!! Oh no!!! This one is hard!!! Try it! Passed the test!!! Sorry not this one! Sad life!!! Sorry this is not it! Sad life!!! Sorry this is not it! dead end Sorry this is not it! dead end Now this is harder!!! phew, that was a close one!!! You almost won! Now last one. It is hard. lucky ducky!!! Sorry not this one! Bad luck!!! Sad life!!! Sorry not this one! out of money??? Sorry not this one! boo hoo!!! Sorry not this one! Bad luck! Dead end!!! Sorry not this one! occupied!!! Try MAZE 2!!! You Won!!! Sorry not this one! Occupied!!! Sorry not this one! Sorry, Try the other ones! Sorry not this one! dead end!!! Sorry not this one! Almost there!!! Sorry not this one! Sad life!!! Sad one Oh no Good one! Lucky! YES YOUR GETTING IT RIGHT!!! come ON, KEEP GOING!!! LOL, I think you took the wrong path before..... GO BACKWARDS!!! wHOOPS.... DEAD END! Sorry, I think you should have picked the one above meh....................................... LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! uh oh... OH NO Bad luck. Try again. oh no Dead end!!! Sorry not this one! Zoom out to try again Try again!!! Maze 2 MAZE 2 This is harder than maze 1. Try it and don't give up!!! Onto the next one GREAT JOB! Win! Lol you got meh Bad luck! CLICK ONE yOU DID IT!!! LOL, NEXT TIME! WHOOPS..... hALF WAY THROUGH!!! Try the one below meh LOL! ALMOST GOT IT keep ON GOING!!!! you're a wise guy SORRY.... YA MISSED! Maze 3 MAZE 3 This is going to be HARD!! Keep going!! great job title Try again! Oh no!?! Are you full of luck????? This is harder. Good!!!!! title title lucky ducky title title boo hoo TRY AGAIN Dead end! sorry title title boo hoo TOPIC 4 MAZE 4

PowerPoint, Prezi, & E Maze

Transcript: Disadvantages: may be difficult to get used to need internet access limited fonts and colors It is commonly used and well known to a lot of people, mainly used by technology and reading teachers Yes it works with all operating systems It is more creative than the other presentation software I have researched it also has a lot more people using it than PowerPoint. The first thirty days of subscription is free, then you pay a yearly recurring fee Harder to get used to than PowerPoint More features By: Vanessa Tapia Advantages: Cheap Designed for ordinary users Disadvantages: will not work smoothly on older computers with low computing power Advantages: Has slides, to insert pictures You can copy and paste Can be saved to a computer Gradient backgrounds All presentations are private Always accessible No payment required About Emaze Advantages: eye catching easier to insert files and videos can insert PowerPoint presentations, Microsoft PowerPoint was originally created by Robert Gaskins and was originally called Presenter It is mainly used in an office or business area, but teachers worldwide use it for teaching and for group projects. Can work with all operating systems and is well known It is different because it is a lot more commonly known than any other presentation software. About PowerPoint Emaze Compare & Contrast PowerPoint PowerPoint, Prezi, & E Maze About Prezi Prezi Disadvantages: Cannot add Prezi presentations to PowerPoint Hard to insert videos Not that eye catching More toolbars to get to know than Prezi PowerPoint, Prezi, & Emaze Most people think Emaze is going to be the next generation of online presentation software It is not commonly known The basic version is free, so you can try it out and see for yourself. Emaze looks to replace PowerPoint and Prezi as the highest presentation platform for small or midsize businesses and private users

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