Collegiate Financial Data
Transcript: St. Johns Syracuse NYU Albany Harvard Yale Princeton Cornell Brown Mean of x = 19471.3 y = 36683.73 Public schools significantly open the gap betweens themselves and public schools once financial aid is thrown into the equation. Median Earning 10 Years After Enrollment John Mastellone Dae Jin Yuk All Together Conclusion (Needs to be Edited) Mean of x = 38617.97 y = 38068.25 Comparisons between IVY league schools On all of our graphs the red graph(x) = public schools while the blue graph(y) = private schools Income Bracket Breakdown This comparison is seen by many to be the most effective way of helping to determine the right school for you Graduate Debt T- Test T = -27.266, df = 1703.2, p-value = 2.2 e ^ 16 The t test shows a huge difference between the two with approximately $3000-$2000 worth of debt less for public school students versus those who attended private schools. Average Total Costs of Schools Price broken down by Income brackets There is a definite difference between schools that make you money and schools that make financial sense. Mean of x = 13313.83 y = 20739.80 Albany St. Rose RPI Sage Siena Our project focuses on the difference in price of a public versus a private college Can statistics help you make the right decison about college Median Earning 8 Years After Enrollment T-Test T = .555, df = 1373.9, p-value = .5789 Comparisons between SUNY schools Other Colleges in the New York area The average median public schools sticker costs are approximately $18000-$16000 dollars cheaper with a 95% confidence interval Private Schools Net Prices T-Test T = 1.0282, df = 1381, p-value = .304 Sticker Price- Total Cost of Public v. Private Education Average Net Price of School Price Post graduation public school debt is lower than private school debt T-Test T = -42.119, df = 1584.7, p-value = 2.2 e ^ 16 Median Debt Earned After Graduation The difference between the cost of a school and the price that a student pays is that price is the amount after student financial aid is taken into consideration Mean of x = 21754.74 y = 24438.80 Median Earnings 6 years after enrollment Other colleges in the Albany/Capital region Public Schools Net Prices Mean of x = 42397.14 y = 41867.38 Albany Cortland Buffalo Binghamton Oneanta Conclusion about Earnings T-Test T = -10.275, df = 1262.3, p-value = 2.2 e ^16 These past three graphs have shown that public and private school graduates earn approximately the same amount of money 2,4, and 6 years after their graduation This leads to our conclusion that paying more for your education doesn't mean you will earn more after graduation Public v. Private Education T-Test T = .902, df = 1352.6, p-value = .367 Mean of x = 33387.28 y = 33120.86