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Database Diagram Powerpoint Template

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ePortfolio Template Database

Transcript: The foundation of an ePortfolio is critical to ensure it can: ePortfolios can be defined as: "personalized, Web-based collections of work, responses to work, and self-reflections used to demonstrate key skills and accomplishments for a variety of contexts and time-periods," as defined on the website. In Summary. . . It requires each ePortfolio author to use it as an administrative tool, so they can manage and organize the work they create for all different applications. The author is in total control of who can ultimately see the work. The foundation (structure) of an ePortfolio is very similar to that of a database! When "building" a master template for the ePortfolio we must ensure that all components are contained within the template - not unlike a database. Based upon the requirements of each Hospitality Instructor, components not needed can easily be hidden for that course. When hidden, they are only viewable by the author, not the end user. They can be reinstated by the author at any time - and expanded for the student's additional coursework in other classes. How does an ePortfolio compare to a database? Provide a digitized collection of artifacts, including text-based, graphic, or multimedia elements archived on a website or on other electronic media such as a CD-ROM or a DVD. An administrative tool that manages and organizes the students' coursework created with different applications and allows them to control who can see the work. Why the proper foundation (or navigation structure) is critical for creating an common ePortfolio template. The Importance of a Common ePortfolio Template How do we define an ePortfolio?

Database Project template 1

Transcript: Key Tables In 2014, one of the largest automobile company in US faced the major recall. According to NHTSA 27 million cars were recalled. NHTSA failed to detect this issues in GM models due to the discrete nature of the data and good quality analysis. Prof Chaiyaporn Mutsalklisana By Team Ultron Vihar Raul Pranay Sampat Ritiksha Gada Ruchi Goyal Introduction Objective Stored Procedures Our model also encorporate database concepts of views and indexes. Car Details View Car Event Count View (encorporated outer join) Car Accident Count View Indexes: Indexes on transaction table for performance enhancement of query. Views And Indexes Manufactured Car Table : Car details, assembly details, components used. Car Registration : Registration and ownership details. Event Table : Events accociated with registered car (accident, component issues,driving quality issues etc) Accident Table : Car accident and factors related to it. Triggers EER Diagram Queries and Subqueries This query will state car registration details (License Plate, Owner Details), accident details(Cause, Zones), car details (Engine and chassis number).This is an adjustable query where you can extract records for particular accident, particular car, particular model, perticular vehicle type. THANK YOU Predictive Analysis To Avoid Car Recalls Aim of our model is to analyse the defects from root cause level for various events such as accidents,manufactring and assembly defects to attain sustainable production. Our model will help reduce the revenue losses to manufactring company due to car recalls, minimize the defects and maximize the safety of customer. Model Activity Tracker: Whenever a new car model is created, recored get inserted into activity tracker for that model. Accident Tracker: Whenever a new accident is reported.Count of accident is increased in activity tracker. Event Tracker: Whenever a new event is reported.Count of event is increased in activity tracker. Data Entry Procedure: To store the data in sanity and structured manner. Event Procedure: To find events for a particular model and their causes along with the zones where events occured. AccidentProcedure: To find accident for a particular model and their causes along with the zones where events occured.

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