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3D Printing

Transcript: Based on Jim Harvey's speech structures Currently CAD What is 3D printing? Introduction to the different methods of rapid prototyping. Current and future application of rapid prototyping SolidWorks Aerospace Medical Tech FDM Overview Describe the next steps Uses an inkjet to saturate powder with a binding solution Google SketchUp Tutorial Stereolithography Depend upon improving production speed and quality Open source Renders a model via 3D scripts, more like programming. Great for parametrization Non-interactive (no GUI) Future Industrial use Low-Cost Customization In-home Local 3D printing centers Selective laser sintering (SLS) uses a laser beam to melt and fuse powder layers SLS Uses light cured resin and a controlled light source We will spend some time learning how to use sketchup. Then we will briefly go over the capabilities of different computer aided design (CAD) programs. Rapid Prototyping Methods Blender Electron beam melting (EBM) used to produce fully dense metal parts Inkjet Refer back to the pros and cons Making Models Fused deposition modeling (FDM) is the most common type of printing. Present to Future use 3D Printing CAD software allows us to: Create detailed 3D Parts and Assemblies Simulate and test designs Rapid prototype (3D Printing!) 3D Printing Open Source Useful for animation and rendering Mesh-based polygons Issues: compatibility with professional software OpenSCAD Great for prototyping, small complex parts, and DIYers Explain how it will help CAD (Computer Aided Design) Creates solids from layers of material EBM Everyone will have time to experiment with google SketchUp to make models that we will 3D print for you! Great for solids and surfaces Modifiable feature tree Assemblies of components Interactive Integrated simulation packages These are the topics for today's workshop. Future Consumer use

3d Printing

Transcript: One of the cheaper forms of 3D printing Types of printers A method for making solid objects by successively "printing" thin layers of the ultraviolet material one on top of the other. Citations This is the future of printing, jewelry, footwear, and any simple objects. In the future, you may even be able to buy something off amazon, and just print the off object from a file on the internet. Think how much time this will save. PolyJet 3d Printing By: Khaleal Walker and David Di creates models by heating and extruding a plastic material. One of the world's best 3-D printing companys. They claim to be 10 times faster than other printers. A rapid prototyping process, in which the printer have two or more jetting heads that spray outlines of the part, layer by layer. Selective Laser Sintering Z Corp "3Dprinting." 2012. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 12 March 2012 <>. "Selective laser sintering." 2012. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 12 March 2012 <>. "Stereolithography." 2012. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 12 March 2012 <>.Nick. "What is PolyJet 3D Printing?." 2012. 12 March 2012 <>. A technique that uses a high power laser to fuse small particles of plastic, metal, ceramic, or glass powders into a 3-D object Starts around $15K Stereolithography The world. Fused Deposition Modeling

3D printing

Transcript: People can start to produce their own products, instead of purchasing from a supplier. Thus cutting out the middle man and just producing what they need. Will reduce the supply of simple items like clothes hangers, hooks, and other easy to make objects. People can start to produce their own customized items, and sell them. Creating a separate stream of revenue from their everyday job. Background of 3D printing Filton. "3D Printing: The Printed World." The Economist. The Economist, 10 Feb. 2011. 22 June 2013. Wang, Danny. "3D Printing – The next 'revolution in Manufacturing'? | Economics Student Society of Australia (ESSA)." Economics Student Society of Australia ESSA 3D Printing The next Revolution in Manufacturing Comments. ESSA, 24 May 2013. 22 June 2013. D'Aveni, Richard. "March 2013." Harvard Business Review. Harvard Business Review, 01 Mar. 2013. 22 June 2013. Works Cited 3D Printers and the Economy of the Future Producing your own product GE and Boeing are the first large companies to introduce 3D printing Global Impact Conclusion Rather than each person having their own printer at home, local businesses and hardware stores could adopt the technology They could eliminate the need for huge warehouses of parts and cut the need for shipping different components from place to place as they’re ordered, in favor of instantly creating a perfect replica on-site. No longer outsourcing projects and prototypes to china and other countries because they can easily be printed and made. GE: Leap Engine, pictured below, made by GE from 3D printers. Expected to be lighted and cheaper to produce. 4,000 ordered to be produced in the next few years. Boeing: Has completed a 3D printed cabin over 20,000 parts printed 1986 - 3D printer created, as well as stereolithography 1992 - products begin being made, layer by layer, from the bottom layer upwards 1999 - Engineers and doctors work towards making the first 3D printed organs, starting with a bladder 2002 - Working 3D printed Kidney 2005 - RepRap Project by Dr. Bowyer 2006 - First printer made by Objet to produce with different kinds of materials 2011 - 3D printed working model plane, 3D printed car, and now printing with gold and silver

3D Printing

Transcript: Consumers beliefs on how useful the new technology would be: 6.88/ 10 IV. Listening on Twitter Blog Success dependent on other networks Basic Points: Large interest, fast growth, and ‘cool’ Process of making 3D solid models from digital format -Make your own design Objects built in layers -Layers define quality Based on our market research there is higher demand for 3D printers producing plastic: Very successful Emphasized potential I. Marketing Survey I. Market Survey: Facebook II. Web Interface III. Google Analytics: 3D Printing Blog IV. Listening: Twitter/Facebook V. Results & Conclusions IV. Listening on Twitter IV. Listening on Twitter 18% Results Most consumers give weight to the layer thickness of the product The least attention is given to the color of the products, which are printed out Eyebeyond focuses only on PERSONAL 3D printers of people say that they would produce an iphone cover themselves with the help of simple technology Has the potential for success I. Marketing Survey IV. Listening on Facebook III. Objective of 3D Printing Blog Not as successful as hoped for Anastasia Tsoupidi Facebook III. WordPress Analytics of 3D Printing Blog Laura Guzman Hannah Smith Eyebeyond 3D Printers IV. Listening on Facebook Videos Text Pictures III. 3D Printing Blog Overall positive reaction; More than 70% think that 3D printers are cool and would buy them Potential for contest Marketing Plan for Eyebeyond Andrea Sekularac I. Marketing Survey Website II. 3D Printing & Eyebeyond Most people are willing to pay on average between 500$ - 1500$ Create a blog Reach a large audience Interactive Educate IV. Listening on Facebook Successful due to platform Twitter IV. Listening on Twitter What is 3D Printing? Survey Sebastian Bratanis Olsson Eyebeyond IV. Listening on Facebook

3D Printing

Transcript: What is 3D Printing? Wasif, Branavan, Sergei, Irfan, Sergey HIGH Process Chain Applications Threat of New Entrants PRICING 3D PRINTING Asiga Beijing TierTime Tech Blueprinter Fab@Home HP Leapfrog MakerBot pp3dp RepRap Stratasys Ultimaker Timing challenge with most innovative technologies The wrong timing could lead to an unacceptably long time before the investment pays off, or a complete write-off. With the right timing, the investment could pay off, with the technology becoming the de facto standard. Early Investing Significant investment amount Modest risk for end users (CapEx, Overhead, Training, Labour, and SUPPLIES Higher the perceived risk, higher the expected return 3D Printing REWARDS WHERE IS 3D PRINTING NOW? Supplier Power Cheaper Manufacturing Quick Production Less waste Better quality Accessibility Sustainability New 'Impossible' Shapes New Combination of Materials New Business Models 3D Printing Industry Buyer Power Proposal to Amend Growth Portfolio Threat of Competition HIGH 6 Basic Technologies HIGH Architecture Product design cycle Education Bio-Medical Archaeology and Palaeontology Manufacturing Interior Design / Decor Souvenirs Illegal Applications Extrusion Inkjet Fused Deposition Modeling Sterolithography Selective Laser Sintering Direct Metal Laser Sintering Technology Growth Investment Fund CONCLUSIONS TIME 3D BIOPRINTING RISKS PRIORITY MATRIX 3D Systems Inc. $$ An Emerging Force History - As early as 1980s Industrial 3D fabricating technologies for product prototyping and short-run part manufacturing 3D SCANNING The Process 3D printing is a method of converting 3D model data into a physical, geometrically complex, intricately detailed and potentially functional model or salable new or replacement part. 3D printers deposit ink, resin, plastic or another material (including experiments with live matter), layer by layer, to build up a physical model. LOW Threat of Substitutes Growth potential – 15% CAGR industry growth Why it’s a viable sector Whats the growth Paradigm shift about to change MEDIUM

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