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Bakery Powerpoint Template

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Transcript: The Perfect Bite is our solution to unhealthy eating; however, we aren't selling vegiatbles. These are the same baked goods that we all know and love. No added sugar, little fats and about as many calories as a glass of whole milk- but still the same great taste! The driving force of our country, does not come from our hard working employees. It is you, the customer. But The Perfect Bite is not only limited to you, all are ecouraged to try our organic food. Kids will love the sweet taste Parents will love the nutrition facts Teens will love the the friendly and personal service With the high demand for treats, it is only obvious that our competition will be fierce. Our three competetors We three bakery El Nopal Diane's Village Bakery and Cafe What all of our competetors have in common is none of them contain websites or mission statements. Our Business provides a website to acess our contact information and other information on our company. Most of them seem to target a general audience around 20-30 years of age. With The Perfect Bite, however, we please both adults and children. Our pricing will be half of the original cost of each cake/bakery good, plus a small amount per pound(s) of goods In time, our obvious goal is to expand the company and minimize obescity. Expanding the company means that we could someday end up like this.... Our goal is to lower obescity in both children and adults by creating an organic bakery whose key products taste deliscious, but with little added sugar. Bakers dozen = $23.00 PRICING Lemon juice – $0.49 Flour – $2 a pound (around $.06 per unit) Cane juice – $1.50 Coconut oil - $0.42 vinegar - $0.89 vanilla extract - $1 1 cupcake = $4.36 Our Cookie recipe: Our price for 1 cupcake = $5.00 plus $.50 per pound Some recipes and raw materials: "The healthy cupcake with a sugar-coated taste" •1 cup organic butter (227 grams) •1/2 cup organic cane juice •1 cup packed organic brown sugar •*1 egg- organic, free-range if you can find them •1 tsp organic vanilla •2 cups organic flour (290 grams) •2 cups organic chocolate chips •1 tsp baking soda •1 tsp lemon juice organic egg - $0.29 vanilla extract - $0.33 organic chocolate - $0.49 lemon juice - $0.49 flour - $0.09 baking soda - $0.10 Cost to us = $1.79 We will have a basic employee system. A manager, with credentials in culinary goods, will be paid the most. General workers such as clerk or stock room will be part time. Other full time jobs would include assistant manager and baker. These jobs will also require credentials in culinary and cooking arts. Employement Cost of one cookie = $1.80 plus $0.50 per pound 3 cups flour 2 cups evaporated cane juice 1/2 cup cocoa 1 teaspoon lemon juice 2 teaspoons baking soda 2/3 cup coconut oil, melted (or other vegetable oil) 2 cups warm water 2 tablespoons vinegar 3 teaspoons vanilla extract Our General cupcake recipe

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