Transcript: The Episcopal is a Christian church that was started in England in 1534 as a part of King Henry's act of Supremacy. Some of the founders of Episcopal church are King Henry VII, Queen Elizabeth I, Thomas Cromwell, Thomas Cranmer, Hugh Latimer and Nicholas Ridley. There are approximately 2,225,682 Episcopalians in the world today. The dominant region is England and the original language of the Episcopalians is English. 1.) Lent- 40 days before Easter 2.) Palm Sunday- Sunday before Easter 3.) Maundy Thursday- Thursday before Easter 4.) Good Friday- Friday before Easter 5.) Easter 6.) Pentecost- 40 days after Easter 7.) Christmas- December 25th 8.) Advent- 4 weeks before Christmas The Presbyterian religeon originated primarily in Scotland in 1707. It's Sermons are Characterized by the Christian Scriptures. A lot of their beliefs are basedon the thoughts of John Calvin. THE By: Ian Balish and Martha-Ellen Storrs Worship Fun Facts Christians: END! 1.) The Episcopal Church's worship book is called the Book of Common Prayer. 2.) The Episcopal Churches have members in the World Council of Members. 3.) More than 25% of our presidents have been part of an Episcopal Church. 4.) Presbyterians recognize only two sacrements: Baptism and Communion 5.) The Presbyterian religeon originated Primarily in Scotland 6.)Presbyterian beliefs are rooted in the thoughts of John Calvin, who was a french reformer. Episcopalian History Presbyterians celebrate Christmas, as the day that Jesus was born. They also celebrate Lent, which leads up to easter, to mark the days the Jesus Christ went through before he rose again. Trinity Episcopal Church A Little E History 1.) Episcopalian Church in the United States 2.) Church of England (CofE) 3.) Scottish Episcopal Church 4.) St. Simon of Cyrene Episcopal Church 5.) St. John's Episcopal Church 6.) St. Stephen's Episcopal Church 7.) St. Luke's Episcopal Church 8.) St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church 9.) St. Paul's Episcopal Church 10.) St. Columba's Episcopal Church National Church of Scotland Episcopal and Presbyterian 5 Major Presbyterian Churches 5.)Pittsburgs Largest Presbyterian Church Episcopal Holidays 2.) Presbyterian Church of Australia Major Episcopal Churches A Little 4.)Evangelical Prebyterian Church Presbyterian History Holidays 1.) National Church of Scotland