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Cinemagraph Powerpoint Template

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Transcript: TaSNEEM Deeb GIF The Graphics Interchange Format is a bitmap image format that was developed by US-based software writer Steve Wilhite while working at the Bulletin board service provider CompuServe on the summer of, 1987, and has since come into widespread usage on the World Wide Web due to its wide support and portability. GIF images are compressed using the Lempel–Ziv–Welch lossless data compression technique to reduce the file size without degrading the visual quality. This compression technique was patented in 1985. About it How an image format changed the way we communicate Since their creation 30 years ago, the looping clips have followed a rocky path to stardom, going from ubiquitous to repudiated and back again. Whether you love them or not , it’s impossible to go long without seeing them on the news, social media, or even in office Slack rooms. Thanks to the humble GIF, no emotions are too big or small to capture in animated image form. Initially, GIFs were used almost exclusively for still images. What made the format revolutionary was a specific compression algorithm, named Lempel-Ziv-Welch for its three creators (Abraham Lemepl, Jacob Ziv and Terry Welch). The way it worked was to identify repeating patterns, then simplify them, This approach made the GIF uniquely talented at fitting photorealistic color images History Types of GIF 1. The Replay GIF In the age of YouTube, GIFs, let fans replay highlights in a condensed format. The replay GIF changes the game by continuously looping virtually any notable footage – from last night’s game winning field goal to even a memorable scene from your favorite movie. On Twitter, the official accounts for the NFL and NBA were recently using a high volume of Vine videos for replays. But with Vine supposedly on its way out the door, the NFL and NBA are slowly turning to GIFs and native Twitter video to highlight must-see moments. Replay GIFs are not limited to entertainment. This style of GIFs can be helpful for the marketer who wants to share current company news or connect a current event to their business. 1. The Replay GIF 2. The Reaction GIF Emotions are studied on replay with the reaction GIF, which is arguably the most popular style on social media. Film and TV are the industries most responsible for content you’ll see in most reaction GIFs. Reaction GIFs are typically used to enhance whatever comment a user is making online. No matter the emotion, reaction GIFs typically elicit a laugh out of the viewer, especially if the image is used in a clever way in reaction to a 2. The Reaction GIF 3. The Cinemagraph The viewer of this GIF doesn’t experience one event in a loop, but one event continuously progressing through time. In a cinemagraph, one element of the image is in motion while the rest stay still. Because cinemagraph GIFs have a limited number of moving parts in the image, the viewer is left with a tranquil feeling. Travel and fashion companies gravitate toward the cinemagraph GIF because of its professional appearance and quiet tone. The visual 3. The Cinemagraph 4. Technical GIF Browsing through the internet for useful marketing data is no longer a painful chore thanks to technical GIFs. Technical GIFs transform boring figures into engaging content. These types of GIFs are especially useful for marketers who want to include statistics, diagrams or graphs for product summaries. Technical GIFs are interactive, as opposed to a black-and-white graph on a PowerPoint slide. Video marketing combined with a technical GIF creates an even deeper animation experience. 4. Technical GIF 5. The Perfect-Loop GIF Whereas the cinemagraph GIF is still and serene, the perfect-loop GIF is active and busy. This GIF consists of a seamlessly looped camcorder recording of an event. The final frame of the shot leads back to the initial frame without missing a beat. Even though the viewer relives the same 7-or-so seconds over and over, he or she can lose track of time due to the seamlessness of the GIF. The perfect-loop GIF can be used to a company’s advantage. Since the loop is inherently nonstop, it can be used to market non-stop service. It can also be used to advertise a customer demonstration’s of a successful product. 5. The Perfect-Loop GIF Title Title


Transcript: Yushi is basically an authentic Asian cuisine turned into a modern Asian cuisine. We get our ideas of food from different Asian countries such as China, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnamese, Japanese, etc. We are basically a fast food chain place with the concept of an “Asian Subway/Chipotle”. Unlike these places, most of our food is freshly prepared. We receive fresh fish everyday, which are used for sushi and salads. We have just-made chilled and hot grab and go dishes. You have an option to try something different everyday due to the variety of options being provided. We review performance every 6 months. We keep tracks of their overtime. This shows that they are willing to put in extra hours for themselves as well as for the company. That shows the amount of dedication they have. Our employees are one of our top priorities. We want them to succeed as much as possible and reviewing performance is a great opportunity for them to show case their abilities and talent. How would you describe Yushi? YUSHI: ASIAN KITCHEN Date: October 26 2012 Time: 3pm Individual's name: Tenzing Jangchup Position: Human Resource Location of employment: 100 Maiden Street, New York, 10038 Contact Number: 9174344767 Email Address: BY: Dorje Sherpa what kind of training program does the company offer? Is it highly structured or more informal? How often do you review performance? In order to determine the status of an employee, performing Evaluation programs is very helpful and important. It helps the HR and the manager figure out how the employees are performing. In Yushi, Jangchup evaluates his employees once every 6 months. In my opinion it should be taking place 2-3 times every six months. There are employees who might not be able to stick with the job for 6 months. It’s a very long gap that needs to be filled with the records of the employee and their progress that they have made so far. Application -Interview -Hired on Spot -Orientation _start off your first day at work. When we first opened our restaurant in Maiden Lane, we had an orientation, which lasted for a week. One of our executive Chef Danny Lachs talked about the background information of company such as when we were created and what influenced us to open up a food chain such as Yushi. It is highly structured because we planned out the orientation before hands. We have a process of going through all the information they need to know about the job and their position. We train our employee before the restaurant operates. asd NEGATIVE ASPECTS EMPLOYEE SELECTION THE END

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