Transcript: First, there is a seed. You plant the seed and water it to grow the tree. For different kinds of trees, there are different kinds of seeds. For an oak tree, the seed is an acorn. Mature Tree Sapling From Seed to Tree Snag Finally, after lots of years, the tree becomes a snag. The tree is basically dead. It is bare and the bark tends to look really dry. If there is a snag near your house, you might want a arborist (someone who specializes in trees) to cut it down. Then, the sprout turns into a sapling. With different types of trees, the size of the sapling may vary. Some might look like mini trees, but with a thin trunk and branches. Others might look like a big sprout. Sprout Next, there is a sprout. The seed opens up into a sprout. The sprout might already have developing leaves. Seed Fourth, there is the mature tree. The mature tree is what the "grown up" trees look like. They are tall and you can climb on them. In the summer, they have a lot of leaves. In the winter, they are bare. For some trees that grow food, they would produce it at this stage. By Elianne Bober