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Circulation Powerpoint Template

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Sam's Circulation Digital Notebook Template

Transcript: Vocab: blood vessel that carries blood back to the heart, and has one- way valves that keep blood moving toward the heart Notes, etc... Section 2 two lower chambers of the heart, that contract at the same time, during a heartbeat Notes, etc... microscopic blood vessel that connects arteries and veins; has walls one cell thick, through which nutrients and oxygen diffuse into body cells, and waste materials and carbon dioxide diffuse out of body cells atrium- ventricle- coronary circulation- pulmonary circulation- systemic circulation- artery- vein- capillary- Questions for further study? Circulation - Chapter 19 Main Idea: Your circulatory system provides each cell in your body with a continuous supply of oxygen and nutrients and takes away carbon dioxides and other wastes. largest part of the circulatory system, in which oxygen- rich blood flows to all the organs and body tissues, except the heart and lungs and oxygen- poor blood is returned to the heart Section 1 Review Your circulatory system moves needed materials to all cells and, along with your lymphatic system, removes wastes. Vocab: 3 "loops in your circulatory system: 1) Systemic Circulation - body's systems -arms, legs, head - two deliver O2 to tissues, picking up CO2 2) Pulmonary Circulation -dropping off CO2 in the lungs, picking up O2 - goes back 2 heart 3) Coronary Circulation - heart needs its own supply of O2 and food Section 3 Main Idea: The Big Idea: Notes, etc... flow of blood to and from the tissues of the heart blood vessels that carries blood away from the heart, and has thick, elastic walls made of connective tissue and smooth muscle tissue Vocab: is here flow of blood through the heart to the lungs and back to the heart Main Idea: two upper chambers of the heart that contract at the same time during a heartbeat


Transcript: If an baby inherits RH+ blood from the father and the mother is RH-, problems can develop if the blood cells of mother and baby mix during birth. Infection Fighters Your Blood: Fluid Transport RH factor Plasma: They only make up 1% of total volume of your blood. Arteries Capillaries Veins t Blood clotting Large; thick-walled, muscular, elastic blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart. Thin capillary walls enable nutrients and gases to diffuse easily between blood cells and surrounding tissue cells. Every person has there own blood type. If someone is injured so servery that they need a blood transfusion they would need there blood type. There are A, B, AB, and O types of blood. You inherited the characteristics of one of these blood groups from your parents. White blood cells play a major roll in protecting your body from foreign substances and from microscopic organisms that cause diseases. Veins Blood Components Transports oxygen and some carbon dioxide; lack of nucleus; contains hemoglobin. Each is different in structure and function. Arteries Make up 44% of total volume of blood and only have a nuclei during early life Antigens: are substances that simulate an immune response in the body. Your blood is a tissue composed of fluid, cells, and fragments of cells. Red blood cells: Capillaries Blood enters the heart through the atria and leaves it through the ventricles. Since your blood is fluid, it must be channeled through blood vessels. The left atrium receives oxygen-rich blood, the two atria then contracts, pushing the blood down into the two ventricles. As blood leaves the tissue, the capillaries join to form slightly larger vessels called Venules. The venules merge to form veins. Blood surface antigens determine blood groups: Differences in blood groups are due to the presence or absence of proteins called antigens. Microscopic blood vessels with walls that are only one cell thick. as blood passes through your body tissue with low oxygen concentrations oxygen is released from the hemoglobin and diffuses into the tissue. Large; several different types; contain nuclei; defend the body against diseases. Circulation,r:1,s:28,i:187 Liquid; contains proteins; transports red and white blood cells. This can cause complications in some pregnancies Your Heart Hemoglobin carries some carbon dioxide as well. wastes, in forms of carbon dioxide diffuses into blood and carries in the blood stream to the lungs. Blood clots form when there is damage to the lining of a blood vessel, either an artery or a vein. Hemoglobin Your blood vessels: When you get a cut, you bleed, but eventually you stop why? because red and white blood cells contain small cell fragments called platelets. Platelets link together a sticky network of protein fibers called fibin, which form a web over the wound, then a scab forms A characteristic of red blood cells involves the presence or absence of and antigen called RH or Rhesus factor. People are RH positive If they have it in there red blood cells but if they are RH negative they don't. Hemoglobin (Hb), the iron-containing respiratory protein in red blood cells, is responsible for transporting oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. The three main types of blood vessels are: The large blood vessels that carry blood from the tissues back towards the heart. White blood cells: ABO blood groups

Lacey's Circulation Digital Notebook Template

Transcript: Lacey's Digital Notebook!!! Your Circulatory System moves needed materials to all cells,and along with your lymphatic system, moves waste. Review Diagrams Vocab: Two upper chambers of the heart that contract at the same time during a heartbeat. flow of blood to and from tissues to the heart. Atrium- Ventricle- Coronary Circulation- Pulmonary Circulation- Systemic Circulation- Artery- Vien- Capillary- The Circulatory System Notes, etc... Your Circulatory System provides each cell in your body with continuous supply of oxygen and nutrients and takes away carbon dioxides and other wastes. largest part of the circulatory system, in which oxogen,rich blood flows to all the organs and body tissue, exspect the heart and lungs, and poor blood to return to the heart. Section 2 Blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart, and has thick, elastic walls made of connective tissue and smooth muscle tissue. Notes, etc... Questions for further study? Main Idea: Circulation - Chapter 19 3 loops in your circulatory system: 1. Systemic Circulation -body's system -ams, legs, head -deliver O2 to tissues, picking up C02 2. Pulmonary Circulation -dropping off CO2 in the lungs, picking up 02 -goes back to the heart 3. Coronary Circulation - heart needs its own supply of 02 + food Section 1: Vocab: flow of blood through the heart to the lungs and back to the heart. Section 3 Main Idea: microscopic blood vessel that connects artieres and veins; has walls one cell thick, through which nutrients and oxogen diffuse into body cells, and waste materials and carbon dioxide diffuse out of body cells. The Big Idea: Notes, etc... blood vessle that carries blood back to the heart, and has one-way valves that keep blood moving toward the heart. Vocab: is here Main Idea: Wordle CH.19 Quiz

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