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Classroom Management Plan Powerpoint Template

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Classroom Management Plan

Transcript: Treat others how you would want to be treated Follow directions the first time they are given Be in your seat when the bell rings Communicated to students on the first day of class, communicated to parents/guardians through a letter sent home the first week of class, and discussed with administrators before the school year begins Classroom Procedure Classroom Arrangement By Meghan Harp Classwork Assessment and Standards Lecture: desks in rows facing the front of the classroom Group work: desks in groups of four Teacher desk: At back or side of room Decorations: Podium in the front of the room, posters with historical figures on them, items related to the subject around the room Resources: Textbooks and classroom library in bookshelves where students can easily access them. Teaching Philosophy All students can learn It is the job of the teacher to engage students in the learning process Beginning of class - Bell ringer/quick review activity Main activity/lecture Discussion and questions Closing - review over upcoming due dates and quick preview of the next lesson Classroom Management Plan Assessment will be conducted by various activities including (but not limited to): worksheets, class discussion, debates, quizzes, projects, and exams. Projects and exams would make up the highest percentage of a student's grade, with the rest of the grade being evenly divided between the other activities. Grading must be completed within seven days of the assessment being given to allow quick feedback. Classroom Rules

Classroom Management Plan

Transcript: I believe it is safe to say that almost every teacher has experience difficulty at one point or another managing the classroom. Whether it be because of one student or all of the students it is important to know that it is something that happens to everyone and that the only way to mend it is by preparation, execution, and consistency. Every person deserves to be treated with love, respect, and high expectations of achievement. The educator's primary professional concern will always be for the student and for the development of the student's potential. (Code of Ethics) I do not believe in punishing students but would rather students take responsibility for their actions by owning them and and accepting the corresponding consequences. I believe the teacher should never show anger, should always inspire hope to students, should build strong connections with students and help students solve life problems The rules for the classroom will be determined and generated by both the teacher and the students during the first day of class. “The teacher attempts to break the cycle of defiance with a student or with the whole class, giving away some of her power by offering choices” (Wolfgang, 2009, p. 173). Rule #2. Bring all books and materials needed for class. “Effective teachers teach students how to responsibly follow procedures. Ineffective teachers use controlling tactics to coerce the students into compliance” (Wong & Wong, 2009, p. 165) Procedure or expectation #1. When the bell rings everyone should be in their seat working on the bell work located at the left side of the board. Procedure or expectation #2. When you have a question take raise your yellow card up for the teacher to see it as soon as the teacher can she will respond. Procedure or expectation #3. When you are done with your work early start on the task of the day that is on the board until the teacher comes to explain or address the class. Procedure or expectation #4. One is for bathroom, two for water, three for anything else, when someone is out of the room there will be a red strip on the board so students know that they have to wait for the person to be out of where they are so they can go next. Procedure or expectation #5. There are assigned partners for group work if it’s in groups of four then your group is your table, if it is in two’s is the one to your left. The work has to be distributed evenly for the work. The rubric will let you know exactly what parts need to be delegated and has a space to put the name of the student who did that specific part of the work for accurate grading. I believe that the teacher has the power to make his/her classroom a place where students feel safe and loved and that can diffuse a lot of anger problems in students. Have a safe environment for them to be comfortable with themselves and with each other. Tackling the root of the problem is the most permanent solution to bullying, aggression, and any other behavior issue that can be present in a classroom. Have a discipline plan in which consequences follow the choices of the students. Responses Students who behave negatively need more attention, love, and understanding than the rest. They will be held accountable for their choices yet from me they will always receive a smile and encouragement. Students should constantly hear praise, specially if they are doing the best work they are capable of doing. Positive students will be rewarded with praise and with the satisfaction of their good work. Rules can be adapted or explained further for students with any cognitive disabilities. Students with physical impairments but standing cognitive abilities will be hold to the same rules and expectations as the rest of the students. Accommodations can be made for ESOL students depending on their needs. Rules and procedures can be translated to their native language for them and their parents. As the teacher I would sit with the parents and the student to discuss the school environment from which they come from. I plan to send a student progress letter every three months. For students who need more attention or if certain situations need to be addressed phone calls or letters will be the way to get in contact with parents. Love and Logic Positive Jarelie Guerrero Parent Communication Neat and organized, chairs and tables arranged the way they need to be, all materials needed present and ready to be used, the room temperature comfortable, and the walls full of joyful, thought provoking posters. Assigned seating Assigned groups Accommodations Rule #4. Follow directions the first time they are given. Rule #3. Sit in your assigned seat daily. Rule #5. Always respect and appreciate others. Rule #1. Be in your seat when the bell rings. Procedures Safe Environment Classroom Management Plan Classroom Organization Rules Philosophy Negative

Classroom Management Plan

Transcript: "What is right is not always popular, and what is popular is not always right." "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid." "Do not worry about your difficulties in mathematics. I can assure you mine are still greater." Rules When you must leave class: I enjoy not only getting to know you but also your parents. Please have your parents sign and return the parent contact form. Step 4: Welcome Back!!! 1. Get permission. 2. Fill out planner. 3. Sign the clipboard on the Tiger bulletin board. Fill out where you will be going and when you left. Learn if I make math engaging, fun, and as meaningful as possible. If you promise to learn, I will promise to: I promise that you will learn not only about math but also how to work efficiently with each other. Not give up on you--even when you have given up on yourself. All students can learn math--just at different paces. Rules and Procedures Both you and your parents can sign up to stay informed on homework assignments. Live up to high expectations without support and encouragement. “A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it.” Parent Involvement I believe you can: 15 Minute Detention "Try not to become a man of success; rather become a man of value." When Absent: Office Referral I promise to provide an environment that is safe and conducive to learning. I promise to stop any behavior that prevents this from happening. Academic Engagement Strategies When class begins: Make Learning Fun Step 1: Remind 101 "The quality of an educator's relationships with students is an incredibly important factor influencing student learning and behavior" (Jones and Jones). I believe that you can't: 1. Go to homework calendar to see what you have missed. 2. Get any missed notes from a classmate. 3. If you are absent on a test day it is your responsibility to make arrangements to make it up. Step 3: "Genius is 1% talent and 99% hard work." Get ready to have a great year!!! Conference with Student. Disciplinary Interventions Homework: Really learn from me unless I am setting a good example. I know that some of you learn best by hearing while others of you have to experiment in order to learn. I promise to not teach the same way every day. In order to retake a test three things must occur: 1. All homework must be turned in. 2. A Reassessment Agreement has been completed. 3. All retakes must occur after school. "Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new." 1. Be Safe 2. Be Respectful 3. Be Responsible Cellphones are NOT to be out during classtime unless you are told otherwise. Cell Phone Usage: Step 2: Classroom Environment/Relationships I believe: In the golden rule: treat others how you would like to be treated. Procedures I promise to be fair. I promise to listen to your concerns. Achieve your goals with hard work and determination. Test Retakes: "Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted." Works Cited Mix-it up Your opinion is valuable. "Creativity is intelligence having fun." Jones, Vern, and Louise Jones. Comprehensive Classroom Management. New Jersey: Pearson Education, 2013. Print. 30 Minute Detention and Call Home Homework should be completed at the beginning of class the following day. At the top of your paper, please include the following: Name Date Hour Assignment Classroom Management Plan By Angela Siegel EDU5506 "You never fail until you stop trying." Philosophy of Classroom Management Mrs. Angela Siegel (816) 630-9210 x2016 1. Please be in your seat when the bell rings. 2. Check out a calculator and an iPad. 3. Make sure you have your book, paper, pencil, and homework. 4. Begin bellwork.

Classroom Management Plan

Transcript: Classroom Management Plan Members Sakina Hilal Ahmed 861202961 Ali Faisal Al-Dallal 800905202 Shaikha Al Hazeem 820306223 Supervised by: Dr.Khaled Albaker My personal CMP Grade Level: Middle Teaching Goal: My goal is to leave a fingerprint in my student life, create a positive learning environment and make it fun! Icebreaker In the first class, the student will answer the following question: I am lucky because ……………………………………………………... Classroom Organization Environment Arrangement Bulletin board ideas Class motto The future belongs to those who believe in their dreams. Love to learn and learn to love. Operations Rules Routines & Procedures Consequences Incentives Group Individuals Cues Instructions Lessons Instructional Strategies Individualized Instructional Strategies Assessment Strategies Questioning Strategies Responses to Students Students Self-Evaluation Opportunities Effective Teaching Practice Building Positive Relationships Strategies to Develop Student Social Skills Strategies to Develop Student Self-Control Preventive Discipline Strategies Classroom Technology plan Evavluation Grading Scheme Recording grades in the grade book Homework policy Progress reports Students opportunities to impact grades Extra credit opportunities Rewrite opportunities Drop a grade Special assignment Acknowledgments Many thanks to my group members for their presistance and support in working on the project and not to forget many thanks to Dr. Khaled for the amount of effort he gave through the course

Classroom Management Plan

Transcript: "Our goal should be for students to leave better people for having been with us; both intellectually and socially." -Judy Wallis Before School Checklist As a class we will come up with a set of rules that we will all agree to abide by. I will have some non-negotiables in place. 1. You do not have to like everyone in this classroom. 2. You will respect everyone in this classroom. 3. You will learn something new today. Consequences will match the offense and be determined on a case by case basis. Rules & Consequences Incident Reports Philosophy of Management Let's shake on that....... Alfie Kohn - Lecture at 2011 MAAP Conference "The Deadly Effects of Tougher Standards" Curwin & Mendler - Discipline with Dignity (their needs have to be met in order for them to learn) Linda Albert - "students have the power to choose their behavior" John Hunter - "Create a place where students can make sense of their own understanding . . . It's safe to fail and students are in control." Before the start of each school year I will: review the state standards for the grade I'm teaching as well as the grade below and above. send a flyer out to students introducing myself and asking them to bring an item that represents them to class on the first day to share. the flyer will also include links to our class web page, YouTube channel, my e-mail, etc. find out if I have any students with special needs or accommodations that I need to further research While I am a strong advocate of intrinsic motivation, I do feel that every student deserves the opportunity to be recognized for doing something great. This includes things other than "good" behavior. Possible Incentives/Rewards student can bring their iPod/CD of their choice for us to listen to during centers. student can sit in the recliner for the day lunch with 2 friends in my classroom teacher for the day PAT "The less decisions children make about their learning, the less they learn . . . Children learn to make good decisions by making decisions, not by following directions." -Alfie Kohn YOU WILL LEAVE HERE BETTER THAN YOU CAME. Classroom Arrangement Classroom Motto CHANGE WHAT YOU SEE AS BAD BEHAVIOR! Parent Communication I will hold my students to high standards by making them feel a part of a whole group. They will know that they are "my kids" and that while I expect greatness from them, I will also provide a safe place for them to make mistakes as well. From the very first day I will work to create a positive and inviting classroom community where students feel safe and respected. I will handle whatever situations may arise on a case by case basis. I believe students should play an active role in their learning as well as the function of the classroom. I believe students should establish independence while still functioning as a participating member of a community. I will create an environment that facilitates critical thinking by teaching students to think globally. Classroom Management Plan 4th-6th grade ELA Classroom Presented by: Olivia McDonald Incentives/Rewards Influences Behavior Expectations still "center based" with several different ELA based centers such as letter writing, poetry, music, research, conversation & conferencing, product reviews, library, blogging, etc. carpet in the center of the room with pillows where most interaction will occur seating arrangements will be determined each month by groups of 4-5. desks are for writing & exams lamps, fresh flowers, aquarium decorated with posters, art, & inspiring pieces students bring in So that you can give each “incident” the attention it deserves, have your students fill out an incident report where they provide dates, witnesses, the location of the incident, what they did, and how they believe the situation should be handled. Not only does this teach effective problem solving strategies, it gives you time to come up with a logical solution instead of just snapping a quick answer at the students. Parent reminder texts. They sign up online, you fill out online, They get a text. You never have to know their number, they never have to know yours!

Now you can make any subject more engaging and memorable