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Climbing The Mountain Powerpoint Template

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Mountain Climbing

Transcript: Supplies to bring Climbing That's all you need to know In the mornings you should cook eggs, porridge, tomatoes, banana, orange, bread, tea, hot chocolate, or coffee. Those are some of the things that you could bring along. For lunch you should have a boiled egg, some sandwiches, banana or orange, and some tea in a flask or water. At the very end you should eat chicken or some type of meat, vegetable sauce, some cabbage, and rice or pasta. Those are the recommended things that you should eat while you are hiking. This should be all that you need to know about mountain climbing follow all of these tips and you should be all right when you first start mountain climbing. These tips are probably the most helpful out of all of them out there. Best food and drink to bring Mountain Climbing One of the best things to bring to drink is tea, water, or sports drinks. For the food the best thing to bring is something nutritional such as bread or bagels, you could also eat some other things like meat, and other things. By: Jacob Holden Climbing shoes Safety clips Harnesses and helmets Climbing ropes Climbing protection Ice climbing gear Climbing packs If you first start getting into mountain climbing never go by yourself. If you really know what you are doing then you can go by yourself, but if you are doing it for the first time then bring and expert with you. In my opinion I would say you should never go by yourself because what if you get hurt then what will you do ? Never hike by yourself for the first time Whenever you go mountain climbing you need to be fit and healthy. Before you actually go you need to build up strength because there will be some difficult areas. Some maybe lift some weights or do pushups before you go. You also need to increase your stamina by running everyday. Then the last thing is that you need to get used to climbing up steep hills. So maybe go outside and practice going up steep hills. How to prepare yourself Food to bring

Mountain Climbing

Transcript: Indoor Rock Climbing Thank You For Listening! "John Menlove Edwards regarded climbing as a 'psycho-neurotic tendency'; he climbed not for sport but to find refuge from inner torment" (135) “Because it’s there.” - George Mallery, British mountaineer Weather "The icefall was crisscrossed with crevasses and tottering seracs” (139) “It is the nature of glaciers to move, the habit of seracs to topple” (139) "I put a foot through a snow bridge spanning a slot so deep I couldn't see the bottom of it" (139) "Getting to the top is optional. Getting down is mandatory." -Ed Viesturs Devil's Thumb Mountain Climbing Thunderstorms High winds Blizzards: “Snow began to slant hard out of the clouds, stinging my face, and reducing visibility to almost nothing....For the next four days it snowed" (140) Equipment Terrain "It didn’t occur to me that I might be bound by the same cause and effect relationships that governed the actions of others….it seemed beyond the realm of possibility that some minor obstacle...might ultimately thwart my will” (151) “I would go...ascend this mighty nordwand. I decided, moreover, to do it alone” (135) Motivations Fear "Below was thirty-seven hundred feet of air...the sour taste of panic eyesight blurred, I began to hyperventilate, my calves started to shake" (143) "Thinking about what it would be like lying in a pile at the bottom of the crevasse, waiting for death to come, with nobody aware of how or where I'd met my end" (139) “The danger bathed the world in a halogen glow that caused stand out in brilliant relief. Life thrummed at a higher pitch. The world was made real” (134) "The accumulated clutter of day-today existence... is temporarily forgotten...At such moments something resembling happiness actually stirs in your chest" (143) Need By Matthew Dong Period 1 December 2, 2014 Ignorance Rock climbing shoes Crampons Ice axes Bivouac sack Helmet Rope + Carabiners + Harness Curtain rods - "Lashed rods together to form a cross" (138)


Transcript: When talking about mountain sports you can not fail to mention mountain biking, which is done with a special bike for this medium, a "mountain bike", able to travel the long distances on mountainous terrain without problems. It is a sport that has a multitude of modalities, which includes ascent, descent, jumps, cross-country ... among others. At the moment it is one of the sports with more practitioners inside the club, organizes frequent routes more or less long, in company of other fans by the attractive and attractive that they offer the Valley of the Jerte. THE MOUNTAINEERING It consists of making ascents on rock walls or walls equipped for the practice of this sport. It is a very popular activity, although dangerous, so it requires safety measures and the use of special equipment. Hiking is a non -competitive sports activity practiced by many. Consists in conquering upon a mountain or a mount. Of this discipline derive other popular mountain sports, like the cayoning. MOUNTAIN CLIMBING trekking But the mountain is not the same as the asphalt and the hay that take into account the details like the footwear, the technique and the adaptation to the environment. At the moment it is the unique mountain sport where components of the club compete in races mainly in Extremadura, Salamanca and Madrid. CLIMBING trekking MOUNTAIN SPORTS L ejecutar montañero es una actividad de montaña muy divertida y motivante. Correr estando en pleno contacto con la naturaleza es una buena forma de variar su arraigo y mejorar la capacidad aeróbica. Grupo Tailandia Are those activities that are practiced in a medium with special characteristics, climatic and physical as is the mountain

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