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Clue Board Game Powerpoint Template

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Clue Game

Transcript: Study CLUE Get started Who made the correct diagnosis? It is your job to find the best DR and Diagnosis! Patricia Highsmith, a 21 year old English composition student, presents to the office with a 5 month history of amenorrhea. She is concern because her older sister has a similar problem and she has been unable to conceive despite trying for the past two years. She was fairly regular in her periods until age 17 when she started having scant periods and occasionally missing one altogether. In the past year, symptoms worsened until the previously mentioned moment when she had an episode of spotting for one day. This was her last period. The patient has also noted occasional episodes of excessive urination and thirst . She indicates a weight gain of 20 lbs in the past year. Hall Victim? Miss. Highsmith Physical Exam Physical Exam BP: 140/90 HR: 74 RR: 17 T: 36.8 C Weigh: 162 lbs Height: 5’3” BMI: 28.7 General: Alert, oriented x3 Skin: Facial acne. Hirsutism present HEENT: Extra ocular movements intact, pupils equally reactive to light and accommodation Lungs: Clear to auscultation Heart: Regular, no murmurs Abdomen: Soft and depressible, bowel sounds present No cyanosis or edema present Neuro: No focal deficits Labs Labs Clues Doctors Differential Diagnosis Dr. Andrés Dr. Ruth Dr. Natalia Dr. Jorge Dr. Alma Sertoli-Leydig Cell Tumor Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Adrenal Tumor Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia Cushing Disease Sertoli-Leydig Cell Tumor Billiard Room Dr. Alma Presentation Characteristic Features Gross Morphology Small, grey to yellow-brown mass Microscopy Well-differentiated tumors show tubules composed of Sertoli cells and Leydig cells interspersed in the stroma with Reinke crystals. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Dinning Room Dr. Natalia Pathophysiology Pathophysiology Presentation Clinical Presentation Diagnosis Diagnostic (Dx) methods Adrenal Tumor Kitchen Dr. Andrés Presentation Adrenal Neoplasia ADRENAL NEOPLASIA Pathophysiology Pathophysiology Clinical Features Clinical Features Diagnosis Diagnosis Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia Lounge Dr. Ruth General Information Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia 21- hydroxylase deficiency 21- hydroxylase deficiency 11-hydroxylase deficiency 11-hydroxylase deficiency 17-hydroxylase deficiency 17-hydroxylase deficiency Diagnosis Diagnosis Treatment Treatment Cushing's Disease Library Dr. Jorge Cushing's Disease Cushing's Disease Cushing's Syndrome CUSHING’S SYNDROME EXCESS CORTISOL EFFECTS EXCESS CORTISOL EFFECTS SKIN CHANGES SKIN CHANGES DIAGNOSIS DIAGNOSIS Study What do you think is the diagnosis? answer the poll on the chat Ballroom Polycystic Ovarian syndrome Epidemiology Epidemiology Inconsistency in Epidemiology Inconsistency in Epidemiology Presentation Clinical Features Polycystic Ovary Hyperandrogenism Ovulatory dysfunction oligomenorrhea amenorrhea ovary containing 12 or more follicles each measuring 2 to 9 mm an ovary >10 mL acne androgenic alopecia hirsutism High testosterone High DHEA Diagnosis Tests/Diagnosis Tests Tests/Diagnosis Treatment/Prevention Treatment / Prevention References Conservatory Group Members Alma González Andrés González Claudia Francia Iván Aponte Jorge Lázaro Natalia Cruz Nicole Estarellas Ruth Martell Capozzi, A., Scambia, G., & Lello, S. (2020). Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and adolescence: How can we manage it? European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 250, 235-240. doi:10.1016/j.ejogrb.2020.04.024 Libè R, Fratticci A, Bertherat J. Adrenocortical cancer: pathophysiology and clinical management. Endocr Relat Cancer. 2007 Mar;14(1):13-28. doi: 10.1677/erc.1.01130. PMID: 17395972. Lonser RR, Nieman L, Oldfield EH. Cushing's disease: pathobiology, diagnosis, and management. J Neurosurg. 2017 Feb;126(2):404-417. doi: 10.3171/2016.1.JNS152119. Epub 2016 Apr 22. PMID: 27104844. MAPPING CONTROL géolocalisation de véhicules particuliers et entreprises. (n.d.). El síndrome de ovario poliquístico (SOP). Retrieved March 17, 2021, from Rasquin Leon, L. I., & Mayrin, J. V. (2020). Polycystic Ovarian Disease. In StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing. Rocha AL, Oliveira FR, Azevedo RC, et al: Recent advances in the understanding and management of polycystic ovary syndrome. F1000Res 26;8, 2019. pii: F1000 Faculty Rev-565. doi: 10.12688/f1000research.15318.1. eCollection 2019. Stankiewicz, M., & Norman, R. (2006). Diagnosis and management of polycystic ovary syndrome: a practical guide. Drugs, 66(7), 903–912. Williams, T., Mortada, R., & Porter, S. (2016, July 15). Diagnosis and treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome. Retrieved March 15, 2021, from,oligomenorrhea%2C%20amenorrhea%2C%20or%20infertility

Psychoanalysis Clue Game

Transcript: Study Ball Room Psychoanalysis 1. Evaluation of Criminal Acts 2. Crime Specifics 3. Victim analysis 4. Preliminary Police Reports 5. Autopsy Exam 6. Critical Offender Characteristics 7. Invesgtigation Predictions and Profile constructions Decision Prossess Matrix Decision Making Process Billiard Room "The Mad Bomber" The Case: In New York City 1940-1956, the criminal has planted more than 30 small bombs around the city, hitting movie theaters, phone booths and other public areas. The first bomb was left at the business premises of the energy utility Consolidated Edison. The pipe bomb did not detonate right away, as when it was discovered it was found to be wrapped in a note stating 'CON EDISON CROOKS, THIS IS FOR YOU'. A year later, another bomb of the same style was found abandoned on the groud just outside of the energy company Three months later the US joined the fight in WWII and received a typed letter, 'I will make no more bomb units for the duration of the war – my patriotic feelings have made me decide this – later I will bring the Con Edison to justice – they will pay for their dastardly deeds.' Nine years later, three more bombs were found. One was made to never go off, one in Grand Central Station, and the other in the library. Thirty more bombs were found, followed, and deonated. Killer Types Types of Killers Solution Ethics of Criminal Profing Conservatory The Sick Daughter Dinning Room Kyra Collins has been battling sickness on and off for years. In her sickness she found a love for playing with puppets and making little shows. She often gets sick and has problems eating food so much to the fact she became bedridden. At 13 she passed away devastating her father and sister. So who did it? Please ask me questions about the case so we can solve it! Misuse and Undertraining Library Implementing Regulations Hall Proposed by the ABP: 1. Psychology Bar Exam 2. Peer Review/Multidisciplinary 3. Studies and Journals 4. Countability Example Implementing ABP Regulations Kitchen 1. Validity of Foundations 2. Assessments as Applied 3. Bias 4. Quality 5. Communication 6. Limitations/Assumptions 7. Alternative views 8. Ethical Conduct/Limits Shannann Rzucek and her family lived in Colorado with their two daughters, Bella and Celeste. She was also 15 weeks pregnant with there to be son, Nico. The family decalared banruptcy two years prior. One day, after returning home from a business trip, her friend and colleague reported Shanann and the kids missing after Shanann missed an OBGYN appointment and went radio silent. The husband was at home when the police came, searched the house and reported everything as unharmed. Her purse, the kid's medication, phone, wedding ring, and car were all found there in their normal spots. The husband claimed to have no idea where they were and led interviews pleading for their return. Christopher Lee Watts Lounge In the early hours of August 13, 2018, in Frederick, Colorado, American oil field operator Christopher Lee Watts murdered his pregnant wife Shanann by strangulation, and their two children, Bella and Celeste, by smothering them. He then disposed of all of their bodies in the oil vats where he worked. The entrance to the oil vats were only 8 inches in diameter and left the disposle rather messy. He denied everything but was eventually arrested two days later after confessing to murdering Shanann. He later admitted to murdering his children. He was having an affair and threatened Shanonn with divorce. She rebutted him by saying she would take and kids and they had an argument where he just snapped and attacked her. Study What do you think our solution is?

Board Game Template

Transcript: Start Board Game Finish 1 Vocabulary Q1 Type question here... Q1 A1 Type answer here... A1 Q2 Type question here... Q2 A2 Type answer here... A2 2 Identify Q1 Type question here... Q1 A1 Type answer here... A1 Q2 Type question here... Q2 A2 Type answer here... A2 3 Apply Q1 Type question here... Q1 A1 Type answer here... A1 Q2 Type question here... Q2 A2 Type answer here... A2 4 True/False Q1 Type question here... Q1 A1 Type answer here... A1 Q2 Type question here... Q2 A2 Type answer here... A2 5 Vocabulary Q1 Type question here... Q1 A1 Type answer here... A1 Q2 Type question here... Q2 A2 Type answer here... A2 6 Identify Q1 Type question here... Q1 A1 Type answer here... A1 Q2 Type question here... Q2 A2 Type answer here... A2 7 Go Back 2 Spaces 8 True/False Q1 Type question here... Q1 A1 Type answer here... A1 Q2 Type question here... Q2 A2 Type answer here... A2 9 Vocabulary Q1 Type question here... Q1 A1 Type answer here... A1 Q2 Type question here... Q2 A2 Type answer here... A2 10 Identify Q1 Type question here... Q1 A1 Type answer here... A1 Q2 Type question here... Q2 A2 Type answer here... A2 11 Apply Q1 Type question here... Q1 A1 Type answer here... A1 Q2 Type question here... Q2 A2 Type answer here... A2 12 True/False Q1 Type question here... Q1 A1 Type answer here... A1 Q2 Type question here... Q2 A2 Type answer here... A2 13 Vocabulary Q1 Type question here... Q1 A1 Type answer here... A1 Q2 Type question here... Q2 A2 Type answer here... A2 14 Jump Ahead 2 Spaces 15 Apply Q1 Type question here... Q1 A1 Type answer here... A1 Q2 Type question here... Q2 A2 Type answer here... A2 16 True/False Q1 Type question here... Q1 A1 Type answer here... A1 Q2 Type question here... Q2 A2 Type answer here... A2 17 Vocabulary Q1 Type question here... Q1 A1 Type answer here... A1 Q2 Type question here... Q2 A2 Type answer here... A2 18 Identify Q1 Type question here... Q1 A1 Type answer here... A1 Q2 Type question here... Q2 A2 Type answer here... A2 19 Apply Q1 Type question here... Q1 A1 Type answer here... A1 Q2 Type question here... Q2 A2 Type answer here... A2 20 True/False Q1 Type question here... Q1 A1 Type answer here... A1 Q2 Type question here... Q2 A2 Type answer here... A2 21 Vocabulary Q1 Type question here... Q1 A1 Type answer here... A1 Q2 Type question here... Q2 A2 Type answer here... A2 22 Identify Q1 Type question here... Q1 A1 Type answer here... A1 Q2 Type question here... Q2 A2 Type answer here... A2 23 Apply Q1 Type question here... Q1 A1 Type answer here... A1 Q2 Type question here... Q2 A2 Type answer here... A2 24 True/False Q1 Type question here... Q1 A1 Type answer here... A1 Q2 Type question here... Q2 A2 Type answer here... A2

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