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Color Palette Powerpoint Template

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The Charachther Color Palette

Transcript: The Character Color Palette The Hate U Give Visual Essay Written By Angie Thomas The Study By Cheif Scientist, Dr. J. Galen Buckwalter Buckwalter has been a Research Psycholigist for close to 25 years. Throughout his years of research he ended up creating the assesment and matching system for the popular dating website eharmony. This naming him the Chief Science Officer for the company. The Matching system was based off of a study he did that catagorized people by colors that reflected there intrests, values, history, age, gender, and other personality defining factors. The study was able to show what colors worked well together (compatible). It also found out which ones would not. Although peoples personalitys cannot be summed up into one colors traits we can often genralize people based off there strongest traits. Of course the Software for eharmony is way more complicated it is broken down to the same idea on a base level. Red Characters Topic Red characters are generally adventourous, bold, and direct. They tend to hold strong leader positions and are confident and outgoing that tends to allur people to them. They tend to hold leader or managment positions such as bosses or owners. The negatives of a red Characther can be their dominant personality. Others can see this as overbearing, insensitive, and even self centered. Red characthers often have trouble seeing others views as valid. Maverick- Maverick (Starrs father) is seen as a leader in the community and tends to attract the best out of people due to his confiedent personality and the respect he has for the community and the community for him. Due to his past he knows the ins and outs of the neighbourhood which has led to him being a strong role model for the black community and his family that he protects even when some of his kids arent even his. On the downside Mav has a direct way of thinking and struggles to see it from others views due to his experiances in life with racism and the police. His overbearing personality can often lead to neglect of his familys values which can hurt their relationships. Other Examples - April Ofrah (Just Us For Justice) - Kenya Blue Characters Blue Characters tend to be dependable, practical, and directive. Blue characthers are very sympathetic and commpasionate. They are Idealistic and communicative being more realistic thinkers. Blue characters tend to hold jobs that work with people directly. They care alot about relationships with the people around them which can tend to lead to their downfall when placed with decisions that can impact their relationships with the people around them. Topic Uncle Carlos- During Starrs times as a child her father Mav was in prison which hindered their realtionship and left and gap in Starrs life which was a father. During Mavs inprisonment Uncle Carlos seemed to fill that gap in Starrs life. Uncle Carlos holds his relationships with his family very close but with the tender relationship that her family holds with the police force after Starrs incident it causes some trouble connection wise. As a police officer Uncle Carlos has a seperate perspective as a Officer that is Black. His arguments when speaking with others about police brutality tend to come from personal experiance. Other Examples - Lisa Carter (Starrs Mother) - Chris (Starrs Boyfriend) Purple Characters Topic Purple characters are creative and often allow others around them to express themselves better. They are expressive and often say exactly what they are thinking which is why they often become politcal speaker or work with organizations that they strongly believe in. Purple characters are very emotive and display love, anger, happieness, through pure emotions rather than dealing with them in other ways. As much as they work for the betterment of themselves and others purple characthers can often cause destruction to themselves by being to emotive or expressive in certain situations which can lead to escalations of high risk scenarios. Purple charcters can sometimes ignore the logistic part of a problem which can bite the in the back evidentally. Starr- Starr is one of those charcters that until a certain point in the book, (the killing of Khalil) it was hard to consider what personality color she couldve been. due to the differnt role models she had and that they all had differnt personalitys it made it hard for her to take after one. Khalils death gave Starr the courage to speak out and build a fight for Khalil and black people in her community. After Khalils death Starr begins to hold people to their words like her bestfriend Hailey when she begins to talk bad on Khalils name after he was killed. Starr has to leave alot of situations beacuse her emotions take over. She also tends to ignore what others have to say in advice that is said in logic. This can cause problems when a authroity or someone with a seperate opinion clashes with any of Starrs opinions. In summary Starrs personality is what causes the Yellow

The Color Palette Designer

Transcript: Actors User- Betty UI Elements New Project Button (Create new project) Search screen (observe old projects) Sort screen Search box (Search Current Projects by Name) Action(s) Create new project by clicking “new project button.” Finished Project! Rationale - Products & Applications that are currently available limit the implementation of an idea because of outdated information. Initial Vision - Provide users with a user friendly UI that allows them to realize their plans and designs. -Streamline the planning process from cluttered complicated lists to a clean process with actual products to fill their space whether that be a designed room or event space. BTM 604 Group Project Augmentative vs.. Autonomous -Designed using augmentative factors to provide suggestions instead of requirements. -Allows for creativity and collaboration amongst multiple users. Avoiding Gulf of Evaluation -Used gestalt principles to group like items considered factors such as area, symmetry, continuity and familiarity. Natural Mappings -Alignment of real world real world conventions such catalog or storefront as displayed in search results and favorites list. Conceptual Model -Important detail outlined by Norman for usability design -Implemented through consistency amongst page headers Actors User - Betty UI Elements Title Banner (Home) Input Search Box Search Button Favorites List Actions Look through blue cribs, dressers and bedding Touch search button Touch Blue shade to take to link - This scenario was chosen from another real life situation experienced by a team member. A family friend's daughter was going away to college and her mother spent countless hours looking for zebra prints. The Color Palette Designer would have cut down the time and effort needed to complete this design. - Actors: Actors were chosen based on who had influence on the project at hand such as Jessica choosing prints and Norma trying to find them with other third party stores. Actors User- Betty UI Elements Button(Return to Account Details) Button (Start New Project) Banner (Home Screen Name) Search box (Search Current Projects by Name) List (Projects that have been Favorited) Banner (Color Palettes) Up/Down List (Arrows) Sample Color Palettes (Popular) Action(s) Scroll through popular sample color palettes Touch “Start New Project” Action(s) Enter Name & Personal Email Optional- Enter Email of Friends Touch “Submit” Hurdles App Overcomes Applied Usability Principles Actors User- Betty UI Elements Title Banner (User Information/Invite Friends to Projects) Input Text Box (User Information/Invite Friend emails) Project Details Actors User- Betty UI Elements Button(Return to Project lists) Button (Start New Project) Search box (Search Current Projects and pick dimensions) Action(s) Scroll through pre-selected dimensions for desired project Touch “Start New Project Project Screen Actors User- Betty UI Elements Button(Return to project list) Button (Start New Project) Banner (project title) Search box (add themes) List (add elements that you want for project) Dimension box (Length x width) List (add what accessories you want to room) Action(s) Add themes that the project needs to be complete. Add the dimensions of the room and the accessories that you want in the room. Application User Home Screen The Color Palette Designer Visual nature of the human psychology -Employs general pattern recognition via conceptual standardization Mitigating the small, short-term memory of the average person -Ability to later recall all of their favorite ideas with ease Story Board: New User Welcome Screen Rationale Behind First Date Scenario Actors User- Betty UI Elements Graphics (Logo) Message Box (Welcome Message) Button (OK/Cancel) Action(s) -Click on “OK” - The nursery was chosen because this is was a real life experience a team member had when planning a nursery. This situation was the reason The Color Palette Designer was created. - Actors: The actors were chosen based on who it affected and who were making decisions. Results in mom, dad, baby boy and third party stores. Initial Vision & Rationale Actors User- Betty UI Elements Button(Return to Previous screen ) Banner (Upload color option ) Button (upload color) Banner(Choose from a preset selection of colors) Button (drops down list of pre-selected colors) Action(s) Touch Blue & Grey to be taken to pre-designed color palette options Rationale Behind Nursery Scenario New Project Screen Story Board Rationale Behind Wedding Scenario Actions Add items to favorites list Click on item in list to see full size image and web address Click web address to be redirected to the site for purchase - DIY weddings while all the rage can be very difficult and time consuming. These challenges do not have to mean that your dream wedding cannot be realized. The Color Palette Designer can bring each idea to life all in one convenient place. - Actors: Actors were chosen based on who the wedding affected and who were making the choices to get

Color powerpoint

Transcript: Color Terms Mode – amount of color data that can be stored in a given file format Pixel – (dot) represents a color or shade RGB Mode RGB – Red, Green, Blue Represented by mixing various proportions and intensities of RGB colored light Additive colors – used for computer monitors Colors may vary from monitor to monitor CMYK Mode CMYK – Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black Based on colors being partially absorbed as the ink hits the paper and being partially reflected back to your eyes Subtractive color CMYK – used in four color process printing Grayscale Mode Color Picker – lets you choose a color from a color spectrum or lets you numerically define a custom color Swatches palette – visual display of colors you can choose from Filters – PS commands that can significantly alter an image’s appearance Terms Foreground color – black by default Used to paint, fill, and apply a border to a selection Background color – white by default Used to make gradient fills (gradual blends of multiple colors Fill in areas of an image that have been erase Color Picker – lets you choose a color from a color spectrum or lets you numerically define a custom color Swatches palette – visual display of colors you can choose from Filters – PS commands that can significantly alter an image’s appearance What does your favorite color mean? RED Stimulates heartbeat and breathing Love and Warmth Symbolizes anger and aggression Outgoing/Passionate Personalities YELLOW Cheerful First Color to Grab Attention Optimistic Causes some to lose tempers BLUE Peaceful Tranquil/Calming Depressing Symbolizes Loyalty Increases Productivity PURPLE Royalty Sophistication Wealth Shyness Femininity GREEN Symbolizes Nature Calming Refreshing Masculinity Wealth ORANGE Full of Energy Enthusiastic Demands Attention BLACK Power Elegance Mystery Mourning Unhappiness WHITE Innocence Purity Simplicity Cleanliness Youth Painters in the late 19th century began to focus on colors in their artwork. They were known as the Impressionists. Later, in the early 20th century, the Expressionists evolved. They used color mostly to express emotions in their work. Claude Monet was one of the most popular Impressionist painters. Notice how the painting does not look real, but the layering of bright colors gives the impression of the church, water, and sky. This was painted by Post-Impressionist, Vincent van Gogh. He was in an asylum when he painted Starry Night. Notice how much blue he used in the painting. Do you think the color symbolizes anything? Edvard Munch’s “Scream”Expressionism Understanding Color Color is a wavelength of light Hue (chroma) – Name of color Intensity – Quality of brightness or Purity of color Saturated Color – Very intense Primary Colors – Red, Yellow Blue 3 colors in the spectrum of light that cannot be produced by a mixture of pigments Secondary – Combination of any two Primary colors (Orange, Green, Purple) Intermediate (Tertiary) – Combination of Primary and Secondary (Primary named first) Color Schemes Neutral – Don’t reflect any single wavelength of light, but create lightness and darkness Neutralized colors are “greyed” down or reduced in intensity Some are “semi-neutral”, showing more of a hue Analogous – Closely related colors on color wheel Complementary – Two colors directly opposite each other on the color wheel Split-Complementary – Color plus the two colors to the right and left of complement Triadic – Three equidistant colors on color wheel Warm Colors – Colors that include mostly reds or yellows Cool Colors – Colors that include mostly blues and greens Monochromatic – One color with its differing values Tints – A color plus white Shade – A color plus black RGB – Red, Green, Blue RGB – Red, Green, Blue Represented by mixing various proportions and intensities of RGB colored light Additive colors – used for computer monitors Colors may vary from monitor to monitor Represented by mixing various proportions and intensities of RGB colored light Additive colors – used for computer monitors Colors may vary from monitor to monitor

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