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Course Completion Certificate Template Powerpoint

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Post Graduate Certificate Course

Transcript: A Quick Glance of the Course By Zainab Mirza And I Learnt... And I learnt... Realized the importance of using quality checks (AFLs, starters etc) Importance of group work, planning and making use of the knowledge already present inside to gain more knowledge.. Role of a teacher.. being kind Beauty of positive thought process.. Working and learning with amazing and wonderful people.. Myself.. Core of My Learning An overview of the training.. 4 Modules Preparing for professional development Effective teaching and learning Curriculum and Assessment Improving classroom practices. Classroom based projects, evaluations etc.. 5.Essentials of lesson planning 6. Curriculum-design, types and layout. and the use of Bloom's Taxonomy.. 7. Assessments (Purpose and strategies) and the use of educational technology 8. Assessments (formative and summative), validity and reliability, Table of specifications 9. Traditional Vs. Activity based learning, designing and implementing group work 10. Emotional intelligence and its correlation with teacher efficacy 11. Classroom based projects 1.The beauty of 'Experiential learning'... The process of experiential learning- "The experiential learning cycle" 2. Aspects of positive attitude Stress and techniques to cope up with stress Neuroplasticity.. dealing with the emotions.. Feedback 3.Learning styles & Learning approaches. 4.Creativity, imagination and innovation in assessing understanding of students, and planning lessons Post Graduate Certificate Course... A Learning Experience

Course Template

Transcript: Course Template IAMT & ELEC Syllabus Syllabus Example: Syllabus Office Hours & Contact Info Office Hours & Contact Info Description Description Organization Organization Course Objectives Course Objectives Course Topics Course Topics Course Topics Course Topics Welcome/Intro Expectations Reiterated Demonstration of real world of this course application. Get to know instructor Welcome/Intro Student Calendar Include Webex Communication Link Office Hours BTC General Calendar Student Calendar Module 1 General Guidlines: Amount of time spent 25% Module Overview, Readings/Video Presentations, Quizzes/Understanding Checks 75% Lab Examples, Lab Application, and Troubleshooting Instructor Video Feedback no more than 2-3 min Scheduled Lab Sign Offs Module 1 Module Overview Module Overview Summary Module Objectives Readings and Quizzes Links Lab Links Extra Resources Links Troubleshooting Links Readings/Video Presentations Readings/Video Presentations Video presentations ideally using interactive video like Kaltura's new interactive features Readings - multiple learning styles Videos no longer than 10 minutes Quizzes/Understanding Check Quizzes/Understanding Check Interactive Video could cover this depending on the platform. Worksheets Standard multiple choice testing Labs that already have checks for understanding built in. Lab Examples Lab Examples Clear instructions for completing lab and submission Resources needed list Example of completed lab Complete/Incomplete Grading Examples of code or other similar information Links back to content pages Lab Application Lab Application Ask students to apply what was done in the example in a different way. Clear rubrics that any other instructor can understand Lab submitions must include: Video/screen shots with explanations Code. Could be a small part of the final lab. Troubleshooting Discussion Troubleshooting Discussion Add discussion for students to submit questions or talk about problems they encountered and how they solved them. Does not need to be worth any points Needs to be at the end of each module. Module #... General Guidlines: Amount of time spent 25% Module Overview, Readings/Video Presentations, Quizzes/Understanding Checks 75% Lab Examples, Lab Application, and Troubleshooting Instructor Video Feedback Scheduled Lab Sign Offs Module #... Module Overview Module Overview Summary Module Objectives Readings and Quizzes Links Lab Links Extra Resources Links Troubleshooting Links Readings/Video Presentations Readings/Video Presentations Video presentations ideally using interactive video like Kaltura's new interactive features Readings - multiple learning styles Quizzes/Understanding Check Quizzes/Understanding Check Interactive Video could cover this depending on the platform. Worksheets Standard multiple choice testing Labs that already have checks for understanding built in. Lab Examples Lab Examples Clear instructions for completing lab and submission Resources needed list Example of completed lab Complete/Incomplete Grading Examples of code or other similar information Links back to content pages Lab Application Lab Application Ask students to apply what was done in the example in a different way. Clear rubrics that any other instructor can understand Lab submitions must include: Video/screen shots with explanations Code. Could be a small part of the final lab. Troubleshooting Discussion Troubleshooting Discussion Add discussion for students to submit questions or talk about problems they encountered and how they solved them. Does not need to be worth any points Needs to be at the end of each module. Final Project General Guidlines: Scheduled with instructor 25% Written Test 75% Competancy Lab Clear Rubric Could be used to test out of course. Video submission also required for portfolio Final Project Work Skills Eval General Guidlines: Completed at the time of the final Rubric provided by Admin Work Skills Eval Course Eval General Guidlines: Completed after the final Questionaire provided by Admin Course Eval

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