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A circular process

Transcript: When students are taken into account A Good Teacher must be... . And Brailovski mentions, “(…) This essential gestures (…): say and demonstrate, for the teachers, summary in the idea of ”explain”, assist and work, for students, added in the gestures of look, listen to, read and write”, “(…) ask and participate”. A CIRCULAR PROCESS Marion Williams and Robert Burden (1997: 120) suggest that motivation is a ‘state of cognitive arousal’ which provokes a ‘decision to act’, as a result of which there is ‘sustained intellectual and/ or physical effort’ so that the person can achieve some ‘previously set goal’. “The strength of (..) motivation will depend on how much value the individual places on the outcome he or she wishes to achieve”. The purpose of evaluation in learning... Students have to be motivated... Nunan (2011) reminds us that even controlled or guided activities can be fun, especially if they are turned into games or competitions (…)”. Dynamic. Continuous. Circular. Interpersonal. When Planning a Lesson As Antello says, "(...) The teacher understands students not only when she or he knows them inside the classroom, but knowing the world which they are living in, their environment, their likes, etc.”. And Roger states, “We have to consider the whole student, as a physical and cognitive, but primarily emotional, being”. Lesson Plans The teacher not only learns from books, she/he learns in the classroom, from students' movements, eye' contact, etc. As Davini says, “ The teacher is a mediator between the knowledge and students, he has to adequate the material to their capacities, their interests and the necessities of the particular group and the characteristics of the specific socio-cultural context”. Harmer states, “We need to try to match the activities we take into lessons with the students we are teaching. One way of doing this is to keep a constant eye on what they respond well to and what they feel less engaged with. ” To create an optimal environment for learning English, the input in the classroom needs to be comprehensible and just above the students ‘current level of English. Teachers can support comprehension of input by using lots of visual, realia, gestures, and caregiver speech.” (Krashen, 1981) As Harmer says, “Effective teachers are well-prepared. Part of this preparation resides in the knowledge they have of their subject and the skill of teaching. But another feature of being well-prepared is having thought in advanced of what we are going to do in our lessons”. As Litwin says, “Through games we help the acquisition of social proposals, behaviour habits, and work rules. The game among partners is a privilege method in the acquisition of behaviour that helps cooperation, teach solidarity and fraternity, good coexistence and help”. Freire says, “(…) who teaches, learns while teaching and who learns, teaches while learning”. As Harmer says, “An important tool in instruction is for the teacher to organize a demonstration of what is to happen. (…) Demonstration is almost always appropriate and will almost always ensure that students have a better grasp of what they are supposed to do than instructions can on their own”. "(...) One of the things that we are uniquely able to do on the spot is to use mime, gesture and expression to convey meaning and atmosphere. As Givrtz and Palamidessi state, “The evaluation (…) give us information. The purpose of an evaluation is to prove, check something related to the expected qualities of a person or a thing”. And Brown states, “Total commitment, total involvement, a total physical, intellectual, and emotional response are necessary to successfully send and receive messages in a second language”. As Roger says, “Teachers as facilitators must therefore provide the nurturing context for learners to construct their meaning in interaction with others”. Harmer reminds us, “(…) if we wish to develop a good learning environment in the classroom- we need to establish an appropriate relationship with our students. We need to spend time making sure that the teacher-student rapport is positive and useful.” add logo here

Process Powerpoint

Transcript: By Dora Le & Ann Lung AP Rhet Period 1 1 What Is Process? 2 3 Understanding Process Explanations 4 Planning depict the process accurately distinguish what usually and occasionally happens mentally tests all steps in sequence 5 6 use transitions use transitional words and phrases ensure step leads to the next 7 Structuring A Process Essay Congradulations thank you How To Write A Process Essay describe unfamiliar equipment or material three sections explains how to do something use clear & consistent discussion interrupted only for definitions, explanations, or cautions Goal College writing-calls for instructions to persuade present information include clear thesis statement thesis-identifies process & must provide clear logical transitions explain reasons for performing the steps Using Process define terms transitions-establish sequential and chronological relationships can be instructions or process explanation Presents events in strict chronological order now you know how to write a process essay enables readers to perform a process uses present tense speaks directly to the readers keep reader's needs in mind avoid unneccary shifts in tense/mood easy as 1,2,3 is important too does not need a formal conclusion reinforce thesis Introduction (why it is performed) examples: first, second, meanwhile, in conclusion, finally, etc. body reviews the procedure's major stages conclusion Clarity is extremely important Understanding Instructions Help understand how it's carried out use 1st or 3rd person past or present tense style of process explanation varies Accomodating your audience identifies the process include information about materials present overview of the process thesis is stated each treats one major stage CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER

Free Read PowerPoint

Transcript: Free Read PowerPoint Project Judith Rumelt, better known by her pen name Cassandra Clare, is an American author of young adult fiction. Main Characters Summary Prominent literary item Will Herondale-Will has dark hair and ocean blue eyes. Will is rude and cruel because he believes everyone that loves him will die. He believes this because a demon put a 'curse' on him. Tessa Gray- Tessa has blonde hair and grey eyes. She is very witty and enjoys literature. Recommendation of book Setting Jem Carstairs-Jem has silver hair and eyes, due to the drug he was tortured with before his family was killed. He plays the violin and is very kind, caring, and lovable. The most unique thing in Clockwork Angel is that there are supernatural occurrences such as demons, shape shifters, witches, vampires, and werewolves, etc. I definitely recommend Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare. I recommend this book because it uses great figurative language, such as "The machine walked like a man." Also, "There was a boy standing in front of her. He couldn´t have been much older than she was-seventeen or possibly eighteen. He was dressed in what looked like workman´s clothes-a frayed black jacket, trousers, and tough-looking boots. He wore no waistcoat, and thick leather straps crisscrossed his waist and chest. Attached to the straps were weapons-daggers and folding knives and things that looked like blades of ice. In His left hand-slim and long fingered-was bleeding where she had gashed the back of it with her pitcher. But that wasn´t what made her stare. He had the most beautiful face she had ever seen. Tangled black hair and eyes like blue glass. Elegant cheekbones,and long, thick lashes. He looked like every fictional hero she´d ever conjured up in her head. Tessa Gray goes to London to live with her brother. When she arrives Tessa is captured by twin sisters dubbed 'the Dark Sisters'. She was tortured and forced to use her gift of shape shifting for evil until Will Herondale rescues her. He then takes her to the institute, a place for shadowhunters to be cared for. Tessa meets the residents of the institute, Charlotte Branwell, the head of the institute, Henry Branwell, Charlotte's husband and inventor of a many great inventions, Jessamine Lovelace, girly and against all things shadowhunter, Jem Carstairs, a kind but very ill shadowhunter. Presentation Themes Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare Most unique thing in the book Presentation by Canaan Hall Clockwork Angel takes place in the institute, and the Dark Sister's home. The institute is an old church with very many rooms for passing visitors. The Dark Sister's house is large but sparsly furnished, in Tessa's room there is a bed with restraints, a mirror, and a nightstand with a few books. The themes for Clockwork angel are; you always need friends that you can trust, don't judge someone by their looks you don't know what they are going through, and even someone you wouldn't expect could be the hero. Cassandra Clare One prominent literary item in the book is personification. Personification is used throughout Clockwork Angel, such as "The machine walked like a man." Another example is, "The door creaked with a noise that sounded like a scream."

Free Prezi Template

Transcript: The adsorption of contaminant molecules by catalysis The improvement of light absorption The improvement of charge separation and transportation ZnS QDs by precipitation method ( Zinc acetate, Sodium sulphide) ( T= 90º, t= 2h) (NaOH was used as a surfactant) (Low crystalyity) ZnS NPs by hydrothermal method ( Zinc chloride, Thioacetamide) (T=140º, t=5h) ZnS microspheres by hydrothermal method (Zinc chloride, Sodium thiosulfate) (T=180º, t=12h) The strongest material ever Optical Properties Synthesis of pure ZnS Secondary, the use of certain organic acids as additives (Formic acid) , in order to inhibit the growth of moulds, bacteria and yeasts. Graphite : narrow peak (2θ = 26.8º)(d=0.33 nm) ZnO nanorod : high intensity peak (002) (2θ = 34.331º) (JCPDS 00-001-1136) ZnS : sphalerite (111), (200), (220), (311) (JCPDS 00-001-0792) Graphite The mechanical and wear-resistance performance of the coating. 1 Morphology PL : The excessive of rGO can act a center for the recombination of electron-hole pairs instead of providing an electron pathway Solar cell device Synthesis of ZnS-based organic (graphene and polypyrrole) composite The intensity of the absorption peak of MB at 663 nm decreases with the increase of irradiation time D(%) = [(A(MB)0 - A(MB)t)/ A(MB)0] × 100 ZG-0 = 0.27% , ZG-1 = 59%, ZG-2 = 68%, ZG-3 = 79%, ZG-4 = 63% UV-vis absorbtion spectra Na2S + 2H2O 2NaOH + H2S (1) ZnO + H2S ZnS + H2O (2) Hummer's method Research Main Points The rule of graphene 300 times stronger than steel and much harder than diamond! Examples for nanomaterial that already used as a reinforcement in the coating XRD Pure ZnS QDs Publications Nanotechnology solutions hexagonal arrangement of carbon in layer stacked to each other One-pot synthesis Multi-step syntheis one-pot synthesis Multi-step synthesis synthesis of Graphene oxide nanosheets. ( Hummer's method) Graphene nanosheets (GNS) - Titanium dioxide composite Graphene Graphene : (2θ = 25.63º) PPy : amorphous (2θ = 26º) ZnS : Sphalerite ( 111), (220), (311) Insertion for a desired properties ZG-0 ( 0% GO), ZG-1 (0.5% GO), ZG-2 (1% GO), ZG-3 (1.5% GO), ZG-4 (2% GO) Synthesis of ZnS-based inorganic (ZnO-ZnS core-shell) composite Absorption XRD Characterization Morphology Synthesis of pure ZnS ZnO-ZnS core-shell nanostructure By Khaled El Sayed Mustafa The morphology of the core-shell structure is a mixture of round and rectangular shape Uv-vis absorption of ZnO-ZnS core-shell Photocatalytic measurement: Mild steel substrate XRD Characterization Improvement of high-surface area of catalysis (BET) Selective adsorption of the aromatic dye on the catalyst ( π electrons ) qe = ( Ci – Ce )V/m GO Intense and sharp peak ( 2θ = 10.6º ) (001) (d=0.83 nm) rGO very broad ( 2θ = 24.31º ) (002) ( d= 0.36 nm) very weak peak ( 2θ = 42.53º ) (100) ( d= 0.21 nm) ZG-0 Zinc blend ( 2θ = 28.609º, 33.153º, 47.591º, 56.473º, 59.227º, 69.583º, 76.894º ) (1 1 1), (2 0 0), (2 2 0), (3 1 1), (2 2 2), (4 0 0) and (3 3 1) ZG-0 Wurtzite ( 2θ = 27.081 ) Graphene : ideal ohmic ZnS nanoparticles : two fold light response, resistance of 3.23 × 10 23 Ωcm2 ZP : resistance of 2.81 × 10 23 Ωcm2 GZP : 1.35 × 10 23 Ω cm2 Hexagonal ZnO ZnS (111) Experimental XRD Characterization One-pot synthesis of ZnO-ZnS core-shell nanostructure Electrodeposition of rGO by Mg(NO3)2 Electrodeposition of ZnO nanorod arrays (ZnCl2, KOH, 1mM) anealing on the high purify Argon gas Sulfidation process ( thioacetamide) Photocatalytic Silo Corrosion failure The Anticorrosion Effect of Ni- RGO -TiO2 Nanocomposite Coating on Mild Steel in Neutral Environment The ZnS shell with an estimated tickness of 18 nm is observed Cathodic Protection synthesis of graphene nanosheets ( microwave assisted t=5min, 15 micro liter Hydrazine) PPy nanotube ( Pyrrol monomer, Fecl3, Methylene orange as a template) A red shift and increase in absorption edge of the UV-Vis spectra of ZnS were observed in the presence of graphene. The PL emission of ZnS-graphene decreased compared to the pure ZnS due to the presence of graphene the PL emission of the ZnO-ZnS core-shell nanostructure decreased due to the presense of ZnS shell and formation of type-II band alignment structure in the hetero-interface which is beneficial for solar cell devices. The presence of rGO in ZnS-rGO composite gives significant improvement in the degradation of methylene blue under visible light irradiation compared to pure ZnS, due to the increased adsorption of the dye, decrease in the band gap and stepwise structure of the energy levels in the composite. The presence of graphene and PPy in the GZP turnary composite lead to higher photocurrent response due to the creation of an interfacial separation between the graphene and the PPy by ZnS nanoparticles, which act as a bridge, and due to enhanced charge transport by graphene. ZnS microsphere-rGO composite Corrosion Inhibitors Crystal structure Bridging effect Charge separation Research Assistant Environmental Modifications Pt foil a counter

Free fall template

Transcript: Importance of the 3 levels of Govt. It is beneficial for a country to have 3 different levels of government because various different situations and problems can be handled with different levels as each one has its own set of responsibilities and commitments. For example, public transit issues would be handled by the Municipal Government, whereas property and civil rights would fall under the Provincial/Territorial Government, and finally citizenship or insurance would be handled by the Federal Government. Going up every level, the responsibility grows more importance, and with 3 levels of government it is far more easy to organize these responsibilities. General Responsibilities: defense criminal law employment* insurance postal service census* copyrights trade regulation external relations* money and banking transportation* citizenship Indian affairs General Responsibilities: property and civil rights* administration of justice natural resources and the environment* education healthcare* welfare* General Responsibilities: water* sewage* waste collection/management* public transit* land use planning* libraries emergency services* animal control economic development* Caused by: Failure of pumps at Point Lepreau Coolants stopped working because of a power outage caused by a storm which caused malfunctions Lack of maintenance for their back up generators which meant that all systems stopped working Responding to Death Strike The Federal Government would respond by: Employing volunteers to help cleanse the area of nuclear pollutants Ask for assistance with allied countries Assist Municipal governments with transportation issues Execute the Federal Nuclear Emergency Plan (FNEP) Dealing with water leakage issues Municipal Government Reaction The Municipal Government would respond by: closing up their sewage areas to keep radioactive water from entering Doing an emergency evacuation either in the city or even out of it Transporting people out during evacuations Assisting in traffic control emergency shelters Federal Government Reaction The meltdown from the reactor released huge amounts of radiation within the proximity, killing people with these rays. In addition to this, radioactive material was released into the water not only affecting many of the waters from the tsunami in Japan but also it entered the pacific ocean. That harmed the wildlife but also would travel east to the United States and Canada In the case of our disaster, we wouldn’t really be facing a tsunami, but a defective cooling pump that is backing up causing unnecessary harm to the nuclear plant and other damage. Provincial/Territorial Government The Provincial/Territorial Government would respond by: They would help in major scale evacuations. For instance, they may order evacuations provincial wide and get all the southern areas in NB to areas like the northern part of the province Nova Scotia, Ontario, Quebec or even the United States They would aid in traffic control for major roads to make sure the people or buses are evacuating properly They may also need to be there to provide larger shelters They might need to cut schooling during this predicament. Along with the federal government, surrounding provinces may need to bring their environmental policies to their citizens to make sure certain ares wouldn't go outside at the time In addition to the shelters, they might have to provide rations and help the ones who were evacuated with gathering for Health Units along with the Federal government. The Levels of Government Nuclear Breakdown Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Blast Radius Provincial/Territorial Government Reaction Relief Plan: The aspects of administration involved and required for the relief plan would obviously consist of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) as stated before to help with dealing with the nuclear waste radiating from the leakage. Also, because of the fact that this is Canada's first ever nuclear disaster, aid and support from allied countries such as Japan would be extremely beneficial as they would provide updated instructions and coordinations from their previous encounters with nuclear disasters. (Fukushima) What are the levels of government? Federal Government INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY Death Strike; What caused it? Chernobyl Blast Radius Municipal Government Area of Pointe Lepreau and Possible Evacuation Areas Death Strike Havoc Report Sites in and around Point Lepreau that have a potential risk of being exposed to radiation

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