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Free Powerpoint Templates Classical Conversations

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Classical Conversations

Transcript: Grammar Stage Strong academic foundation Unequal footing Excellence in test scores Increased graduation rates Phonics and Spelling History Facts (Timeline) Math Facts Recitation: Scripture Primary Sources Poetry Dialectic (Logic) Subjects fully integrate Word of God Truth, Goodness, and Beauty Worldview, worldview, worldview Why are home schoolers taking a competetive lead? What is Classical Education? Analysis - Formal Logic Integration of Grammar Facts Latin Modern Education CLASSICAL EDUCATION is the cultivation of wisdom and virtue by nourishing the soul on truth, goodness, and beauty by means of the seven liberal arts and the four sciences. Trivium The Impact of a Classical Christian Education Robert H Down Elementary School "And be not conformed to this world; but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind that ye may prove what is good and acceptable and the perfect will of God." Romans 12:2 The Increasing Edge of Homeschool In the classroom: Distinctly Christian Robert Down Elementary "Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15 Teachers & Support Staff Critical thinking Abstract concepts Not teaching with the grain Common threads Curriculum changes Self-expression Write and Speak Eloquently and Persuasively Apologetics Theology Study of Great Thinkers Senior Capstone What are colleges looking for? Rhetoric The Trivium SAT/ACT Subject Area tests GPA Rigor Dual Enrollment Essays/Interviews

PowerPoint Game Templates

Transcript: Example of a Jeopardy Template By: Laken Feeser and Rachel Chapman When creating without a template... Example of a Deal or No Deal Template PowerPoint Game Templates There are free templates for games such as jeopardy, wheel of fortune, and cash cab that can be downloaded online. However, some templates may cost more money depending on the complexity of the game. Classroom Games that Make Test Review and Memorization Fun! (n.d.). Retrieved February 17, 2017, from Fisher, S. (n.d.). Customize a PowerPoint Game for Your Class with These Free Templates. Retrieved February 17, 2017, from 1. Users will begin with a lot of slides all with the same basic graphic design. 2. The, decide and create a series of questions that are to be asked during the game. 3. By hyper linking certain answers to different slides, the game jumps from slide to slide while playing the game. 4. This kind of setup is normally seen as a simple quiz show game. Example of a Wheel of Fortune Template Games can be made in order to make a fun and easy way to learn. Popular game templates include: Family Feud Millionaire Jeopardy and other quiz shows. Quick video on template "Millionaire" PowerPoint Games Some games are easier to make compared to others If users are unsure whether or not downloading certain templates is safe, you can actually make your own game by just simply using PowerPoint. add logo here References Example of a Family Feud Template PowerPoint Games are a great way to introduce new concepts and ideas You can create a fun, competitive atmosphere with the use of different templates You can change and rearrange information to correlate with the topic or idea being discussed. Great with students, workers, family, etc. For example: With games like Jeopardy and Family Feud, players can pick practically any answers. The person who is running the game will have to have all of the answers in order to determine if players are correct or not. However, with a game like Who Wants to be a Millionaire, the players only have a choice between answers, A, B, C, or D. Therefore, when the player decides their answer, the person running the game clicks it, and the game will tell them whether they are right or wrong.


Transcript: Social learning network for teachers & students Create assignments, files & notices Discussion forum for class groups Retrieve homework Penzu Furl Shanna Wood 10/5/12 Web 2.0 Tools Multiple technology tools increase ability to learn Providing students with technology that they would not normally have Positive effect of student learning Student engagement & hands on with technology Encourage creativity Audio broadcast converted to MP3 or other playback device Listener can choose what they listen to and download Can be used for class presentations, lecture & literacy Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere Web 2.0 is a term coined in 1999 to describe web sites that use technology beyond the static pages of earlier web sites Blogs Emerging Technologies Reflection Edmodo Ways that Penzu can be implemented into the classroom:Warm-Up Activities Daily journaling Writing Essay's Introduction Penzu is a simple service written on rails, that allows you to write and save private notes or posts with images, print the entry, or share it by email or submit as assignment Podcasts Enhance learning, creativity & collaboration Easier to share global wide Web 2.0 tools are today's tomorrow Possibilities & future are endless Social bookmarking site that enables students and teachers to share their favorite sites with each other. This can be helpful for research, projects or sharing tutorial sites, with peers. Teachers can also use this site to share ideas on lesson plans or fun ways to teach while keeping students engaged in learning. Daily post Personal reflections Only owner can make changes Class discussion forum

Classical Conversations Information Meeting

Transcript: Classical Conversations Information Meeting Purpose: The purpose of Classical Conversations® is to lead the home-centered education movement by teaching parents and students the classical tools of learning so that they can discover God’s created order and beauty— and as a result— enable others to do the same. To Know God and to make Him known Vision: We enable parents everywhere to equip their children with a Christ-centered worldview and the classical “tools of learning” in order to impact the world for God’s glory. Lisa Brizuela Foundations/Essentials Director About Me From Modern to Classical Classical education seeks to discover truth, goodness, and beauty by way of knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. "He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power." -Hebrews 1:3 Types of Education Modern Education "Poor" Christian Education Good Christian Education Great Christian Education Classical Education Regardless of their learning style, children learn in three phases or stages (grammar, logic or dialectic, and rhetoric), known as the trivium. Age 4-12 Memorize facts to form pegs in the wall. Grammar Stage naturally want to know things. Naming Attending Memorizing Expressing Storytelling Answers the questions: who? what? where? when? Age 12-13 Challenges authority and facts. Utilize facts (pegs) to form arguments. Debate Reason Answers the questions: How? & Why? Logic Stage Ages 14-18 Poetic Age The unknown can be explored because the known is understood Use knowledge and understanding to discern the true, best or most valuable use of things Abstract and hypothetical can be explored Self Expression Connections made between the natural and the spiritual, apologetics “Hard” math and sciences are more easily mastered. Rhetoric Stage Grammar French Revolution Dialectic Example of the Trivium Reasons the Third Estate revolted, how were they being treated, why did they feel empowered, what was going on at that time? Rhetoric Are we seeing anything like that in today’s world? What can be learned from this? How can we keep this from happening again? Program Overview Founded by Leigh Bortins in 1997 in her NC home for her children. A couple years later, over 300 on the waiting list! The mission statement for Classical Conversations is “To know God and to make Him known.” Over 120,000 ‘seats’ filled internationally! Goal is to redeem two(+) generations of education! (not a drop off program) Classical Conversations Grades Prek-6th Foundations Weekly Meetings (9:15 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.) 8 students maximum per class 24 Weeks – 12wk in fall, 12wk in winter/spring 3 Cycles, 1 Per Year (Ancient, Medieval, American) 5 Crisp Components Scope & Sequence 30-min Sections Each Week 1. New Grammar 2. Fine Arts 3. Hands-On Science 4. Presentation 5. Review 5 Crisp Components One to two experiments per week. Connected to the science fact for the week. Examples: geology study, planetary orbits, dissection, rocket launch, egg drop, etc. Hands-On Science 6-week studies Drawing Music Theory with Tin Whistle Great Artists Orchestra Fine Arts Public Speaking Skills Presentations Eye Contact Clear and Audible Speech Holding a Visual Working from Notes or Memory, Not Reading from Paper Fidgeting Grades 3rd-6th Essentials Goal: to cover the “essentials” of language arts, writing, and math for students in grades 3-6th grades. After Foundations & Lunch - 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. 24 Weeks (12wks in the fall, 12wks in the winter/spring) Max. of 16 Students led by CC-Trained Tutor (CC Parent) Repeat Each Year, Going Deeper/Doing More 3 Key Components… Institute for Excellence in Writing Writing (45 min) "Our mission is to equip teachers and teaching parents with methods and materials which will aid them in training their students to become confident and competent communicators and thinkers." -IEW Mission Statement EEL Strong emphasis on sentence structure and diagramming. Essentials of the English Language (45 min) Purpose: increase speed, accuracy, and mental math Math (30 min) Grades 7th & 8th Challenge A/B 12+ Years old 12 Students Maximum/1 – 2 Tutors 30 Weeks – 2 Semesters – 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Our studies should prepare us to reason clearly, speak eloquently, calculate accurately, and write persuasively so that we have the ability to make God known to the world. Challenge programs are the heart and spine of CC. Skills, Not Grade or Subjects. Rhetoric (Challenge I-IV) Debate Exposition and Composition Research Grammar Logic Time Management – The 7th Skill! The Focus Wisdom of Adults Partnership Tutors, not teachers. Providing opportunity for kids to practice the rhetorical part of their studies: group discussions, speeches, debates, etc. Partnering with parents and student to develop an educated and integrated Biblical worldview. Preparation via baby steps. 7th Grade “The Bridge” Between Foundations & Challenge Time Management/Fire Hose

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