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Religious Symbols

Transcript: Shadaha The Shahada, means "to know and believe without suspicion, as if witnessed"; it is the name of the Islamic creed. The shahada is the Muslim declaration of belief in the oneness of God and acceptance of Muhammad as God's prophet. By Kelsey Smith Emma Rutkowski Georgia Babcock Lotus Buddhist Symbols purity and'spontaneous' generation, hence the lotus's symbolization of devine The treasure vase symbolises a neverending fortelling of long life, wealth and prosperity and all the good of this world and freedom. The victory banner symbolises the victory of the activities of one's own and others body, speech and mind over obstacles and negativitities The lotus flower symbolises the purification of the evils of the body, speech and mind, and the full blooming of wholesome deeds in blissful freedom. The golden fish symbolises the sucess of all living beings in a state of fearlessness, without danger of drowning in sufferings, and moving from place to place free and spontaneously The Shadha means "to know and believe without suspicion, as if witnessed" The shahada is the Muslim declaration of belief in the oneness of God and acceptance of Muhammad as God's prophet. LOTUS The fish, or Greek ichthys (ἰχ), is a symbol for Christ which has been in use since the days of the early church. In Greece, it is an acronym for Jesus Christ, the Son of God, our Savior it widely used today for the same reason today. Eight Auspicious Symbols CHRISTIAN CROSS The treasure vase symbolises an endless rain of long life, wealth and prosperity and all the benefits of this world and liberation. Christian Fish Ohm is a holy meditation symbol of Hinduism, Buddhism, with an abundance of Intended and exoteric meanings. in each culture it has important explinations such as in budhism it is the name of the figarative sun. The golden wheel symbolizes the constant cycle of life, death, and rebirth. It also represents the teachings of the Buddha and their completeness The coiled white conch is symbolic of the teachings of Dharma and its call to improve your own and others' welfare. It represents awakening from ignorance and different colored shells represent the different castes. Auspicious Drawing The auspicious drawing symbolises the dependence of religious teachings and seperate affairs from religon. Precious Umbrella The eight auspicious symbols have deep spiritual meaning in Buddhism. They are sometimes considered lucky and are used often in Buddhist art. The Bindi is worn by women and men in Southeast Asia, especially India, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh. It has religous meaning in both Hinduism and Islam. The Bindi consists of a red dot or piece of jewelry worn on the forehead between the brows. This area is traditionally believed to be the 6th chakra or "seat of wisdom". Wearing a bindi is said to help you strengthen concentration and retain energy. Religious Symbols Allah The Star of David or "Sheild of David" is significant to people of Jewish belief. It does not have any specific religous meaning but is more a symbol of the Jewish identity and community. The star is not found in any early Jewish literature or art and came into use fairly recently. Today it is used all over as a symbol of the Jewish faith. Auspicious Drawing The Lotus flower is an important symbol in the Buddhist religion, representying purity and spontaneous generationor reincarnation. These lotuses come in red, white, pink, purple, and blue; each color has a special meaning. The Ohm The ohm represents universal spirituality and is a symbol for meditation. It is asocciated with Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. In many eastern religions it is a preface to a prayer, or meditiation. A way to calm oneself, the mind and senses so that the main focus is the connection with the spiritual. Trishula The Allah symbol is the Arabic word for God, more specifically, the one God. Although the word has deep spiritual meaning in Islam, it is also used as the word for the Christian and Jewish gods in Arabic as Muslims consider them to be one and the same. The symbol for Allah also represents humble submission to his will. There are actually 99 names for Allah, each of which evoke a different characteristic, but all refer to Allah. The symbol for Allah has remained unchanged over hundreds of years even as the Arabic language changed. The Auspicious Drawing represents mutual dependence.The dependence of religioun and secular affairs, wisdom and method, and great compassion and knowledge at the time of enlightenment The golden wheel symbolises the sucess of the turning of the wheel of Buddha's word, both in its teachings and the realization, in all places and at all times, being able to experience the joy of wholesome deeds and liberation. Star And Crescent The star and crescent, a symbol associated with Islam, dates from ancient times. It was used in many ancient societys located in and around Isreal. Today the symbol is found on the flags of many Muslim nations. However, the star and

Religious Symbols

Transcript: Ichthys (fish): Judaism and Islam Buddhist: Mayan hieroglyphics were carved into stone or bone, or even painted on pottery or written on books. The two main topics of their texts were astronomy and religious views. Shinto: The Mayan Religious Symbols: Christianity is spread among North America, South America, Europe and Russia. The religion consist of many Symbols for example... of The World Religious Symbols Asian Religious Symbols The Cow: Represents Purity, Motherhood and Wealth The Conch is used to ward of negative energy and evil spirits, and it is apart of hindu meditation Taoism: The swastika represents Dharma, universal harmony, and the balance of opposites. In China, it is called wan. Judaism and Islamic Religious Symbols In Judaism there are many different important symbols such as the Star of David, the Menorah and the Dreidel. The Peacock: The Ressurection of Christ is represented by the Peacock Citations: The hindu religion is prominent in India Lord Shiva wears a cobra around his neck. The cobra is said to represent rebirth when it sheds its skin The yin yang is the interplay of forces in the universe. Yin (moon) is the receptive, passive, cold female force. Yang (sun) is masculine-force, movement, heat. Hindu Religious Symbols In Christianity the dove represents the Holy Spirit, Purity and Peace Christians began using the Greek word for "fish" as an acronym for Jesus Christ The Mayans were native to southern Mexico. DeMello, Margo. "Chapter 15 Pg. 311-312." <i>Animals and Society: An Introduction to Human-animal Studies</i>. New York: Columbia UP, 2012. N. pag. Print. In Islam there are two major symbols. The star and crescent - "Allah" (meaning god) written in Arabic. The Dove: Christian Religious Symbols The Torii designates holy ground. As Shinto is a religion of worship of nature spirits, or Kami, most Shinto shrines are located outdoors.

Religious Symbols

Transcript: MCK does have visible evidence of its Catholic identity because of the statues, posters and framed pictures around the school grounds of both Mary and Marcellin Champagnat. MCK also has visible evidence of its Catholic identity in our name, because Marist stands for Mary who is our Catholic mother. There is also the large 'M' which is on the top left-hand corner of our school crest - clearly marking us as a Marist school with Marist values. How does this piece of evidence reflect our Catholic community: The statue of Mary reflects our Catholic identity because she is the mother of Jesus and that is important to us. Mary is important to us because she agreed to give birth to Jesus. She is important because she loved us all so we need to put a statue or a photo of her in a sacred space. That tells us that she is sacred and needs to be respected. Religious Symbols and Rituals Project Compassion is Caritas Australia's annual funderaising and awarness raising appeal, bringing thousands of Australians in solidarity with the world's poor to help end poverty, promote justice and uphold dignity. Caritas is when people bring in food, cloths, toys, money and many other things that we have but what they don't have. Caritas Australia is part of an international network known as Caritas internationalis. Ash Wednesday is a day of fasting is the first is the day of Lent in Western Christianity. It occurs 46 days (40 fasting days, if the 6 Sundays, which are not days of fast, are excluded) before Easter and can fall as early as 4 March. According to the canonical gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and Jesus Christ spent 40 days fasting in the desert, where he endured temptation by Satan (Devil). Caritas Ash Wednesday Conclusion The Four House Systems Religious Symbols and Rituals Name of Evidence: Statue of Mary Their are four house systems in Marist College Kogarah. Their is Cooper [blue], Gonzaga [green], Gilroy [red] and Lindwall [yellow]. Gilroy named after Cardinal Gilroy, enrolled on the schools first day in 1909. Cooper named in honour of Alf Cooper a great friend of the school in the 1940's and 50's. Gonzaga the foundation principal of the school. Lindwall named after Ray Lindwall , Australia Test cricketer a former student of the college.

Religious Symbols

Transcript: Religious Symbols Christianity The fish was an early symbol of Christian faith that endures today on bumper stickers and businesses as a sign of Christian faith. The fish had been used for representation because the Greek word for fish (ICHTUS), works nicely as an acrostic for "Jesus Christ, God's Son, Savior". Trishula Representation and why: Representation and why: Usually used in Hinduism(Hindu god shiva) Alice McEwen-Singleton Thank you for watching, hope you learned something new about religious symbols. More specifically, it represents and memorializes Christ's death. The empty cross, usually favored by Protestants, reminds Christians of the resurrection, while the crucifix, with the body of Jesus on it, favored by Catholic and Orthodox churches, is a reminder of Christ's sacrifice. Religion(s) used: Religion used: Representation and why: Religion Used: The End Judaism, also was used by Christians and Muslims at various points in history. Lotus Cross Hinduism regards lotus as the symbol of youth, beauty and life. This symbolization is based on the characteristic of the lotus flower itself. Lotus flower grows in muddy water, but in spite of growing in dust and filth, the flower never has even a drop of mud on it. Hindu religion regards this as the symbol of aloofness, this symbolization can be seen quoted in the following stanza of Bhagavad Gita, the holy book of Hindus. Representation and why: Religion(s) used: The Hindu religion/ Hinduism Star of David Fish It does not have any religious significance in Judaism but it is one of the symbols most commonly associated with the Jewish people. Many Jews wear jewelry with the Star of David as part of the design and the flag of Israel has a blue Star of David in the center. In many ways it has come to be a symbol of unity. Christianity The Trisula (or, trishula) is the three-pronged sacred weapon of the Hindu deity Shiva. In a general sense, the trisula represents the deity in his three aspects of Creator, Preserver, and Destroyer. The three points have various meanings and significance, and, common to Hindu mythology, have many stories behind them. They are commonly said to represent various trinities--creation, maintenance and destruction, past, present and future, the three gunas.

Religious Symbols

Transcript: Shinto Symbols The gate symbol in Shintoism, or the Torii represents holy ground. Most Shinto shrines are outdoors because of their worship of nature spirits. The Torii marks the boundary between the physical and spiritual worlds. The eternal knot represents how everything in life is interconnected, life religion and secular affairs. Using this symbol can help people remember to consider this when making decisions. Judaic Symbols Hindu Symbols Emma Grice, Lauren Martin, Alaina Van Nort, Juliet Eden Christian Symbols Buddhist Symbols The Yin-Yang symbol represents Taoism's way of understanding opposites. Yin is the passive, negative force; Yang is the act, positive force. The wheel of Dharma is actually one of the most important Buddhist symbol. It represents the endless cycle of rebirth. Also, the 8 spokes of the wheel represent the Noble Eightfold Path. The "pentacle" is a five pointed star within a circle. The five points represent the four classical elements (earth, water, air, fire) along with the fifth element - either Spirit or Self. It is considered a symbol of protecting in Pagan traditions. The "Air symbol" is in Paganism considered to represent connection to the soul and the breath of life. It is the most used symbol out of the four classical elements. This Islamic symbol is used to represent the word Allah which is a term used to refer to God in the Islamic religion. The Star of David (above) represents the High Holy Days. It is now a symbol of Judaism as a religion and the Jewish people as a whole. We gain the knowledge that one can know someone is Jewish through this symbol The Swastika comes from an ancient Indian language meaning 'being happy'. This symbol is said to bring good fortune to the Hindu people. Daoist (taoist) Symbols The star and crescent symbol only became identified with Islam through association not intent. It is used in decorative arts, jewelry, and national flags. It was associated with the sun God and the moon Goddess in ancient Sumerian civilization. The Om is one of the most important religious symbols to Hindus. It is made of 3 Sanskrit letters, which can represent a couple of different things including heaven, earth, and the atmosphere, or three of their Gods. This helps to remind the Hindu people about their values and ethics. Islam Symbols The fish is another one of the more recognized religious symbols, Christians used the Greek word for "fish" to represent the phrase "Jesus Christ God's Son, savior". Pagan Symbols The Menorah is one of the oldest symbols of the Jewish faith. It is a seven branched candelabrum used in the Temple. It is a symbol of the Nation of Israel and their mission is to be "a light unto the nations" (Isiah 42:6). Religious Symbols The cross is arguably the most recognized religious symbol in the world. It represents Christianity as a whole and specifically represents and memorializes Christ's death. Another Shinto symbol is the Tomoe. The name means turning or circular which refers to the motion of the earth. It's made of interlocking flames resembling tadpoles.

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