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Presentacion DCU

Transcript: Facial Feature Point Detection System Definition Valstar (2008) Geometric Approach based on position, motion, velocity, acceleration and time parameterized features GentleBoosted features Cascade of SVMs Face Detection - Viola & Jones Face Bounding box fitting Reference Points Detection: Eyes Based detection PDM Multi-stage detection Occlusion Management Feature Point and Facial Motion Detection Intra personal Variability Surface Synthesis Correlation between features in the geometric descriptor and the trait labels Sign judgement: analyzes visual changes independently of interpretations; describes physical appearance Vukadinovic and Pantic, Fully Automatic facial feature point detection using Gabor feature based boosted classifiers. IEEE international Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2005 Facial Feature Point Detection System Definition Facial Action Coding System (FACS) Action Unit Detection Related Work Frame Based evaluation Evaluation Geometric Approach Appearance Approach Hybrid Approach* Van der Maaten and Hendriks (2011) AAm to extract geometric and appearance features Combined appearance features with SIFT Conditional Random Fields Facial Feature Point Detection Separation of variables required in order to standardize structural information Person Independent framework Leave one subject out scheme 40 subjects with highest number of AU instances Built with (x,y) information of the normalized training samples General Face Detection Elements Facial Action Recognition Cohn Kanade dataset portrays 21 AUs, displayed by over 150 subjects Surface Analysis Structural Capture Conditions Descriptor Generation Two Segments Per frame descriptor Absolute difference between descriptor of frame at time T and that of the initial frame Take advantage of the structure of the point cloud Analyzed contribution of acoustic and visual cues to recognition of personality traits 4 acoustic signals Head, hands and body gestures for visual signals RBF-SVM Extraversion and Locus of Control Facial Expression: change in the face corresponding to reactions against internal of external stimuli Rojas M, Masip D, Vitrià J. Automatic Detection of facial feature points via HOG and Geometric Prior Models, IbPria 2011 Descriptor Analysis - Feature Selection Relates anatomically based motions to facial expressions 1474 dimensional feature vector Koelstra, Pantic and Patras (2010) Motion history map and Quadtree decomposition GentleBoosted features HMM Appearance Search Region Generation Defines all possible facial displays in terms of Action Units (AU), the smallest visible facial movement. Appearance Descriptor Usefulness of facial contextual information 3 stage procedure: Locate facial contextual object of interest Feature point location estimation in rescaled image Refinement of location in rescaled image Face Bounding box fitting process Thank you Feature Extraction Baseline Evaluation Feature Analysis Facial Structure and Social Traits PCA on linguistic judgements of traits identified the dimensions of human facial trait evaluation Developed 2D model of face evaluation: Dominance and Valence Evaluation Results Evaluation of faces is consistent among cultures and influences social processes - Trials Decisions, Political poles. (Oosterhof and Todorov, 2008) Problems Dataset: Behavioral data obtained by Oosterhof and Todorov (2008) Initial Approach: Analyze Descriptors Analyze frame selection impact Multi-Stage Detection Scheme Lepri, Kalimeri and Pianesi (2010) Four Segments S0: Difference between equivalent points in frames at time T and time 0, converted to polar coordinates S1: Difference between each point and all others in the same frame, converted to polar coordinates S2: Previous intra-frame differences compared to the initial frame S3: Intra-frame differences compared to previous frame Social dimensions were modeled by linear changes in the first 50 principal components of the models, bounding the generation to Caucasian faces with no expression. Facial Analysis Analysis of the Receptive Field Rojas M, Masip D, Todorov A, Vitrià J, Automatic Point-based Facial Trait Judgements Evaluation, IEEE CVPR, 2010 Angles were more correlated to trait judgements, suggesting more relevance in symmetry given their distribution in the face (alignment of the eyes in attractiveness, spatial relation of eyes and lips and eyes and nose, mouth position with respect to the chin line in extroversion) Image based Content retrieval Can a relation between social traits and facial characteristics be established? Brahnam (2008) 2880 dimensional feature vector Coordinates of 17 facial feature points Based on HOG applied over the entire region of the face Uses interval between onset and offset Geometric Descriptor Inter personal Variability Frame Based evaluation Change in Descriptor suggests analysis of characteristics Key factor: size and resolution of detector (Eckhardt et al. 2009) MPEG-4 FACS Compute the mean cloud of the data set Defines


Transcript: 0 IN LOOKING FORWARD 1 YEAR 7 REVIEW 2 LOOKING BACK INITIAL GOALS INITIAL GOALS Purpose Why Training? Create a welcoming atmosphere to all new users Set new users at ease with their fear of learning something new Build client confidence in how to use DealCloud Create more awareness of the full potential of the platform Provide a help resource easily accessible to authenticated users Goals of the Training Program Training Resources New Client Training Custom Rollout Trainings On-Demand Resources Platform Manager Certification How-To Videos Quick Reference Cards/Documentation Live Web Training Live web trainings available to all clients DealCloud's Training Resources A blended training program The How On-Demand Videos/Documentation (DealCloud University) We host DCU content through a 3rd party vendor with SSO access to DCU Site customized to reflect our branding (users feel like they never left DealCloud) New Client Training Katy (or Eileen) introduced to client when they are close to going live A prep call with the client core team is conducted Agendas are finalized Training conducted onsite or via web out of the client's site Live Web Training General weekly live web trainings are offered to all clients (topics rotate) New release trainings conducted for all clients (general sessions - all clients welcome) The How How we are delivering our blended training resources 2017 Review 2017 Review Timeline Timeline Dec '16 Jan '17 Mar '17 Apr '17 DCU was launched in less than 4 months DCU effort underway (curriculum design, video production, agendas, etc.) Katy begins transition to training role 1st 3 client users complete certification DCU Site goes live with Gen 2 launch/Migration trainings underway May '17 1st Quarterly Release Training Conducted Dec '17 Closed 2017 with 62 certified client users across 45 clients DCU Usage DCU Usage Steady increase in usage since DCU was launched 56 78% 20% of clients are signing into DCU and taking courses of clients have certified platform managers hours of video content are watched on average/month Custom Training Custom Client Training Custom trainings conducted out of the client's environment 146 clients received custom training (migration, rollout, ad-hoc trainings) 248 5 average number of custom client trainings conducted/week custom client trainings conducted in 2017 (migration, rollout, ad-hoc trainings) CLIENT FEEDBACK CLIENT FEEDBACK Platform Manager Certification Client Feedback 4.3 Average client rating Very helpful and thorough This gives you the essential tools to learn how to unlock DealCloud's full potential on your own I feel confident I can navigate DealCloud Well organized, well thought-out, easy to follow Ideas Client Insight on How to Improve Add Interactive Content More Advanced Training 1 2 Course Survey: How can we improve this course? Clients were asking for a way to interact with the platform while taking the certification. More practical exercises than quizzes. A few clients mentioned an interest in more advanced training topics (List Management related mostly) 2018 2018 DCU 2.0 DCU 2.0 New Getting Started Series Content Push content (manually enroll Client Core Team in certification to encourage/promote course) Research more streamlined approach to organizing content other than certification in DCU New Client Training New Client Training More follow up trainings for clients after their initial rollout trainings are complete. Refine reference guides/leave-behinds to further enable end users for success using DealCloud once training is complete. Web Trainings Live Web Trainings Create more highlighted feature/function training Offer guest speaker/best practices sessions Better promote live web training offering and schedule to existing clients RESOURCES RESOURCES Certification Info Training Agendas About DCU Training Dashboards in DCP


Transcript: DCU Phase I Phase I Green Lantern Superman The Batman The Flash Justice League: War Phase II: Unite Phase II: Unite Flash and the Kid Green Lantern 2 Shazam Batman and Robin (Limited Series S2) Man of Steel Justice League: Invasian Justice League: Throne of Atlantis Green Arrow (Series) Batman and Robin (Limited Series) CYBORG (Series) Phase III: Mystic Worlds Phase III: Mystic Worlds Wonder Woman Shazam: The Worlds Mighteist Mortal TITANS (Series) Zatana (Limited Series) Justice League: Dark Dr. Fate The Flash: Flash of Two Worlds Batman: Cult Justice League: Immortal War Batman and Robin (Limited Series S3) Phase IV: Endurence Phase IV: Endurance Batman: City of Fear Batman: Death in The Family Aquaman Wonder Woman: The Twelve Labors Green Lantern Corps FIreStorm and the Blue Beatle (Limited Series) Death of Superman Batman: The Brave and The Bold (Limited Series) Batman: HUSH Shazam: Power of Hope (Limited Series) Justice League: Young Justice Justice League: Legion of Doom Phase V: Apokolips Phase V: Apokolips Constantine and Zatanna (Limited Series) Batman: Colony Nightwing and Robin (Limited Series) Martian Manhunter Batman: Arkham (Limited Series) Green Lantern 3 Wonder Woman: Bloodlines Green Arrow: League of Assassins Superman Returns Batman VS Robin The Son of Batman Justice League: Apokolips War Phase VI: Crisis Phase VI: Crisis Supergirl Batman: Under the Hood Flashpoint Mastery of the the Rings (Series) Justice League: Crises Justice Leagus VS Titans The Trial of the Flash Suicide Squad (Limited Series) Dr. Fate: Fate of the Worlds Flash: Accelerated Minds Martian Manhunter: Trial by Fire Batman and the Flash Superman: The Man Who Has Everything Phase VI: Succession Phase VII: Succession White Lantern Return of the Flash Gotham Knights Trials of Shazam Cyborg: The Imitation Life Blue Beatle Justice League: Cry for Justice Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader (Limited Series) Booster Gold (Limited Series) The Flash: Zoom Green Arrow: Longbow Hunters Legends of Tommrow


Transcript: DCU Business School: Accounting and Finance Economics, Politics and Law Marketing, Innovation and Technology Global Business Institute of Education: Early Childhood Education Education Religious Education and English College Park Apartments: Supply Swimming Pool Tepidarium Sauna Steam Room Spa Pool Fitness Centre Studios Main Sports Hall Squash Courts Sports Campus Soccer Centre Bank Prices: The exact same facilities as Hampstead Apartments. Some apartments are superior and others are standard. Also has 145 seperate apartments for people who would like an apartment for themselves. Hampstead (Single room/ Double Room) College Park (Standard/Superior and Single/Double) 11,126(2010) in DCU Grade C3 in two higher level subjects and Grade D3 in four ordinary or higher level subjects including Maths and English or Irish. Meet any specific entry requirements of the course you are applying too. Achieve a minimum of 300 points in their Leaving Certificate. Available places are offered to those students ranked highest by the points scale. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences: Journalism Communication Studies International Relations Electronic and Computer Engineering Information & Communication Engineering Healthy Living Centre The Helix Inter-Faith Centre Library Memorial Garden Pharmacy Print Shop Restaurants Creche Bookshop Hairdresser Engineering and Computing: Digital Media Engineering Different types of students can stay on campus including: Current students School leavers Post Grad students International students Science and Health: Biotechnology Genetics and Cell Biology Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences Nursing Psychology Different apartment's on Campus: Points: Royal Irish Academy of Music: Music Performance Composition Hampstead: Single bed room:€4,420 annualy. Double bed room:€4,490 annualy College Park: Single bed standard room:€4,691 annualy. Single bed superior room:€4,695 annualy Double bed standard room:€4,846 DCU Facilities Population Hampstead Apartments Accommodation Demand DCU 1,100 on campus apartments. Each apartment contains 5 bedrooms(1 double) and every room has an ensuite. Each apartments have a shared living,dining and kitchen area. Each room has a study area,cable connection and a telephone .Internet access costs 80 euro per year.

DCU Multimedia

Transcript: Examining how we interact with technology, art and design. A broad look at design and it’s impact and applying learning principles to two projects. Interdisciplinary in content and structure, the module provides students with an understanding of the principles and practice of organizing digital information using graphic user interface design. Rebranding & App Design - Usually taught by Ester Animation - 10 Credits Provides students with a broad historical overview into Animation development. Creativity and contextualisation in moving image production are explored through the introduction of cinema, animation and other numerous visual mediums. Student actively participates in production project during seminars in animation lab and studios using all sorts of multimedia applications. Dependent on year. Year Dependent projects & lecturer - Attend other classes, don’t partake in assignments. - Further your study with tutorials. - Exploit any chances for freelancing or competitions. - Befriend the lecturers they will help make you money. - Push the boundaries. - Don’t slag lecturers in front of other lecturers...they may be married. Further develops students technical and creative capabilities within the production and post-production environments. Projects produced are to a higher level of quality than previous course work, and introduces students to additional post-production techniques such as DVD authoring. TV Sting & Film Fest. - Taught by Davorka DERP! Rachel - 0851197824 Jake - 0876660062 DCU Multimedia Analysing Advert. - 5 Credits Media Art - 5 Credits Provides students with a broad historical overview into Media Art development. Modernism and Post-Modernism are explored through the introduction of art movements, theoretical and other numerous visual mediums. The student actively participates in multimedia projects during seminars in digital labs using all sorts of multimedia applications. Self Reflection & Art Installation. Taught by Ester R. Audio Production - 10 Credits Documents and analyses the major developments in the evolution of cinema in a socio-historical context. It explores the key theoretical tools used to understand film and demonstrates how to apply these in order to critically analyse a broad range of films. Essay based. Usually taught by Pat B. Semester 2 Options & Structure EXAM BASED...WTF IS THIS SHIT? Covers branding and advertising strategies. It’s exam based but don't let that put you off as the exam is basically just applying basic semiotic principles to current ad campaigns. How to break down an ad campaign and see the true meanings behind it and takes a look into ethics and cultural. Explores contemporary advertising as it operates across a broad range of different media. Advertisements, the advertising industry and advertising audiences are examined from a variety of theoretical perspectives, with a view to encouraging a critical awareness of the social significance of living and working in an increasingly promotional media culture. 100% Exam based. Usually taught by Eileen C. Interface Design - 5 Credits Insights & Opinions Film, History & Theory - 5 Credits Post Production - 10 Credits @rachelquinn13 @ja_cabe For Students wishing to develop their skills in digital audio production this module provides training in the use of professional software packages. Analysing the role of sound and music in multimedia environments. Analyse the structure of radio documentaries. Operate a recording studio during a live radio broadcast. Show proficiency in the use of location recording technologies. Appraise creative recording practices. Radio Piece & ADR - Taught by Tony D. Interactive Apps. - 10 Credits Appropriate development environments and scripting languages will be used to acquire key skills and present concepts inherent in production of non-linear media to the students. Programming techniques and principles will be extended to enable students to produce truly interactive / responsive media. Offering best practice for novice programmers and interaction designers this module will help students gain new skills for writing programs and developing applications for a variety of platforms. Students will engage with interaction design and development for exhibition, mobile devices and the Internet. Students will follow pitch-prototype- user test, iterative development process. Processing 1 & 2 - Taught Donal Mulligan

DCU Presentation

Transcript: S.U.S.T Advocacy group Trialogue Carer's support group Time & Place various organizations and local initiatives were explored 3) Actioning the Idea outcome of our first meeting Dublin South Central Mental Health Service a new name terms of ref regular Monday planning meetings Two main goals: 1) Have our first meeting 2) Engage with management just wanted to pick a project, Scott had some ideas but liked the passion of the other two. wanted to just pick one. 25 people attend approx good discussions positive expereince reported advertising - word of mouth Jonathan- brave, gave public speaking a shot & a proven facilitator GRASS ROOTS ACTION GROUP Marie- the activist 1) More time needed on first step 2) Importance of super 'Johns' 3) Collaboration is hard Reflection Conclusion next steps... hard to pin down Things we did A new lease of life Research on reflection... Marie wanted something for carers. Especially in crisis. Information and maybe something to do with the guards What we were learning about ourselves DCU & Trialogue experience Marie- realistic, party planning skills, active interested in consumer groups or some sort of community action group 1) Meet with Management 2) Two more meetings before summer 3) Sustainable 2) Developing the idea time pressure analysis-paralysis Lorraine-mentor 'super' John Ollie- (ADON) engaging in the stakeholders negotiating well, the service user is the most important... SU & Carers ACTION GROUP Scott- the driver a community action group /consumer panel/type thing...?? Regrets? DCU-Cooperative Learning outcome Management still to be engaged What we were learning about ourselves Evidence- voice + empowerment = recovery we got defensive! re-read Vision for Change self-advocacy- 'not being afraid to ask real change= management to truly hear SUs & Carers Jonathan- the analystist & reflector Liam asked some tough questions: Will this project make a difference? How will we know if it has made a difference? maybe Marie's ideas could be looked at in the consumer panel/community group? Scott- optimistic and his contact with SUs crucial 1) Coming up with the idea too big a project? worried?

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