Transcript: Safety, Health, Environment and Security Management Safety, Health, Environment This is a management system which assures the compliance of the legal requirements in terms of health and safety of our employees and our process, it also assures the environment protection. This System contains other two systems: SASISOPA and Calidad Ambiental Integral Responsibility SASISOPA Administration System of: Industrial Safety, Operational Safety and Environmental Protection This system is for all companies that handle or desire to handle (store, transportation, exploration and extraction) hydrocarbons, liquid gas, diesel, gasoline or another oil distillations. This system is required by mexican authorities. ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY This is a system that assures the legal compliance and good environmental practices The areas included are: Waste, air and sound, water, soil, energy, natural resources, wildlife, forest resources, environmental risk, environmental emergency and environmental management. Security International Ship and Port Facility Security Code Is an amendment to the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Convention on Maritime security including minimum security arrangements for ships, ports and government agencies. It's purpose is to detect security threats and take preventive measures against security incidents affecting ships or port facilities used in international trade.