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Ice Cream Powerpoint Template

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Transcript: malleable Other names The BBC reports that a frozen mixture of milk and rice was used in China around 200 BC. The Roman Emperor Nero (37–68) had ice brought from the mountains and combined it with fruit toppings. Ice cream can be mass-produced and thus is widely available in developed parts of the world. ICE CREAM Around the world Before the development of modern refrigeration, ice cream was a luxury reserved for special occasions. Making it was quite laborious; ice was cut from lakes and ponds during the winter and stored in holes in the ground. Even the low-fat products have high caloric content: Ben and Jerry's No-Fat Vanilla Fudge contains 150 calories (630 kJ) per half-cup due to its high sugar content. frozen custard frozen yogurt sorbet gelato Made of? In some cases, artificial flavourings and colourings are used in addition to, or instead of, the natural ingredients. Ice cream recipes first appeared in 18th-century England and America. The recipe for ice cream was published in Mrs. Mary Eales's Receipts in London in 1718. Is a frozen dessert usually made from dairy products, such as milk and cream, and often combined with fruits or other ingredients and flavours. Most varieties contain sugar, although some are made with other sweeteners. Texture Distribution Recipes? Calories? Argentina Australia and New Zealand China Cuba Finland France Germany Ghana Greece India Italy Iran Japan Laos Pakistan Philippines Spain Turkey United Kingdom United States Curious facts Flavor... Preparation semi-solid foam


Transcript: We enjoyed all the activities we did for our project. We talked about what we knew about Ice Cream and we made a mind map. We also asked him our doubts about making Ice Cream. We wrote thank you notes for Mr. Victor Reyes. We drew pictures and wrote how to make Ice Cream. We made an Ice Cream cart with boxes and painted it. We went to “Alicia Ice Cream Parlour” Maga the owner told us how she makes Ice Cream. We ate delicious Ice Cream. Miss Elisa forgot her camera and did not take any photographs! We also wrote her Thank You notes. We learned very much about Ice Cream. We loved this project! We invited Mr. Victor Reyes who taught us how to make home made Ice cream. We made a survey in school and asked the children what their favourite Ice Cream flavour was. Chocolate was the most popular flavour. The End The End Rafaela brought her aunt Paty´s Ice Cream machine. THE ICE CREAM PROJECT We went to “Alicia Ice Cream Parlour” Maga the owner told us how she makes Ice Cream. We ate delicious Ice Cream. Miss Elisa forgot her camera and did not take any photographs! We also wrote her Thank You notes. Ice-cream Project Rafaela brought her aunt Paty´s Ice Cream machine. We made an Ice Cream cart with boxes and painted it. We invited Mr. Victor Reyes who taught us how to make home made Ice cream. We learned very much about Ice Cream. We loved this project! The End We wrote thank you notes for Mr. Victor Reyes. We also asked him our doubts about making Ice Cream. We made a survey in school and asked the children what their favourite Ice Cream flavour was. Chocolate was the most popular flavour. We talked about what we knew about Ice Cream and we made a mind map. We enjoyed all the activities we did for our project. We drew pictures and wrote how to make Ice Cream.

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