Global Trade Mission Powerpoint
Transcript: SAHAYAKA ROBOTICS Competition Our Basic package Aimed towards low income families Primarily rural villages Premium $1,500 Machine Error or Malfunction What sets Sahayaka apart is that our company focuses on building the robots for commercial use. Nextsapiens build robots for a better understanding of robotics and machinery. Competition VP of Global Finance - Boomer Logan Operation Each Sahayaka robot is powered by small transparent solar panels that attach to the outer layer of the robot. These panels absorb ambient light and charge a battery. The Market Sahayaka Robotics Group Ultimate $2,250 Capital Why Invest ? Innovative Eco Friendly Family Centered VP of Product Development - Zilphia Martin IV Our Product Our Ultimate package Luxury bot Aimed towards the upper class Delhi and Mumbai elite The money that we are asking for will be repaid within a three year period. We are going to use the investment for the production of more units, in order to start producting units fit for home use. India In the absense of light, the Sahayaka robot will be able to use its battery as a power source in order to continue operation. What can we do for YOU? VP of Supply Chain Management - Deena Astephan There are other companies already inside India: Fanuc ABB These companies are our competition, but are not building robots that will compete with our exact model. These companies focus more on manufacturing robotics. Sahayaka Robotics Overview VP of Sales and Marketing - Mukund Mohan सहायक Sahāyaka Robotics Signal Latency Conclusion सहायक Financial Snapshot The Premium package Aimed more towards the middle class Two parent working households Urban cities and large towns -All of our robots will be built the same, but will be programmed differently according to the different price packages -Sahayaka Basic: Medical -Sahayaka Premium Medical Companion -Sahayaka Ultimate Medical Companion Domestic Support Our main competition comes from a company called Nextsapiens. Initial Investment 2 ,000,000 dollars total Each contributed $500,000 for our manufacturing plant. We strive to help people with their lives for the social good. We aim to help our consumers acheive a higher quality of life. We are finishing development and will soon start manufacturing. We are planning to sell to individual households and have a contract to build 500 bots for Apollo Hospitals in Chennai, India espected to start within the next six months. Capital Nextsapiens is a company that is on the cutting edge of research and development of robots. Risk & Opportunity We are asking for $1,000,000 Basic $750 Market Continued Easy Sync and integrated apps for smart phones Product Continued... Virtually Limitless Market Booming Middle Class Rich will swell to 23 million in the next decade Income levels expected to triple There are huge amounts of buying power within both the middle and upper classes The middle class is one of the largest parts of India's Economy It is projected to grow from about 50 million people to about 600 million people. Confidentiality On top of the $1,000,000 we are spending on manufacturing we will be spending about $500,000 on personnel, and distribution costs annually We project to make around $2,000,000 in activation and subscription cost We expect to make around $500,000 anually to pay back your investment The 4 P's Place Product Price Promotion