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Mission Powerpoint Template

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Transcript: Yushi is basically an authentic Asian cuisine turned into a modern Asian cuisine. We get our ideas of food from different Asian countries such as China, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnamese, Japanese, etc. We are basically a fast food chain place with the concept of an “Asian Subway/Chipotle”. Unlike these places, most of our food is freshly prepared. We receive fresh fish everyday, which are used for sushi and salads. We have just-made chilled and hot grab and go dishes. You have an option to try something different everyday due to the variety of options being provided. We review performance every 6 months. We keep tracks of their overtime. This shows that they are willing to put in extra hours for themselves as well as for the company. That shows the amount of dedication they have. Our employees are one of our top priorities. We want them to succeed as much as possible and reviewing performance is a great opportunity for them to show case their abilities and talent. How would you describe Yushi? YUSHI: ASIAN KITCHEN Date: October 26 2012 Time: 3pm Individual's name: Tenzing Jangchup Position: Human Resource Location of employment: 100 Maiden Street, New York, 10038 Contact Number: 9174344767 Email Address: BY: Dorje Sherpa what kind of training program does the company offer? Is it highly structured or more informal? How often do you review performance? In order to determine the status of an employee, performing Evaluation programs is very helpful and important. It helps the HR and the manager figure out how the employees are performing. In Yushi, Jangchup evaluates his employees once every 6 months. In my opinion it should be taking place 2-3 times every six months. There are employees who might not be able to stick with the job for 6 months. It’s a very long gap that needs to be filled with the records of the employee and their progress that they have made so far. Application -Interview -Hired on Spot -Orientation _start off your first day at work. When we first opened our restaurant in Maiden Lane, we had an orientation, which lasted for a week. One of our executive Chef Danny Lachs talked about the background information of company such as when we were created and what influenced us to open up a food chain such as Yushi. It is highly structured because we planned out the orientation before hands. We have a process of going through all the information they need to know about the job and their position. We train our employee before the restaurant operates. asd NEGATIVE ASPECTS EMPLOYEE SELECTION THE END

Global Trade Mission Powerpoint

Transcript: SAHAYAKA ROBOTICS Competition Our Basic package Aimed towards low income families Primarily rural villages Premium $1,500 Machine Error or Malfunction What sets Sahayaka apart is that our company focuses on building the robots for commercial use. Nextsapiens build robots for a better understanding of robotics and machinery. Competition VP of Global Finance - Boomer Logan Operation Each Sahayaka robot is powered by small transparent solar panels that attach to the outer layer of the robot. These panels absorb ambient light and charge a battery. The Market Sahayaka Robotics Group Ultimate $2,250 Capital Why Invest ? Innovative Eco Friendly Family Centered VP of Product Development - Zilphia Martin IV Our Product Our Ultimate package Luxury bot Aimed towards the upper class Delhi and Mumbai elite The money that we are asking for will be repaid within a three year period. We are going to use the investment for the production of more units, in order to start producting units fit for home use. India In the absense of light, the Sahayaka robot will be able to use its battery as a power source in order to continue operation. What can we do for YOU? VP of Supply Chain Management - Deena Astephan There are other companies already inside India: Fanuc ABB These companies are our competition, but are not building robots that will compete with our exact model. These companies focus more on manufacturing robotics. Sahayaka Robotics Overview VP of Sales and Marketing - Mukund Mohan सहायक Sahāyaka Robotics Signal Latency Conclusion सहायक Financial Snapshot The Premium package Aimed more towards the middle class Two parent working households Urban cities and large towns -All of our robots will be built the same, but will be programmed differently according to the different price packages -Sahayaka Basic: Medical -Sahayaka Premium Medical Companion -Sahayaka Ultimate Medical Companion Domestic Support Our main competition comes from a company called Nextsapiens. Initial Investment 2 ,000,000 dollars total Each contributed $500,000 for our manufacturing plant. We strive to help people with their lives for the social good. We aim to help our consumers acheive a higher quality of life. We are finishing development and will soon start manufacturing. We are planning to sell to individual households and have a contract to build 500 bots for Apollo Hospitals in Chennai, India espected to start within the next six months. Capital Nextsapiens is a company that is on the cutting edge of research and development of robots. Risk & Opportunity We are asking for $1,000,000 Basic $750 Market Continued Easy Sync and integrated apps for smart phones Product Continued... Virtually Limitless Market Booming Middle Class Rich will swell to 23 million in the next decade Income levels expected to triple There are huge amounts of buying power within both the middle and upper classes The middle class is one of the largest parts of India's Economy It is projected to grow from about 50 million people to about 600 million people. Confidentiality On top of the $1,000,000 we are spending on manufacturing we will be spending about $500,000 on personnel, and distribution costs annually We project to make around $2,000,000 in activation and subscription cost We expect to make around $500,000 anually to pay back your investment The 4 P's Place Product Price Promotion


Transcript: PowerPoint Templates May 2015 Tools Image with Text 14 May 2015 Barbara Melamed Brand and Style Word Templates Powerful messages can go here Multiple Images Caption to describe image Title Slide Title 40pt Name/Author 24pt Date 20pt Headings on Slides 36pt Subheadings 24pt Body copy 20pt Agenda Top Tips Use a template Select the most appropriate slide for your needs Check the headings, don’t forget caps Follow the guidelines for text size Use the pre-set bullet points Don’t write too much on each slide Don’t shrink the text to fit No need to include the logo on each page, but include end slide Questions? Secondary Colours Image to the Right Check copyright Less is More Limit the amount of words An image says a thousand words Unsure? Check with P&P Barbara Melamed Template Slide – 5Ws, 1H UKAD Blue Helvetica Neue (Body and Heading) This is our primary font 9.5pt Letters Templates Brochures and leaflets Arial Digital font 10pt Email Website Subheading Here dolest eosti ut adis eos molupid ebisqui vite volores: Pore non con nos dendam Colours and Charts Primary Colours Top Tips Use a template Select the most appropriate template for your needs Avoid copying into a template, use notepad if no alternative Use the set font and heading styles and size Use the pre-set styles in Word Use the pre-set numbering and bullet points Start with the correct tables Check your footer – GPMS, date and page number Always PDF documents which are being sent externally UKAD Red “UK Anti-Doping has an important mission: protecting sport.” Important Messages Template Slide – Pie Chart Presentation Title Template Slide – Key Figures 14 May 2015 Brand Guidelines: accessible via SharePoint Style Guidelines: accessible via SharePoint Templates: accessible via SharePoint and or Microsoft Word and PowerPoint /File/New In Style: weekly on Comms Chronicle Publishing and Production Team: for logos, images, presentations and any questions or doubts Logos Tools Fonts Templates Colours Logos Presentations Tone of Voice Questions Fonts PowerPoint

powerpoint template

Transcript: Nobody knows babies like we do! Quality products . Good Customer service. Every Kid really loves this store.. BABYLOU ABOUT US About Us BabyLou was established in 2004. It has been more than a decade since we started, where we have ensured to take care of every need and want of every child and infant under one roof, true to the caption “NO BODY KNOWS BABIES LIKE WE DO”. Our benchmark is to provide 100% customer service and satisfaction and continue to deliver the same with a wide range of toys, garments and Baby Products. Play and Create We Are Best 01 02 03 Block games Building Blocks help Kids to use their brain. PLAY TO LEARN in Crusing Adventures Our Discoveries Enjoy a sunny vacation aboard a luxury yacht with the LEGO® Creator 3in1 31083 Cruising Adventures set. This ship has all the comforts you need, including a well-equipped cabin and a toilet. Sail away to a sunny bay and take the cool water scooter to the beach. Build a sandcastle, enjoy a picnic, go surfing or check out the cute sea creatures before you head back to the yacht for a spot of fishing. Escape into the mountains Disney Little Princes in Also available for your Babies..... Also... Out of The World… Our reponsibility BABYLOU…. Our Responsibility All children have the right to fun, creative and engaging play experiences. Play is essential because when children play, they learn. As a provider of play experiences, we must ensure that our behaviour and actions are responsible towards all children and towards our stakeholders, society and the environment. We are committed to continue earning the trust our stakeholders place in us, and we are always inspired by children to be the best we can be. Innovate for children We aim to inspire children through our unique playful learning experiences and to play an active role in making a global difference on product safety while being dedicated promoters of responsibility towards children.

My Personal Mission Statement Template

Transcript: My personal mission statement.... The Career Coaching for Students program uses an online tool to help the student create a sophisticated Personal Mission Statement. The following is the actual output sample of a student's personal mission statement. So.... My Journey starts with what motivates me! To find personal happiness, fulfillment and value in what I choose to do, I will... Be motivated to achieve high income Be hard working, competitive and motivated Be structured, orderly and precise with high attention to detail Having a positive sense of humor Verbalizing my feelings appropriately and with clarity Being a creative problem solver Being highly responsive to competition, challenges, and economic challenges Organizing tasks very effectively Not only will I recognize and appreciate my strengths, I will also stay aware of those traits and characteristics that can hinder my success and create barriers to the relationships that I care about. By staying aware, I am allowing myself to grow and develop as a person. I realize that I may… Be relaxed and contented with things the way they are May be inflexible and resist change Have an insatiable need for achieving high income Avoid looking at the big picture when trying to solve problems My personal goals for the next three to five years include: Select and get accepted to one of the best colleges for film producing and directing Working in a challenging college summer intern position within the big motion picture industry that contributes to personal and professional growth Perform in an acting role in front of the camera Those more immediate action items that will help me achieve my long term personal mission and goals include: Through my natural strengths, personal growth and pursuit of goals that are important to me, I envision myself becoming a person who others think of as: Before I act, I will remind myself of what matters most to me. God, because He has been the rock for both the good and bad times in my life, giving me the many blessings and answers to my prayers. He gave me the talents that I have. Without Him I wouldn't be who I am today. My Mom, because she has always been there for me, supportive in a nonjudgmental way and always lifting me up. I dedicate all that I do and all that I am to anyone in my immediate family - my mom, dad, sister, nieces and nephews and to my relationship with God. The following carefully selected motivational videos are worth the time to watch. They include audio so turn your speakers on. Click the "next" button in Prezi to start the first video (auto starts). Best if you watch in full screen. To turn on full screen go to bottom right. Joe H.S. Student Photo credits: 'horizon' by pierreyves @ flickr Thank you! I attended a career workshop this summer that my Dad developed specifically for high school students. Each student in The Career Coaching for Students program creates a Personal Mission Statement using a Personal Mission Statement Builder. I took the output from a friend's personal mission statement to create this Prezi presentation. This was really fun to do. To watch in Full Screen, click on Full Screen in the bottom right of your screen. Use Escape on your keyboard to come out of full screen mode. 37 Clicks to see this entire presentation. I hope you enjoy this Prezi presentation. Subscribe to industry magazines Be active in theatre production at school Follow through with my action plan items [from the Career Coaching for Students program] to position myself to get accepted at one of my top colleges/university choices Assist with video production at my church I will appreciate who I am and leverage my natural abilities including .. My personal goals for the next year include: Displaying an ability to help and go the extra mile without a negative impact on my own responsibilities and work load A stabilizing and realistic influence on others Providing high attention to detail Being enthusiastic and willing to work and contribute to the team Highly responsive to competition and economic challenges Apply to top colleges/universities Sign up for Video/Broadcasting classes at school Try out for school plays Apply for summer jobs with production/broadcasting companies in the area Meet and build relationships in the film industry (c) 2011 Success Discoveries Brought to you by

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