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Powerpoint Template Abstract Design

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Abstract Expressionism PowerPoint

Transcript: The spontaneous brushstrokes and lines are common in most abstract expressionist paintings There are many different layers of colors The artists use different brushstrokes to portray emotion, in this case, the artists seems angry and rebellious Different people interpret the painting in different ways, some people see different things than others This painting would be considered an action painting rather than a color field painting This movement was unique because every artists had their own version or style of painting abstract expressionism What type of painting is this?? What colors are used?? What do you see that others may not?? Any special shapes made in this painting?? Whats the mood shown in this painting?? The Artist is Franz Kline You can tell by the style of his painting. Parents divorced when he was 3 years old. An action painter A lot of his work reflected his anger through out his life. Went to the Rotterdam Academy of Fine Arts and Techniques. Heavily influenced by Picasso and his cubist work. Jackson Pollock Reactions: 1. Color Field Painting 2. Action Painting (Gestural painting He was born Wyoming and moved to New York in 1930. He started painting around 1928-30, when he was 16 and studied under Thomas Hart Benton. (However, the American rural landscapes had little to no impact on his work. Although, the use of colors and use of paint were more lasting influences.) Later, he used ideas from Pablo Picasso to start an new painting style focused from Cubism. Artists focus more on the process and technique of painting Not as much about the finished product generally this type of painting is considered "messy". Hard to depict what the message (content) is behind the painting Mark Rothko was born in Dvinsk, Russia on September 25, 1903 Rothko painted more with water colors and created some great works using a palette of grays and earth tones Some critics say that a few of his paintings are a "masterpiece and a landscape of the mind." The left picture is an example of Abstract Expressionism. Lets Go More In Depth Born in Pennsylvania Went to Boston University and Girard College. He taught many art classes focused on abstract art. His work becomes easy to recognize due to his use of thick, bold, black lines. Night Creatures Lee Krasner 1965 Willem De Kooning Mark Rothko (Gestural Painting) Untitled No. 3 Jackson Pollock Re-cap: 1912- 1956 Artists Involved In This Movement Can you guess the artist of this painting?? Two Types of Abstract Expressionism 1903-1970 Abstract expressionism was an art movement that matured in the 1930's and continued to developed after WW2 from the 1940's to the 1950's. It originated in New York City due to the political instability in Europe (Paris). The idea of abstract art was heavily influenced by cubism, and surrealism. Artist moved to America and translated their art into a new style fitted to the post-war mood of anxiety and trauma which set the stage for modern art, and America's post-war dominance of the international art world. Surrealism and Cubism (influences) rebelling against the strict rule of Europe (post-WW2) and showing social chaos of depression, trauma, and the anxiety people were feeling after the war. Identify Jackson Pollock 1959 Abstract Expressionism Characteristics of Abstract Ecxpressionism Which picture is an example of Abstract Expressionism? Untitled Jackson Pollock 1948-49 uses blocks of color to symbolize and express emotion color gave the painting the feeling they wanted to portray it was considered more "organized" than action painting Abstraction (Subject Matter) Influences, Ideas, Brainstorming and Sketching! Abstract Expressionism Watch Walt Disney's Fantasia. As you are watching the movie you will pay close attention to the music and art. Then, compile and list of words or thumbnail sketches that correlate what you are hearing and seeing. (So you will react to each musical segment focusing on the elements/principles of art "line, color, shape, pattern, value, rhythm, texture, etc.) Color Field Painting Untitled 1957 Many people back then and still in the present day don't understand the concept of abstract expressionism Red, Orange, Tan and Purple 1949 1910- 1962 Franz Kline Window Panes with Bicycle Pangin 2005 At first this movement was not liked because it was against the rules of tradition. Red Orange Tan and Purple 1949 - Mark Rothko 1908-1984 Pollock painting Noon 1947 Action Painting One of the few famous women from the movement. Was married to Jackson Pollock. Once married, she focused more on Pollocks work than her own. Excavation WIllem de Kooning 1950 Mural. Magenta 1947 Mark Rothko Jackson Pollock Willem De Kooning Hans Hofmann Mark Rothko Lee Krasner Franz Kline Clyfford Still Robert Motherwell Barnett Newman Characteristics about this painting... Woman V 1952-53 Lee Krasner Chief 1950 Expressionism (conveying emotions)

Effective Powerpoint Design

Transcript: Which Linearity to Choose? What is Linear vs Non-Linear? This title is far too dark for this background Linear or Nonlinear References There is nothing inherently wrong with either one, they just serve two very different purposes. Nonlinear allow for an easy presentation of multiple subjects or sub-categories, not always related, such as general design tips and linear vs nonlinear comparison. It allows an easier intractability to refer back to past information. Easy to integrate audience participation. Linear is effective at portraying a clear single subject or goal Timing is generally very predictable and easy to plan. Easy to summarize points or imparting facts. Conclusions Effective Presentation Design Nonlinear Presentations This text should probably be split up into different sub points via bullets but instead I’ve made an unsightly wall of text that is visually overwhelming and distracting to those that are viewing the presentation. The lack of spaces and overuse of text rather than outlining and allowing for the oral presentation to fill in the details also muddles the overall effect of the presentation. Overuse of wacky transitions and overly long animations is incredibly distracting when presenting information. Colors such as light blue or light yellow should probably be avoided for those with color blindness. Besides too many pictures, many are covering text or serve no real purpose. Each design of presentation isn’t good or bad, just used for a different purpose. Linearity is focused on fact presentation. Nonlinearity is focused on interactivity and flow. Slide design should conform to design standards. Color should stand out against the backdrop but not be blinding. Maintain a color scheme throughout for cohesion. Over use of transitions and animations is a major distraction. Having text structured makes it more clear. This being underneath and smaller text provides hierarchy and shows this is a related point. This also allows the view a clear means of identifying what you’re talking about. Clarity in text contrast and pictures to assist but not clutter is key to good design. This white, for example, shows well against the red backdrop. Ensuring images don’t cover text is also important. Good Keeping it structured and outlined. Use bullets to show what points are subordinate to overarching statements Especially for voiced presentations, don’t include every word you wish to say in the text, just outline the points. Light transitions and low stylization. Transitions can keep a presentation interesting as long as it’s not overly utilized. Use of pictures or video (non-autoplay) to support your point. Linearity allows for a step-by-step structured series of slides most effective in conveying facts or information that has little need for audience participation. Despite the transitions making it seemingly non-linear, this presentation is linear, as it follows a fixed path. Good and Bad Design Choices Thank you! We will discuss the best ways to make the best presentation possible. Picking between a linear or nonlinear style. Effective means of conveying a message. Pitfalls many presentations succumb to. Nonlinearity tools like prezi greatly help in managing clutter. The ability to zoom into smaller text allows it to not take up space on previous slides. Transitioning to focus on a video or picture is also very easy with varying slide sizes. Good Example Linear and Non-Linear Ways to Make the Best Presentation Linear Follows a set path going forward from slide to slide. Can’t go back to a previous slide. Generally forces conclusions for a section to be at the end. Uncomplicated, but that’s okay. Non-Linear Can reference back to past slides more easily. Can jump only to certain slides of information. Link between slides more similar to a website. Effective for unguided presentations. Now that you have an idea of which type of presentation to choose, slide design is also important. Many powerpoints stumble because of ineffective or overly cluttered design. Many mistakes come at the most fundamental level, making the wrong type of presentation. Being able to identify if it’s a simple, single message or user interactivity is key in initial design choice. Over-focus on nonlinearity in a powerpoint that really only needs to be a linear summary can seem overly complex. Linearity can be perceived as boring. This text has high contrast to the background By David Rosenberg How to Make an Effective Presentation Presentation Best Practices Knickerbocker, Vicky, and Brent Olsonawski. "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly: Powerpoint Basics." Inverhills. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 June 2014. <>. "Microsoft PowerPoint 2003." PowerPoint 2003: Linking and Branching, UWEC. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 June 2014. <>. "Non-linear PowerPoint Presentation." Non-linear PowerPoint Presentation. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 June

Abstract Expressionism PowerPoint

Transcript: Abstract Expressionism The spontaneous brushstrokes and lines are common in most abstract expressionist paintings There are many different layers of colors Artists use different ways of painting to portray emotions (splashing, dripping) Everyone can interpret the painting in different way. This movement was unique because every artist had their version or style of painting in abstract expressionism. By: Charlie Dillon, Brady Cole, Mikaela Dykes, Nikola Škodáková Untitled, 1957 American artist born in New York Post-World War II art movement (anxiety, fear, stress) The first art movement that achieved international influence Based on psychoanalytic theories (Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung) 1950s and 1960s 1910- 1962 * Tried to capture energy and emotion through Action painting (anger) * Alternated between abstract and figural painting * Rotterdam Academy of Fine Arts and Techniques. * Heavily influenced by Picasso and cubism 1904 - 1997 Jackson Pollock born in Dvinsk (Russian Imperium, today's Latvia) emigrated to the USA in 1913 Franz Kline 1. Color Field Painting 2. Action Painting (Gestural painting) How was the act of painting seen? * born in Wyoming, moved to New York in 1930 * struggled with alcoholism ( † car crush) * used knives, sticks or towels instead of brushes (occasionally putting sand, broken glass and other stuff into his paintings) * inspired by Pablo Picasso * influenced by Surrealism and Cubism Adam Artists are focused more on the process of painting. Generally considered to be "messy". "New York School" - informal group of American poets, painters, dancers, and musicians (1950´s - 1960´s Arshile Gorky - born in Armenia, great influence on abstract ex., one of the most powerful American painters of the 20th century Vir Heroicus Sublimis 1880 - 1966 * Born in Pennsylvania * Went to Boston University and Girard College * He taught many art classes * Most famous for his own style of abstract art - calligraphic paintings in black and white Night Creatures, 1965 Mark Rothko 1908-1984 Willem De Kooning * as a pure expression of emotions and means of visual communication. * as a spontaneous release of unconscious creativity * as a release of subconscious feelings and desires Shellflower, 1947 Jackson Pollock Untitled No. 3 1912- 1956 Artists involved in this movement Pompeii 1959 Two Types of Abstract Expressionism: Thank you for your attention :) * German-born, immigrated to the U.S. in 1932 *founder of an art school in Munich * influenced by Henri Matisse's ideas about color and form *in contact with famous artists: Henri Matisse, Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque, Wassily Kandinsky Developed in New York in the 1940's. Includes aspects of cubism, surrealism, and abstraction. Action Painting Barnett Newman Noon, 1947 * Born in NY * One of the few famous women from the movement. * She Married Jackson Pollock * Once married, she focused more on Pollocks work than her own. Jack Pollock "Untitled" Jackson Pollock, 1943 Mural Orange and Yellow Willem de Kooning 1950 Excavation Characteristics of Abstract Expressionism Which picture is an example of Abstract Expressionism? * answer to the question of human existence * psychological battles * the external struggle between man and nature *the hunt for spiritual comfort Jackson Pollock Willem De Kooning Hans Hofmann Lee Krasner Franz Kline Woman V 1952-53 Laburnum, 1954 - characterised by large areas of a more or less flat single colour - uses blocks of colour to express emotions - considered to be more organized Lee Krasner Hans Hofmann Chief, 1950 Abstract Expressionism What did abstract expressionists express?? Color Field Painting

powerpoint template

Transcript: Nobody knows babies like we do! Quality products . Good Customer service. Every Kid really loves this store.. BABYLOU ABOUT US About Us BabyLou was established in 2004. It has been more than a decade since we started, where we have ensured to take care of every need and want of every child and infant under one roof, true to the caption “NO BODY KNOWS BABIES LIKE WE DO”. Our benchmark is to provide 100% customer service and satisfaction and continue to deliver the same with a wide range of toys, garments and Baby Products. Play and Create We Are Best 01 02 03 Block games Building Blocks help Kids to use their brain. PLAY TO LEARN in Crusing Adventures Our Discoveries Enjoy a sunny vacation aboard a luxury yacht with the LEGO® Creator 3in1 31083 Cruising Adventures set. This ship has all the comforts you need, including a well-equipped cabin and a toilet. Sail away to a sunny bay and take the cool water scooter to the beach. Build a sandcastle, enjoy a picnic, go surfing or check out the cute sea creatures before you head back to the yacht for a spot of fishing. Escape into the mountains Disney Little Princes in Also available for your Babies..... Also... Out of The World… Our reponsibility BABYLOU…. Our Responsibility All children have the right to fun, creative and engaging play experiences. Play is essential because when children play, they learn. As a provider of play experiences, we must ensure that our behaviour and actions are responsible towards all children and towards our stakeholders, society and the environment. We are committed to continue earning the trust our stakeholders place in us, and we are always inspired by children to be the best we can be. Innovate for children We aim to inspire children through our unique playful learning experiences and to play an active role in making a global difference on product safety while being dedicated promoters of responsibility towards children.

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