Transcript: 11. He AS 22. She AS 33. We AS 44. Us AS 55. Him AS 66. Her AS Include name on fisrt line By adding date, subscriptions, the program will adjust a deal to your references! Ok Cancel Product Nr. Name Quantity Price Combined deal per customer Yes/No Plan A - Subscription Include period on first line Interval Quantity 4. Plan D 2. Plan B Plan - A Product/ Service Plan - A Subscriber Subscription/ Plan Create a new plan Include name on fisrt line Link a Product to your subscription Close Week, Month, Quarter etc. No Name Desciption Interval Choose the product Product D Link a customer to your subscription C Plan/Subscr. Deal Product You are back on your list of subscriptions. Go "Run to deal" if you want make a deal to a customer (to subscribe a subscription to a customer), acording to one or more subscriptions. No. NEW Interval Product 3. Plan C New s By saving it will go to all created plans A Here is a list of already linked customers to our subscriber "Plan A". You can link a new one by clicking on LINK. For example our subscription is named "Plan A" and we have already created a plan to it, giving a number, name, interval etc.! Here we can make changes! Product B Interval 1. CRM 2. Hosting 3. Exchange 4. OwnClowd 5. ASP Nr. Name Registred StartDate EndDate Expiry Discount Price Text 1. Plan A ha monthly Expiry 2. Plan B 1. Plan A ha monthly Description Subscriber Allow more per customer Number Plan Quantity Plan - A Product/Service Info Plan A Cancel 33 Update Interval Invoice Date From subscription To subscription Product C Name Choose the customer Name End Date Plan/Subscription Plan - A Subscriber Text for invoice Run to invoice When your subscription "Plan A" is complete you click on "Go to Plans". From there you can run your subcription to a deal. Copy Allow more per customer 44 Go to plans New 4. Plan D Add a new customer to subscription "Plan A", and by completing the page, you subscribe all this informtion to chosen customer. Cancel Link Link&New CRM Discount 3. Plan C New Name 11 He AS 01.06.16 01.06.16 31.06.16 Never 10% 12 Text for invoice B Product name 22 5. Plan E No. Name Week, Month, Quarter etc. Description Link Expiry 5. Plan E Close Product number Imagine this as a page of a subscription/plan to which you can change/link product&scutomer Run to deal New Plan/Subscr. New Deal New Product Name Special Price No. NameProduct Description PLAN Number 1. Product A 10 27 Add some aditional Information to your subscription Customer Link Plan/Subscription Cancel Make changes to your created plan Start Date Price Close Save Save&New Cancel Link Link&New Heading Text Index Deal For example, you already have some products linked to our "Plan A" and you want to link a new product to it. Then go to LINK! Clicking you go to complete your plan by linking to it a product&customer Run to deal Include period on first line Registred By clicking "OK" it will run to an usual deal, in an edit format You adjust a product by selecting it from all list of products, naming, giving a price, quantity. Description CRM No Name Desciption Interval