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Powerpoint Templates For Proposal Defense

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Proposal Defense

Transcript: OPTIMIZATION OF GRAPHENE FIELD-EFFECT TRANSISTOR (GFET) USING TAGUCHI-BASED GREY RELATIONAL ANAYLSIS (GRA) MUHAMMAD ARIFF AFFIAN BIN CHE LAH B021410235 DR FAUZIYAH BINTI SALEHUDDIN 1 This project is about a new bilayer graphene field-effect (Bi-GFET) design that will be proposed to replace the older version of MOSFET’s layout. Meanwhile, in order to achieve the higher on-current (ION) characteristics, new metal gate/high-k dia-electric will be chose to replace the conventional poly-silicon/SiO2. Taguchi-based grey relational analysis (GRA) method will be applied as optimization methods for variety of propose parameters. These parameters must achieve the most optimum value that accepted by Low Power (LP) technology by International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductor (ITRS). INTRODUCTION ORIGINAL VERSION ORIGINAL VERSION Bi-GRAPHENE LAYOUT Bi-GRAPHENE LAYOUT OBJECTIVES 2 #1 The main goal of this research is to optimize the grapheme field-effect transistor (GFET) device using Taguchi-based grey relational analysis (GRA). The objectives are specific: #2 1) To design MOSFET-like GFET by using ATHENA and ATLAS modus of SILVACO software. #3 2) To obtain and analyze the most optimum value of process parameters of Bi-GFET that meet the requirement of low power (LP) technology by International Technology Roadmap Semiconductor (ITRS) SCOPE OF WORK This project execution is based on simulation and parameters measurement. The traditional MOSFET’s layout will be replaced with bilayer graphene FET (Bi-FET). Metal gate/high-k dia-electrics will be used to change the conventional poly-silicon/SiO2. The fabrication of the graphene field-effect transistor (GFET) will be done by using ATHENA module in SILVACO’s TCAD tool. Meanwhile, ATLAS module in SILVACO’s TCAD will be used to measure all parameters and electrical characteristics. Meanwhile, Taguchi-based (GRA) will be optimization method for all the parameters and will be applied to obtain the most optimum parameters of Bi-GFET. PROBLEM STATEMENT Based on Moore’s Law, number of transistors per square inch on integrated circuits had doubled every year since their invention and suggests exponential growth is unlikely to continue. These are because there are many limitations in the transistor to overcome such as silicon transistors can age and fail. Transistors also have limited power-handling capabilities. To propose layout with better efficiency, low power consumption and high on-current, a brand new layout is propose. A lot of experiments are conducted to search variation of new design and materials to likely overcome these limitations. PROJECT SIGNIFICANCE Graphene FET can be used as detector of ionizing radiation due to the sensitivity of graphene to ionization-induced local electric field perturbations. Graphene also widely implement in electronic applications. Transparent conductor application also optimizing graphene FET in their used. REFERENCE [1] Shintaro Sato, “Application of graphene to electronics device”, Active-Matrix Flatpunel Displays and Device (AM-FPD), 2017 24th International Workshop, 2017. [2] Pierre-Antoine Haddad, Denis Flandre and Jean-Pierre Raskin, “A Quasi-Static Model of Silicon Substrate effect in Graphene field effect transistors’, IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol 38, issue 7, pp. 987-990, July 2017. [3] Renyan Jiang and Xing Yao, “A response-based method for analyzing data from Taguchi experiments”, Second International Conference on Reliability System Engineering (ICRSE), pp. 1-6, 2017. [4] R. Stanley Williams, “What’s Next? [ The End of the Moore’s Law] “, Computing in Science and Engineering, vol 19, issue 2, pp. 7-13, 2017. [5] Li D. and Kaner R.B, “Graphene-Based Materials”, Material Science, vol 320, pp. 1170-1171, 2008. ? Question Time? Thank Your Audience! Goodbye Now!

Proposal Defense

Transcript: Purpose: To bring awareness to the community that there are more homeless families out there than you think. Mission Statement: "The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination." The Salvation Army is now ministering to over 120 countries world wide In the US alone, they help over 33 million people per year Goals: Movie Night/ Pizza and Popcorn Offer Tutoring Donating Clothes Food Drive Plans Activity Accomplishments: To extend our best effort to help our community to have a better understanding of this issue and to encourage them to help fix this problem. In the 2012-2013 school year, there was a reported 1,450 children homeless in Lee County By the age of 12, 83% of homeless children have been exposed to at least one violent event 25% have witnessed acts of violence within their families In Lee County, 70% of all children all eligible for free or reduced lunch Some areas as high as 98% Point in time (PIT): January 21, 2014 Includes sheltered and unsheltered homes 871 were surveyed 224 were chronically homeless 56 have disabling condition Between PIT, HMIS, and the school district of Lee County they estimated about 2,790 people in Lee County for 2014 The Salvation Army plays a big part in funding for homeless needs in Lee County Just because a person is not on the streets doesn't mean they are not homeless. There are numerous homeless children, adolescents, adults, and elderly that most people are not aware of. According to, there are over one million people in the US alone that are homeless. only 30% of those are fed daily Introduction- Why We Are Passionate Founded in 1856 by William Booth British Minister Left Methodist new connection to start his own mission Wanted to "reach for the worst" Was originally called Christian Mission Came up with the name Salvation Army in 1878 Booth focused on material, emotional, and spiritual needs Helped with addiction services, food for the hungry, shelter for the homeless, etc. Throughout the years, more people helped with services Thus, making the organization grow rapidly Evolving Services Childcare Education Family Counseling AIDS Care and counseling Disaster Relief Holiday Services Did you know that there are many forms of homelessness? Goals/Purposes/Accomplishments We all have several special talents that we can combine to work within ourselves as a group and with our partner agency. (The Salvation Army) Jarri: Organizer; Scribe Our Roles Conclusion Rebakah: Contact/Outreach Person Ashley: Youth-Oriented Proposal Defense Taking all of this in consideration, our group is focused on making an impact into this community with the aid of the Salvation Army to carry out this plan of improving and making others aware of the problems we have with homelessness. Background

Proposal Defense

Transcript: Aspects of Religion Social Support Private Religiosity N=1495 2 wave panel study of adults in Miami Florida Ethnically representative Oversampling of individuals with physical disabilities Religion and Mental Health: Examining the Nature of the Relationship Aspects of Religion Regression of Depression on Chronic Stress and Interaction Terms Religion Religious Group Participation Mental Health Committee Suggestions Include additional literature review on depression - measurement and sociological significance Present further review of Durkheim's work on religion and mental health Refer consistently to "depression" rather than "mental health" Must state research questions directly in order to reveal biases Present hueristic models illustrating hypotheses Examine potential effects of demographic variables on depression Note specific limitations in data set (-) Correlation Matrix of Continuous Measures Religious Group Participation Individual Religiosity Hypotheses Religious Coping Social Stress Religion had been argued to impact mental health Mediation and moderation effects have also been theorized Longitudinal data is required in order to test these relationships Many existing studies are limited by use of cross-sectional data H1 (main effect): Individual religiosity and religious group participation at Wave 1 will be associated with changes in depressive symptoms between Wave 1 and 2. H2 (mediation): The relationship between prior religion and changes in depressive symptoms will be mediated by mastery and social support. H3 (stress-buffering): The relationship between social stressors and depressive symptoms will be stronger at lower levels of religion and weaker at higher levels of religion. Durkheim found a relationship between religion and suicide. He theorized that social integration through religion benefitted mental health. Sociologists have been interested in the link between religion and mental health ever since. Mental Health Religion Individual Religiosity DV = CES-D Depression Scale Theoretical Framework IVs = Subjective Religiosity Religious Coping Religious worship attendance Personal Mastery Social Support (Family and Friends) Chronic Stress Scale Demographic Controls Background Mental Health Stress Process Theory Stress Buffering Sample Mediation Temporal Order Research Questions Religion Mental Health (-) Personal Mastery (+) Measures Theoretical Framework Subjective Religiosity Regression of Depressive Symptoms on Religion and Mediators How are different aspects of religion associated with mental health? To what degree are these relationships mediated by personal and social resources? Does religion buffer the effects of social stress on mental health ? Religious Group Participation Descriptive Statistics (+) (+) Thesis Proposal: Stephanie Hansard Thesis Chair: Mathew Gayman Committee: Don Reitzes and Erin Ruel Research has shown a relationship between religion and mental health. Many studies show a positive relationship Other studies show a negative relationship Different aspects of religion may be related to mental health differently Mental Health (-) Stress is harmful to mental health. Personal and social resources are useful in coping with stress. Religion may be a source of personal and social resources (personal mastery and social support).

Defense Proposal

Transcript: A CORRELATIONAL STUDY BETWEEN THE BODY MASS INDEX OF SELECTED STUDENT NURSES AND THE AMOUNT OF TIME UTILIZED QUALITY BED-MAKING PROCEDURE Can the Body Mass Index of a student nurse affect his or her utilize of time in performing quality occupied bed making procedure? To determine the Body Mass Index (BMI) of selected second year nursing students. To correlate the range of time it takes for a student nurse to perform bed making according to their body mass index. To find out the correlation of increases BMI from normal BMI with fairness and equality. To prove or disprove if there is a direct relationship between the speed of a student nurse performance of work to his or her body mass index. Non-experimental descriptive correlational quantitative research design. College of Nursing at a university in Quezon City. 2010-2011 Second year Nursing students 2010-2011 Second year Nursing students. Stratified clustered random sampling. Beds in the skills laboratory. Dummy for occupied bed making. Weight and weight measuring instrument. Draw sheets. Top sheets. Bottom sheets. Pillow cases. Pillows. Standard stopwatch. Body mass index chart. Descriptive analysis Correlation of two (2) variables: Pearson's r. II. Body Mass Index A. Definition B. Diagnostic Examination C. Computation (Gender and Age) General V. Synthesis Methodology Research Instrument Research Design mrs. maria glenda l. morales, rn, man research adviser Outline of Literature Time Taken to Perform Procedure Specific Theoretical Framework Student Nurse Sample Population and Sampling Instrument Quality of Work Performance To know whether there is a relationship between the body mass index of a student nurse and the amount of time utilized in quality occupied bed making procedure. Timetable III. Overweight and Obesity A. Definition B. Prevalence C. Incidence D. Effects of Overweight and Obesity 1. Range of Motion 2. Gait Patterns 3. Physical Activity E. Cases of Overweight and Obese Nurses Objectives Research Problem Flowchart of Methodology Data Gathering Technique Research Locale Preperatory Phase Entry Study Exit First Part of Research riel, josef vincynt s. orozco, marie antonette s. pascual, robin john f. pronstroller, tara stephanie o. rana, arian derick a. ravarra, alaiza abigael a. real, nonamarie a. 3nu08-group 7 BMI of Selected Student Nurses Data Analysis Second Part of Research Occupied Bed Making Procedure I. Introduction A. Occupied Bed Making WEIGHT

PowerPoint Game Templates

Transcript: Example of a Jeopardy Template By: Laken Feeser and Rachel Chapman When creating without a template... Example of a Deal or No Deal Template PowerPoint Game Templates There are free templates for games such as jeopardy, wheel of fortune, and cash cab that can be downloaded online. However, some templates may cost more money depending on the complexity of the game. Classroom Games that Make Test Review and Memorization Fun! (n.d.). Retrieved February 17, 2017, from Fisher, S. (n.d.). Customize a PowerPoint Game for Your Class with These Free Templates. Retrieved February 17, 2017, from 1. Users will begin with a lot of slides all with the same basic graphic design. 2. The, decide and create a series of questions that are to be asked during the game. 3. By hyper linking certain answers to different slides, the game jumps from slide to slide while playing the game. 4. This kind of setup is normally seen as a simple quiz show game. Example of a Wheel of Fortune Template Games can be made in order to make a fun and easy way to learn. Popular game templates include: Family Feud Millionaire Jeopardy and other quiz shows. Quick video on template "Millionaire" PowerPoint Games Some games are easier to make compared to others If users are unsure whether or not downloading certain templates is safe, you can actually make your own game by just simply using PowerPoint. add logo here References Example of a Family Feud Template PowerPoint Games are a great way to introduce new concepts and ideas You can create a fun, competitive atmosphere with the use of different templates You can change and rearrange information to correlate with the topic or idea being discussed. Great with students, workers, family, etc. For example: With games like Jeopardy and Family Feud, players can pick practically any answers. The person who is running the game will have to have all of the answers in order to determine if players are correct or not. However, with a game like Who Wants to be a Millionaire, the players only have a choice between answers, A, B, C, or D. Therefore, when the player decides their answer, the person running the game clicks it, and the game will tell them whether they are right or wrong.

Proposal Defense

Transcript: John M. Wambui MSW, MA. UAPP The emergence and the role of autonomous civil society organizations in urban marginal communities. An assessment of Grassroots Organizations in Kibera Chapter 1 Introduction What is a Community? and What are its most basic elements? Community a group of people with diverse characteristics who are linked together by social ties, shared perspectives, a sense of social and cultural coherence, and engage in collective action in a given geographic location or setting (MacQueen et al., 2001). In this definition, three contextual characteristics of a community emerge i.e. Place, Interest, and Communion (Smith, 2001). A Community... Basic Elements Based on the established definition and core elements of a community, can a slum, a place too often considered chaotic and disorderly be defined as a community? A Slum as a Community? A slum as a place of metropolitan degradation and desolation Two Arguments of Slums Traditional Argument Statistical Dilemma Global slum population growing by an average of 6 million people per year since 2000 and 56% of this growth is taking place in Sub-Sahara Africa (PSUP, 2016). About 59% of urban population in Sub-Sahara Africa lives in slums (PSUP, 2016; World Bank Group, 2016). In Asia & Pacific, 28% of urban residents reside in slums. In Latin America & Caribbean region, 21% of urban population reside in slums. Today, around 1 billion people live in slums accounting for 1 in 8 people (PSUP, 2016). This population is projected to double by 2030 with much of the increase taking place in developing nations. Need for an alternative view of slums Viewed from inside, a slum presents a highly organized and integrated social system (Whyte, 1943) There is a need to understand how a slum function as a social system (Jacobs, 1992; Bayat, 2007) A slum as a place of metropolitan innovation and collective ingenuity Contemporary Argument Slum as a Community In this study, I define a slum as a community where people share common experiences, norms, habits, interests, and communion among other traits. Body of literature defining a slum as a coherent community (Boo, 2012; Gilbert, 2007b; Jacobs, 1992; Neuwirth, 2006; Roy, 2011). To solve slum's challenges, there is a need to understand how people living there collectively organize to address common vulnerabilities (Bayat, 2007; Coleman, 1990; Field, 2003; Holston & Caldeira, 2008; Jacobs, 1992; Putnam, 2000; Whyte, 1943) Research Questions Research purpose is to: Explore how the local community in slums navigate prevailing environmental vulnerabilities through collective actions and local mobilization techniques. Highlight how local creativity, innovation, resilience, and adaptability compose skill-sets that enable households in slums to navigate diverse social and environmental vulnerabilities particularly in the areas of sanitation, health, education, and employment. Using local grassroots networks as proxies for local imagination and collective ideology, the study is guided by the following three research questions. Research Questions @ John Wambui (2016) "Research is creating new knowledge" Neil Armstong Research Significance Bridge the gaps in both theoretical and policy understanding of slums. Scholarly contribution to the existing body of knowledge particularly in commuity development. Professional development in the field of academia and social policy. Evaluative purpose-Highlights the role of grassroots organizations in community development. Extensive body of literature and theories exist highlighting the importance of civil society organizations in community development Literature Review Chapter 2 Literature Diverse social organizations emerge to serve diverse purposes: Some emerge as instruments for social, economic, political, and cultural mobilization (Coleman, 1990; Putnam, 2000; Bourdieu, 1984; Loury, 1977; Whyte, 1943). Others emerge to initiate, maintain, or disrupt the status quo (Morrison, 1987). Some emerge to protect certain social and spatial identities (Whyte, 1943). And others (as conceptualized in this study) emerge to highlight the collective ideology, creativity, and innovation. In the context of slums, formal and informal social networks highlight social coherence and self organization in a place too often considered chaotic and disorderly (Whyte, 1943; Jacobs,1992; Holston, 2008: Holston and Caldeira, 2008; Kayizzi-Mugerwa et al., 2014). Social networks, especially grassroots initiatives are perceived as alternative suppliers of public goods and services in areas where state fails as a provider (Abdul-Raheem, 1996; Heller, 1996; Ostrom, 1990; Ostrom, 1996; Wilson, 1987). Existing Literature Investment in education by different organizations in Kibera Three critical factors are necessary for the formation of civil society organizations (Fox, 1996) Political opportunities for collective action (referrred as activators in this dissertation) Social energy and ideas that motivate reactions

Proposal Defense

Transcript: Researchers College library Future Researchers Residents of Paciano Consumers Entrepreneurs Government comes from the initial letter of the surnames of the researchers Demand Analysis Factors affecting Demand Supply Analysis Factors affecting Supply Retailers/ Sari-sari stores Cleaning Stage Chopping and Pulverizing Stage Making a Custard mixture stage Boiling Stage Mixing Stage Freezing Stage Stirring Stage Storing Stage Research and Development Acquisition of Capital Business Registration Fixed Asset: P 216, 190.50 Pre-Operating Expenses: 10, 360.00 Operating Expenses: 175, 278.70 Working Capital: 336, 308.51 Total P738, 137.71 Contingency (1.607%) 11, 862.29 Total Cost of Investment P 750, 000.00 Thank you A healthier way of eating Ice Cream! It will be significant to the following: Production Flow Research Design: Survey forms Interviews Sample free tastes Marketing Program... Cost of Investment photo (cc) Malte Sörensen @ flickr Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 3: Technical Aspect Pre-Operating Period... The End... General Market Information... Source of Investment Php 10, 360.00 Production of Veggie Gelato (The population of the study covers Calamba City) Significance of the Study Evangeline Ballocanag P 50, 000.00 Karen Adriano 50, 000.00 Jerald Barairo 50, 000.00 Jenevieve Estopil 50, 000.00 Prospective Investor/Creditor: (Mrs. Francisca M. Adriano) 550, 000.00 Total P 750, 000.00 Sanitizing Stage this part is the lifeblood of the study Chapter 5: Financial Aspect Pre-Operating Expenses... ABBE Company Packing Stage Php 8.00 The product provides.... ABBE Company Channel of Distribution Final Consumers (cc) image by jantik on Flickr Cooling Stage Manufacturing Process business name... Chapter 4: Management Aspect 5+7= (cc) image by anemoneprojectors on Flickr Unit Selling Price.... Chapter 2: Marketing Aspect

proposal defense

Transcript: System Objectives TEEM PIRATES company profile Figure 3.2: Student Cumulative Record (Report Promotion) statement of the problem Figure 3: Student Cumulative Record Form Figure 4: Student Form 137 Figure 2: Enrollment Form To provide a fast and accurate assessment result •To provide a fast and easy way of tracking student’s rank record •To provide a precise and uncomplicated reports of School General Aptitude The Davao City Special National High School, a day school and Education facility for the Exceptional learners is the only Government Special Education high School of its kind in Davao City. It caters to the learning needs and problems of a variety of the exceptionalities, such as the Hearing Impaired (H.I.) the learning disabled (LD) and the mentally gifted (MG) . the school is managed by a newly appointed principal Ms florence victoria who is responsible to the Division and Regional SPED Committees. The school stands in a one (1) hectare campus for both Elementary and High school at Bangkal, Davao City and has a building complex which includes a covered court, computer laboratory, science laboratory, Home Economics room, faculty room, English Center, Guidance Center, Students Center, and eight (8) classrooms. and 20 teacher. Acuña, Jan Ryan Cagumbay, Jemenie Seth Gorgonio, Axyl Rose Morado, Adnan Peñafiel, Axel •Time-Consuming in generating Assessment Result •Slackened process of sectioning old students by year •Difficult and inaccurate making students SGA(School General Aptitude) Figure 1: Registration Form/ Assessment Form Student Information Management system for DAVAO CITY SPECIAL NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Project goals Scope and Limitation The study focuses on the Student Information Management System of Davao City Special National High which involves the following: student assessment result. Student Profiling, scheduling process of the school during enrollment. School General Aptitude, The project only focuses on the student information management. •The goal of this project is to innovate the management of student records by improving the existing information system of the school, the transactions will going to be fast, to have accurate result, and satisfying reports of every transactions. Figure 3.1: Student Cumulative Record (Personal Data) Document Analysis

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