Lessons Learned Project
Transcript: Having friends means you always have someone there for you. Their always here to tell me to look on the bright side and always smile, because things could be worse. FRIENDS I bowled for a few years and the one thing that my coach always told me was that I need to follow through my swing all the way. I also need to do that with my life and finish the things that I start. I used to worry about what everyone thought of me. But when I stopped worrying I felt a lot better. Me And Smile we did:) Chelsea Vassallo's Lesson Learned You should always follow through with everything. By my dad doing this it shaped me into a better sister, daughter, and a better person. It pushed me to take chances and to believe in myself. My coach always told me not to push myself when I was already down, because sooner or later I was going to hurt myself even more. During one of our games I messed up my knee pretty badly that my coach wouldn't let me play. I'm glad that he told me I couldn't play because I did hurt my knee a lot more than I thought I did. I need to learn to relax when things get hard and to not stress as much as I do. I learned what it was like to actually take care of a human, my little sister. I learned how to make an actual dinner when we needed to and what would be exceptionable for a 9 year old to take for lunch or have for breakfast. It also helped me keep track of my own money from saving it or helping my mom out when she was short some that month. My dad was deployed to Afghanistan for 400 days two years ago. He told me this one thing before he left, "I know I'm asking you a lot but I need you to grow up and help out your mother and sister till I come back". It pushed me to become a bigger part of my family, that I ever thought I'd become. I used to hate cleaning the house and doing dishes and all that, but one day my sister was acting like a kid not wanting to clean and started dancing around. FAMILY With friends it's never to late to ask for help. Most of them were there for when I needed to talk about my dad being away. It was weird and all but it was always good to know that their there for me when I need to talk. Coaches