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Texting And Driving Powerpoint Template

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Texting and Driving

Transcript: Fact #4: Dear Diary, April 2, 2012 Sam is dead. We were driving to the boy's basketball game last night. She was reading me a text from a boy when we hit another car. Her eyes were only off the road for a few seconds. Our car rolled, throwing Sam from the driver's seat. She died on impact. Sincerely, Brynn Facts About Texting and Driving Dear Mom and Dad, I'm so sorry for leaving you so abruptly. I just didn't realize that taking my eyes off the road would end my life. Heaven is a beautiful place but I just want to come home. I want to be with my family again. Well I guess I will see you again someday. Please don't text and drive. Trust me, it's not worth it. All my love, Brynn The age group with the greatest proportions of distracted drivers was the under-20 age group. 16% of all drivers younger than 20 involved in fatal crashes were reported to have been distracted while driving. An online survey of 1,999 teens ages 16-19 found that 86% had driven while distracted even though 84% know it's dangerous. Dear Diary March 16, 2012 Sam and I had a close call yesterday. She was driving us to Taco Bell when we almost got in a car accident. She was reading a text when the car drifted left-of-center. We missed a truck by inches. We are both a little frazzled. Sincerely, Brynn Fact #5: Texting and Driving Recipe for Disaster Diary Entries Campaign Speech 2012 Dear Diary, April 8, 2012 Sam's funeral was yesterday. It was hard to say goodbye to a friend that I imagined would be in my life forever. She was there and then gone in an instant. Why would we risk our lives for a stupid text? She is dead now because she took her eyes off the road for one second. It's funny how things change so fast. I owe it to Sam to stop texting and driving. After watching all the pain Sam's parents have gone through, I could never do this to mine. I will make Sam's story known and make sure this doesn't happen again. Sincerely, Brynn Five seconds is the average time that your eyes are off the road while texting. When traveling at 55mph, that's enough time to cover the length of a football field. Fact #1: The teenagers of America have come under an epidemic. That epidemic is texting while driving. Did you know, about 6,000 deaths and a half a million injuries are caused by distracted drivers every year. Those are numbers that I find hard to swallow. While I agree that cell phones are wonderful devices, they serve no place in a car. 40% of all American teens say they have been in a car when the driver used a cell phone in a way that put people in danger. America, if you elect me as President I promise to stop this epidemic. I will make it my mission to pass laws in Congress, stating that operating a vehicle while using a cell phone is illegal. America, let's save our teens! While over 90% of teen drivers say they don't drink and drive, 9 out of 10 say they've seen passengers distracting the driver, or drivers using cell phones. Using a cell phone while driving, whether it's hand held of hands-free, delays a driver's reactions as much as having a blood alcohol concentration at the legal limit of .08 percent. By Brynn Skilliter 1. One cup of texting 2. 1/2 cup of loud music 3. 3 friends in the car 4. 1/4 cup of speeding 5. A dash of chaos 6. A sprinkle of disaster 7. Another object in your path Viola! Now you have a recipe for a car accident! Fact # 3: Fact #2:

Texting And Driving

Transcript: Daily text messaging by teens has increased rapidly since early 2008. 38% of teens were daily texters in February 2008 54% of teens were daily texters in September 2009 75% of all American teens ages 12-17 own a cell phone 66% use their phones to send or receive text messages. Studies show that older teens are more likely than younger teens to have their cell phones and use text messaging 82% of teens ages 16-17 have a cell phone One in three (34%) texting teens ages 16-17 say they have texted while driving. That translates into 26% of all American teens ages 16-17. Currently there is no national ban on texting or using a wireless phone while driving, but a number of states have passed laws banning texting, the use of a wireless phone, and hands-free use of wireless phones while driving. Texting While Driving Penalties SHAVING PUTTING ON MAKE-UP The people from Car and Driver Magazine documented just how dangerous it can be to text and drive. They tested the drivers distance at which they stopped. The test showed a man or women driving a car would travel an average of four feet further while driving drunk and an average of 70 feet further while texting. WATCHING OUTSIDE WINDOW Texting While Driving Is Your Number 1 Killer! A teen is 23 times more likely to get into a crash while texting and driving. Presented & Made By: Kole Klement, Kayleen Larson, And Mariah Gorman TALKING TO PASSANGER STORY PLAYING WITH RADIO .com We were the 25th State to ban texting while behind the wheel. Text messaging outlawed for all drivers. Fines from $20 to $400 with a possible 4 points against the driver’s license. TEXTING BIBLIOGRAPHY http:// TXTING & DRIVING... Is a simple message worth your life? Texting While Driving You Are A Distracted Driver When... Texting While Driving WISCONSIN EATING Texting And Driving Is More Dangerous Than Drugs or Alcohol www. .gov Texting While Driving Penalties

Texting and Driving

Transcript: Texting While Driving Works Cited Copeland, Larry. “States go after texting drivers.” USA Today n.d.,: Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 17 Nov. 2011“Don’t text and drive.” USA Today n.d.: Academic Search Complete. EBSO. Web. 17 Nov. 2011."Distracted Driving |" Home | Web. 17 Nov. 2011. "Driving Distracted | Stats and Facts | Driving and Texting." Distracted Driving | National Highway Traffic Safety Administration | Web. 17 Nov. 2011. Feldman, Greg. "Mindfulness Predicts Less Texting While Driving among Young Adults: Examining Attention- and Emotion- Regulation Motives as Potential Mediatiors."Personality & Individual Differences. Nov. 2007. Web. 18 Nov. 2011.McCarthy, Carolyn. "Should Text Messaging While Driving Be Banned? YES.." Ebsco. Version Issue 38. U.S. News Digital Weekly, n.d. Web. 18 Nov. 2011. FRA | Home. Web. 17 Nov. 2011. "Mission | Vision." FocusDriven. Web. 17 Nov. 2011. Salvucci, Dario D., and Niels A. Taatgen. The Multitasking Mind. New York: Oxford UP, 2011. Print. "SB 172 - Heather's Law/Cellular Telephone Use in Vehicles [CPSC]." Florida House of Representatives - Web. 17 Nov. 2011. "Texting Driver Gets 6 years in Death of Teen Bicyclist -" Los Angeles News and Video for Southern California - KTLA.COM - KTLA 5 - N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Nov. 2011. "Texting While Driving - Definition, Court Cases, Articles, History - LawBrain." Legal Community | LawBrain - Making Laws Accessible and Interactive. Web. 17 Nov. 2011. "Texting While Driving |" Home | Web. 18 Nov. 2011. Cases - California's vehicle code 23123.5 - E-mail, gaming? - Texas law - Carolyn McCarthy Joshua chang - 2008: truck driver - 23.2x - Train collision, FRA - MBTA Green line, Boston Conclusion Legislation - Focus Driven: "cell-free driving" - Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers - National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) Organizations Texting and driving is dangerous!

Texting and Driving

Transcript: Texting While Driving By: Kristen Schreiber Elijah Pedroso Tyler Meister Texting while driving impairs one's ability to drive as much as being drunk does. Studies using driving simulators have indicated that drivers using cellphones are up to four times more likely to cause an accident as other drivers and are as impaired as someone with a .08 blood alcohol level. NHTSA last year estimated that about 120,000 drivers were sending text messages or physically manipulating phones at any given time during the day, up 50 percent from 2009. And the number of drivers talking on cellphones at any one time was even higher: an estimated 660,000. A 2009 AAA Foundation study found that 91.5 percent of drivers considered talking on the phone while driving a serious threat to their safety; 97 percent said it was completely unacceptable to send a text or e-mail while driving. But two-thirds of those people admitted talking on their own phones while driving, and 1 in 7 have texted while driving. Studies show that distracted driving causes about 5000 deaths per year. Most people in a survey stated that they feel unsafe because of the people that are driving while using electronic devices. Fatalities due to distracted driving are rising each year. We believe that every state should adopt a law banning texting while driving. It will keep not only the drivers safe, but other people on the roads safe as well. There will be less crashes, injuries, and fatalities. An estimated 660,000 people are talking on a cellphone or using any electronic device at any time, so lowering that number will make the roads more safer. Pros -Find other ways to make communication in the car safe. -Less car crashes and fatalities. -Raising public awareness. -This will show a decrease in deaths caused by distracted driving. -Texting can wait until you’re done driving because while driving you are easily distracted and it can lead to serious injury or death. Cons -In studies, participants know they are driving rigged vehicles, so it's questionable whether they are driving “naturally.” -We can only reduce distracted-driving crash rates by banning the activity, not by trying to enhance the experience. -We’re not able to force people to follow these policies, only inform them that its not a smart idea and they most likely wont listen. Our Citizen Action Plan To draw attention to this issue, newspaper and magazine articles will be printed, and social media campaigns and sponsored social events will be used. These will help get the word out fast because most people are always on a social media site. Sponsored social events are also a great way to inform people. For this issue, it would be appropriate to go to different high schools and colleges all over the United States and talk to the students, make them aware of this issue because they are the target age group. Our CAP is likely to succeed because there are already laws made about this issue. The government is already aware, but it is the people and citizens that need to have more of an interest to try and stop this from happening. If many efforts are made to bring public awareness, more people will start caring and really try to stop this problem. 2 Statistics 5 q History w v Current Law y b Will It Work? 1 6 Smartphones became hugely popular in the first decade of the 21st century, enabling users to talk on the phone, text, check email, browse the Web or engage in numerous other activities in any place where they had cellphone reception — including most roadways. Distracted Driving chart Our Position • 31/34 states that have bans on texting and driving have made it a primary offense 1. Hosansky, David. "Distracted Driving." CQ Researcher 4 May 2012: 401-24. Web. 7 May 2012. 2. "Texting While Driving." Issues & Controversies. Facts On File News Services, 11 Oct. 2010. Web. 7 May 2012. 3. Hanes, Stephanie. "Texting While Driving: The New Drunk Driving." Christian Science Monitor. 05 Nov 2009: n.p. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 07 May 2012. 4. Rose, Kara. “More states crack down on texting while driving.” USA Today 14 Oct 2011: A.3. SIRS Issues Researcher web.06 May 2012 5. 6. e Text messages have become one of the world's favorite ways of communicating. The practice has exploded in popularity during the first decade of the 21st century. r n t g In 2010,President Obama signed an executive order banning federal employees from sending text messages while driving government-issued cars or using government-provided cell phones. 4 Sources As of April 2012, three-quarters of the states prohibited drivers from texting on hand-held devices. The penalty in most cases is a fine, but in Utah texting drivers face misdemeanor charges, and they could be treated as harshly as drunken drivers and sent to prison after a fatal accident. In NY the current law is that a driver whose texting can only

Texting and Driving

Transcript: Texting and Driving Bradley Ploof Garrett Lindsey photo credit Nasa / Goddard Space Flight Center / Reto Stöckli Those solutions could reduce if not stop texting and driving. There is one main solution that could stop texting and driving. The solution is to have a custom charger that you plug into your phone and it will act like a iphone(saying commands into your phone and it doing it. People everywhere believe that any text is more important than whatever your doing. if you do that on the road, that one split second could kill you or could kill someone else. That could lead to many outcomes depending on how bad it is from injuring someone to killing someone. Texting and driving is as serious problem but with the right solution, we could stop texting and driving forever. A solution would be to get people to put their phone in the trunk before you start your engine. Another solution is to improve technology in the car so when you turn on your engine its shuts down your phone. It is not just in South Carolina that its an issue that people are texting and driving. People around the United States have the same problem and some states made it illegal to text and drive. South Carolina is just one of the many states that has not made texting and driving illegal. Here in South Carolina texting and driving is a huge problem. Many people that text and drive end up killing or injuring someone else and yourself. Approximately 6,000 people die last year due to texting and driving. Over half a million people were injured due to people texting and driving. When people have a phone out, there distracted from the road long long enough for anything to happen. There were reportes in 2008 that distracted drivers caused 16% of all fatal crashes, saying that 5,800 people were killed.

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