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Transcript: In co-operation with Agenda For Today. Introduction Issues Weaknesses (Inv. Finance Dept) Opportunities (Inv. Finance Dept) Suggestions Conclusion Q & A 1.Look at your VSM and identify what activities (mails, meetings, phone calls and etc) are not mentioned and group them in 5 buckets. Related to close Not related to close but urgent Can be done outside the close What should be assigned to someone else 2. Where do we have opportunities (reports, processes, journals,...), Identify what we can change or approve. look at your own activities look at the team 3. 3hrs workshop will be scheduled week of 27Th of January, please come prepared with ideas, suggestions, etc. During the workshop we will define a plan and agree how to enroll these improvements. As Group/Team W H A T WILL C H A N G E Weaknesses: Conclusion! Provide a team leader, with better communication skills. Team leader lacks communication skills. Lack of Knowledge to carry daily task. Lack of friendly working environment. Mismanagement of time. Lack of team spirit. Issues with bad interdepartmental communication. Too much manual work. Fatiha Doudouh & Serge Wouters Issues: This is a new year. A new beginning. And things will change Inventory Accountant (Rugby): No intermediate in team to convey the message. Create sub-folders in Lotus Notes. Bad quality of interdepartmental reports. Too many Emails on a daily basis. Too many Meetings. Move the Lunch list from M.S. The Purchase PO, Sum of Conv to USD & Receipts INVTRAN. Video meetings for Inv. Acc (Rugby). Aim of project! Following are the issues, which were revealed by the Inv. Fin dept team during one on one meeting with Intern. Provide further Trainings in case of improvements & Willingness to learn something. Team Leader: VSM Little Knowledge of GOMS. Receive too much Queries. Too many E-mails. Only one Meeting once a month with T.L. Unequal distribution of Workload. Provide Training sessions according to their skill. SQls on Friday at ME should be run by I.T. Communication Account Payable Analyst (M. S): Reshuffle of Tasks. Edit & Submit journals at ME. Prefer to use GOMS instead of SOMS. Too many applications to accomplish his daily tasks. No official meeting with T.L. He considers himself as an Island. By:Maiwand Patman Introduction : Opportunities: Team' s Suggestions: Organize more meetings (I.e. Team & Individual). Provide more training Sessions. Set up clear goals & objectives. Create strong team bond. Have patience to listen to each other. Recognize group & individual achievements. Pursue accountability and inspire the team to exceed its goals. Issues: Value Stream Mapping Value stream mapping inventory process and define possible improvements in order to reduce overtime and safety risk. How the project was carried out? Use of secondary data. Qualitative method. One on One Interview. Issues: Inventory Accountant (Rumst): Inv. Fin Dept It is feasible to reduce the current over time by 50%. Communicate Positively & Openly. Create Team spirit. Final Cycle count not during ME. INF Evaluate the outcome of training sessions. Serge Wouters Improve Interdepartmental communication. Face to Face meetings & Town Hall Meetings. Trainings Issues: Too busy at Month-end. At month-end several SQLs have to be extracted. No pre-training sessions before introduction of new applications. Issues with laptop, takes more time to process & function slower. Lotus Notes gives issue as well. Excel sheet stop responding after a while due over load of work.


Transcript: VSM Pte. Ltd. Manimala Subramanian Ng Rui Wei Ong Sye Im JV with local government Shareholders (govt. provide the land for free) Give priority to government linked companies MOU with government to impose restriction on new entrants 3rd largest – 8% (after Indonesia 80% and Thailand – 10%) Malaysia produces 375 tonnes/ RM1.5 billion Current production is insufficient ( Demand > Supply) Problems must be solved : Location, pollution, systematic, attracting investors etc. Convert problem into opportunity Govt. plan - 2015 – 100,000 SBH /RM 5 billion Do a feasibility study Build eco-friendly and community friendly SBH Away from commercial and residential area Proven track record (other existing SBH) Foreign investors – ROI and low risk Demand increase – higher purchasing power Bird nest product highly valuable Market Segmentation Expenses Expected moderate 3-5% increase in the cost of production each year. Same internal design of the BH will be used to maintain the quality. BH design will change on the occasion of a better research finding. Different area of land price differently. (Criteria will be set prior to land purchase to make sure BH prices will be adjusted at normal rate) Designed area of BH unit might different to adjust on the availability of land. Construction work will be sub-contracted to other builder company with our own specs and design, as well as supervision. Executive Summary - Solution Executive Summary – Sustainability The initial market – local investors The second market – investors from Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Macau, etc. 1st year – investors through personal contact Foreigners are allowed Buy buildings worth more than RM250K Establish a company with 49% Malaysian equity ( 30% Bumiputera) 2 year payback period for 4 million investment For individual investor investing 400-500 K, receive payback from profit of harvesting on year 4 or 5. Business Cycle Payback Period One – stop centre for SBH Inviting foreign investors to invest Existing swiftlet eco park None in Perlis, Kedah, Melaka and Kelantan Melaka is strategic – relaxed rules – geographically strategic, surrounded by seas and river The Sources of fund Swiftlet Bird House (SBH) is our product Current set up – residential and commercial area Complain about noise and waste pollution Attracting investors Government rules and regulations Short supply of Bird nests – reduced skill worker Increase in market demand Environment problem Executive Summary – Differentiation Executive Summary - Problem Market Strategy Initial Public Offering (IPO) – Listed on the Malaysian Stock Exchange Bought over by those who are industry who needs raw material such as Eu Yan Sang, Brands etc. Sell out to major investor who is already involved in the SBH Product: SBH (built to encourage the swiftlets to build their nests) Place : Umbai, Melaka (no swiftlets eco park yet, Govt. investor friendly) Price : RM400K per unit based on land costs and building costs ( 200K) Promotion: One- stop centre To appoint an agent in HK,China,Taiwan well ahead to promote the SBH. Locally, VSM will promote via webpage, brochures, personal contacts and advertisements. Exit Strategy About Swiftlets and Bird Nests 4 million from the investor (give priority to state owned company) 15% share allocated to state government 40% share for investor Utilized the profit over the year for following project Sales of SBH during construction-collect fund Swiftlets (Aerodramus Fuciphagus) On average, swiftlets have three broods per year and usually lay two eggs per brood To protect the bird their numbers continue to decline,probably a result of illegal trade Birdnests has nutritional properties – for health and beauty Not threatening – don’t carry Avian Flu Found mainly in SEA Market Analysis Construction Assumption Location Swiftlet Industrial Park : Swiftlet Bird House (SBH) Venture Operational – facility, employee salary, agreement, travelling cost Marketing – bird farming association(seminar), business association , overseas market(expo), personal contact. Construction cost – cover by capital, cost of land minimize through government involvement Business Cycle Location


Transcript: All system parameters and functions are controlled for unattended operation and any number of parameters can be automatically extracted from hysteresis loop data. Real-time field-dependent response tracks field changes for accurate curve shape definitions and parameter extraction. VSM system Application Software a flexible software and a robust design. We also needed to be certain of good back up, for answers to our queries, spare parts and repairs run continuously (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) The high level of technical support and service provided exemplifies our commitment to the research community and industry. A quick to send someone out for the installation and training. It has always been easy to get in touch with the technical representative whenever had a question. No problem with the power supply, electromagnet, computer, and software. The software and control program seems very logical and is easy to interact with. Model 74033 autorotation The rotation option allows you to automatically vary the sample orientation relative to the direction of the applied magnetic field. The angle of rotation is within a single plane defined by the direction of applied magnetic field, referred to as the x-axis. Angular variation is about the z-axis. Rotation is programmable to a resolution of <1° for rotating the sample from -10 to 730° and all parameters are measured as a function of rotation angle. Model 74032 vector coils The vector option extends the VSM measurement capabilities to facilitate investigations of anisotropic magnetic materials, allowing you to determine their vector magnetization components and susceptibility tensor. When used in combination with the Model 74033 autorotation option, the vector coils provide information that is essentially identical to that provided by a dedicated torque magnetometer. The Model 74032 2-inch vector coils are compatible with all variable temperature options. E2M 2-stage rotary vacuum pump Capable of achieving a pressure below 0.67 Pa (5 × 10-3 torr) at 1 m3 per hour, the 2-stage rotary vacuum pump is used for evacuating both the oven and cryostat vacuum spaces of our variable temperature options. This, or a similar vacuum pump, is required for daily operation of variable temperature options. TPS-FRG turbomolecular vacuum pump station Used to annually evacuate the cryogen transfer line of the optional cryostat and single stage variable temperature assembly (transfer line and kit are included with these options), the Model TPS-FRG provides vacuum to 1.33 × 10-3 Pa (10-6 torr). In addition to annual cryogen transfer line maintenance, the turbomolecular vacuum pump can also be used in place of the E2M rotary vacuum pump for evacuating the cryostat vacuum space. Recirculating chillers Lake Shore offers NesLab® recirculating chillers in order to provide a complete laboratory solution. The NesLab chillers feature a CFC-free refrigeration system. The refrigeration system utilizes a hermetically sealed compressor and hot gas bypass system of temperature control. This system eliminates on/off cycling and premature wear of the compressor. Strong pumps provide continuous flow even through cooling lines with small IDs. Model 74039 Helmholtz coil for measurements at fields less than 100 Oe. when measuring very low moment samples, distortion from the iron in traditional electromagnets is not a concern. power supply, cables, connectors, and related accessories to allow you to swap between the Helmholtz coil and your electromagnet Conclusion VSM systems are the most sensitive electromagnet-based VSMs commercially available and feature the broadest temperature range capability-4.2 K to 1,273 K (-269 °( to 1000 °C). These systems measure a wide range of sample types, making them ideal tools for the most demanding materials research applications and quality control of magnetic materials An assortment of options, including low temperature cryostats,a high temperature oven, a single stage variable temperature assembly,vector coils, autorotation,an MR probe,and a Helmholtz coil expand the functionality of Lake Shore VSM systems VSM is a workhorse with high sensitivity and rapid measurements that meet our demanding needs Lake Shore VSMs have proven themselves to be very reliable based on this very demanding environment “The sensitivity of the Lake Shore VSM is as good as specified. We were able to measure ultrathin Co films of 4 Å with the area of ~10 mm2. We can measure magnetization down to 8 K with high sensitivity. It replaces our need for SQUID magnetometer for many of our projects what do you really need from a VSM ??? Accessories‬‏ The fully integrated IDEAS VSM software uses an intuitive Windows® interface for system operation, data acquisition, and analysis. Select a default experiment profile or customize your own profile to run a virtually unlimited number of experiments. Set up and execute measurement routines and experiments quickly and easily Substrate corrections and


Transcript: VSM What is? It's a graphic technique It is used in management and in lean manufacturing It works systematically. It is one of the most used techniques to create improvement plans. Focuses on Solving all the problems that exist in a production process Increase productivity Add value to a produc Reduce / eliminate waste It's an in-depth process that is found within the organization and in the supply chain. The vsm is represented visually. BENEFITS Obtain the highest value for the client in the most efficient way possible Be able to have a continuous improvement Detect and develop competitive advantages Avoid failures during the whole process. What means VSM? Value Stream Mapping What the customer is buying. The flow of the processes through the organization that convert the materials into a product or service Visually documenting the value chain in order What provides? Provides the necessary means to Visualize the interaction between the different functions within the manufacturing process. Know the coordination of flow materials and flow information. Recognize the factors that limit us Process To perform a VSM, the steps must be followed in order. 1. Identify the family of products to be drawn using a product-process matrix. 2. Draw the current status of the process identifying the inventories between operations, material flow and information. The current VSM survey shows the information flow and the product flow. 3. Analyze the vision on how the future state should be Design the future state in tools such as We will analyze and answer questions What processes are integrated? How many operators does the line require? How many teams? What space? 4. Draw the future VSM. We will build processes that are linked to customers, working at tack time, in continuous flow and pulled by the client. 5. Form action plan and implement actions. Make changes and we will translate them into an action plan.

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