Transcript: BREAD Biotechnology!!! Bread is made using a microorgansim called yeast. The art of using these microorganisms in making food is called; Biotechnology. Making bread is very simple as yeast is one of the easiest microorganisms to control. Some other types of food made using biotechnology are: cheese, yoghurt, soy sauce, beer and wine, sauerkraut, vinegar, and various medicinal drugs. How To Make Bread!!! Heres a video just to show you how easy it really is! If the video was not clear enough, then these dot points might be. Firstly bread needs a leavening agent to make it rise. To do this we use a microorganism called yeast. The yeast reacts with the suger and flour to form air bubbles in the dough. Once the dough has been made it needs to be kneaded. Kneading distributes the yeast evenly and gives the bread a smooth texture. Once kneaded, the dough needs to be covered and placed in a warm dry place until it is almost double in size. This rising process is called proving. After proving the dough needs to be punched and kneaded again to get rid of any excess air pockets. Then another round of proving is required to make the bread nice and fluffy. Lastly the bread needs to be baked, it needs a hot oven for the dough to expand, if it does not expand enough it will turn out dense and heavy. History Of Bread!!! 1. It is thought that bread was invented over 30,000 years ago. 2. All bread at first was unleavened as the discovoury of risisng products was yet to happen. 3. The first method of making bread rise was to leave it out in the air, where naturally occuring yeast would mix with the dough, similar to how the first beer brewers made their beer. 4. Bread became a specialty as well as an important part of the everyday diet for many ancent cultures. 5. Up till the 20th century bread was aldulterated with dangerous substances such as chalk, saw dust and clay. 6. In 1928 a machine that sliced and wrapped bread was invented.