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복사본 - Copy of TEMPLATE - BRAIN

Transcript: Contents Outlining a care plan • Information, advice and support service • Communication support • Stroke prevention • Getting back to life • Carer support [14] [16] Psychiatric Disorder 20143085 박창희 20162429 김규리 20162500 김세하 20162463 문효인 20162445 문나은 1. Definition 5. Treatment 2. Background 6. Discussion 3. Symptoms 7. Q&A 4. Cause # Anhedonia # Avolition # Alogia # Asociality # Flat Affect Mental Disorder References (continued) Nisha Denoo Jenny Harbour Tafadzwa Kabambe Isaac Kamau Maegan Navaratnam Marie Reinertsen Karshana Selvarajah Poppy Tidswell Max Whittaker Euan Williams Thank you for listening Once discharged from the rehabilitation unit, Vera will have a care plan including: Psychological assessment in first month Teaching of cognitive functions and communication skills Physiotherapy [14] Case summary Vera can benefit from support from other organisations, such as the Stroke Association, who offer services such as: Additional Support [10] [11] The NHS Choice website [Acessed 06/11/2013] [12]] [13] Part 3: [14] NICE website [Acessed on 07/11/2013] [15]] The NHS website [Accessed on ] [16] Physiotherapy after stroke, Stroke Association booklet, Factsheet 16, version 01, published April 2012 Symptoms Positive Cause Multidisciplinary team: Physiotherapy will play a crucial role in Vera's recovery. Initially, the physio will: • improve posture and balance [11] [14] [16] • form an exercise plan [14] [16] • daily tasks [14] • attempt/ensure involvement of family and friends [16] - especially the Church group If progress is good, and Vera feels strong enough, the physio will then: long term goal set a new home exercise plan home visits [16] Vera admitted to A&E Concerns addressed Rehabilitation and return to normality [4] Torbey MT, Selim MH. The Stroke Book. 2nd edn. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press;2013 [5] Ansari Y. Physiotherapist. [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 31st October 2013] [6] AGCAS editors. Occupational therapist. [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 31st October 2013] [7] AGCAS editors. Speech and language therapist. [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 31st October 2013] Part 2: [8] [9] 2013 Physiotherapy # Delusions # Hallucinations # Disorganized speech # Thought disturbances # Motor disturbances Negative References (continued) Background image courtesy of Alpha Coders: Section 1: [1] (NICE, 2009) ( [2] (Cancer Research UK, 2012) ( [3] (Map of Medicine, 2013) ( – 06/11/2013 ( ) NeuroScience Negative Symptoms References Positive Symptoms

복사본 - Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of My Desktop template

Transcript: Travels to Clients 19-18=18 서양에서의 사실주의와 한국의 사실주의는 뭐가 다를까? 한국의 자생적 연극 형식 X 서양으로부터 수입한 연극 형식 Move 2 matchstick to make 4 square etc 4막 … 전막과 같은 무대. 6개월 후. 처 “그 애가 싸운 지가 오늘이 꼭 보름짼데 아직 안 났구료.…” -위에서는 6개월이 지났다고 하고 여기서는 보름 처 “아니죠. 우리 집에서 소 싸움이 일어난 그 담 다음 날 팔려 갔죠. 그랬으니까 벌써 열 이틀이나 사흘은 지났는데요. 있을라면 그 동안에 왜 기별이 없겠수?” -열이틀이나 사흘 지남 ;15일, 보름 -정황을 보아 4막 시작 지문에 6개월이 지났다고 쓴 건 작가의 실수 아닐까? joke economics "너는 천상 여자다" "남자라면 군대를 다녀와야지." "남자(혹은 여자)가 그것도 못하니?" "정말 여성스럽구나(혹은 남자답구나)" 5+5+5=550 Creativity :Is every where MBC 창작동화 신인상 Question 1. Question 2. 그렇다면, 여기서 잠깐! 작품을 읽으며 이상했던 부분 없으셨나요? 문학동네 신인상 Gracias Add 4 matchstick to make 2 square and 4 triangle Conclusion 매일일보 The Cost to Acquire a Customer (CAC) exceeds the Life Time Value (LTV) a customer brings us. 5+5+5=550 유치진의 실수? the use of the imagination or original ideas, especially in the production of an artistic work. synonyms: inventiveness, imagination, innovation, innovativeness, originality, individuality; artistry, inspiration, vision; enterprise, initiative, resourcefulness "her agency is a hotbed of youthful creativity" idea There is no right answer to creativity. 19-18=18 music engineering Creativity 이제 다시 해석으로 돌아가서, 결말에 대한 저희의 생각을 보여드릴게요 조선일보 신춘문예 science 소에서는 이렇게 비극성을 강조하거나 암시하는 내용이 매우 많습니다 그렇다면 그 복선들에 대해 한번 알아볼까요? CASE-STUDY2 Move 1 matchstick to complete this formular This is my third go-around selling to large enterprises, SkyStream, Kontiki and now Qumu. I like to explain to you the problem the way I see it, the changes I suggest to avoid making the same mistake again. and 이처럼 작품 속에서 반어, 언어유희, 노래의 잦은 등장 등 다양한 희극적 요소를 찾을 수 있습니다 좀 더 살펴볼까요?

복사본 - Copy of Zoomology (Template)

Transcript: 표제어 commemorating the victory of Haenju Battle Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ligula... . Siege of Haengjusanseong was.. Chungjangsa Shrine start Kwon Yul Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ligula... zoom in out Haengjusanseong General Kwon Yul'statue & Relief a portrait of General Kwon Yul and the typical structure of Korean Shrine. 표제어 The Siege of Haengju took place on February 12, 1593 during the 1592-1598 Japanese invasion of Korea. Approximately 3,000 Korean defenders led by general Kwon Yul successfully repelled more than 10,000 Japanese soldiers. Together with the Siege of Jinju in 1592 and the Battle of Hansan Island, it is considered the greatest Korean victory during the seven years of war Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ligula... The End combination of regular army, righteous army, monks, and women 감사합니다 introduce Haengju Bettle Monument 그의 호국 충절을 추모하기 위해 1842년(헌종 8)에 왕명으로 건립한 사당이다. introduce Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ligula suspendisse nulla pretium, rhoncus tempor placerat fermentum, enim integer ad vestibulum volutpat. Nisl rhoncus turpis est, vel elit, congue wisi enim nunc ultricies sit, magna tincidunt. Maecenas aliquam maecenas ligula nostra, accumsan taciti Haengjusanseong Fortress is located 표제어 행주산성 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ligula suspendisse nulla pretium, rhoncus tempor placerat fermentum, enim integer ad vestibulum volutpat. Nisl rhoncus turpis est, vel elit, congue wisi enim nunc ultricies sit, magna tincidunt. Maecenas aliquam maecenas ligula nostra, accumsan taciti introduce 임수현 a Korean Army General and the Commander-in-chief of Korea, who successfully led the Korean forces against Japan during the Japanese invasions of Korea . He is best known for the Battle of Haengju where he defeated a force of about 30,000 Japanese with 2,800 troops.

Final Copy of Copy of Copy of Free Template - Wessam

Transcript: Job Nile has been always believing in the females' force capabilities As a result of the development plan, Job Nile has increased the number of hired permanent staff to the double. Moreover, the number of Clients as well as the turnover has also grew to the double. Due to the cross-culture understanding and the mutual passion as well as the respect to the different cultures which has been built between the ANB Group members of 30 IVLP Delegates, we had more than 100 reunions in different countries since October 2012.. Job Nile has been providing professional high quality services since the year 2000 Among the re-unions are: 10 From the ANB family have met in India for the wedding of the Indian delegate friend. In 2014 "Job Nile Team" Founded By Riham Adel Miral Adel Mohy joined Job Nile in 2002 as a Recruitment Officer and became a General Manager and a Partner in the year 2011 A big "THANK YOU" to the U.S. Department of State, the EO, the U.S. Embassy-Cairo/Egypt and every person who participated in making the IVLP "New Beginning" program such a great experience and looking very much forward to the "GOLD STARS" program.. Riham Adel was lucky enough to participate in 10 of these re-unions and more to come.. In 2013 Riham started sharing the gained experiences, exposures and knowledge from the program and was more qualified to pay back through acting with different associations as a Speaker in different women empowerment and Entrepreneurship Events as well as acting as a Mentor for young Entrepreneurs to provide them with all needed guidance to develop the management of their start up business. "Steve Jobs" In 2011 Job Nile Egypt with one location in Alexandria City was employing 12 qualified female employees and serving +100 Clients delivering all services.. Job Nile organized 18 big employment Events. Job Nile volunteered in more than 20 development events with Universities, schools, business associations and NGO’s benefiting more than 500 young job seekers. Riham in cooperation with her IVLP “A New Beginning” colleague “Angelo Juric” has established a branch for Job Nile Co. in Halle/Germany .. Job Nile became International and able to provide services from Europe to Africa and vice versa while the German Vocational Training Firm IBF-Halle is cooperating with Job Nile to deliver it’s Technical Expertise to the Egyptian Technicians and workers. “A New Beginning: Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation” program was an extraordinary experience including unlimited added values on the Educational, Networking, Cultural, Personal and Social Level. in the year 2000 The Only way to do great work is to love what you do.. Riham Adel has been selected as an IVLP Egypt delegate in the US where she connected with 30 Delegates from 30 different countries and Nationalities and different Languages sharing same passion towards Entrepreneurship We Love what we do Since the end of 2012 and after being really inspired by many success Models from the Entrepreneurs met with, Riham has been working on the development of Job Nile from different aspects applying different solutions and a developed way of thinking to overcome challenges. As a result of a mutual successful cooperation with the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, Job Nile has been organizing the biggest Employment Fair in Egypt for 3 years sponsored by the U.S. Embassy-Cairo, offering more than 4500 Job Opportunities by +70 from the biggest Companies operating in Egypt seeking to hire qualified Egyptians. Since Oct. 2012, the ANB Delegates who became one family, have been exchanging updates and news and sharing the achievements and challenges which has turned to be a great support to their lives.. Job Nile has organized 23 big successful Employment Events.. In 2012 Out of the believe in the importance of having an effective social role in the community, Job Nile Co. has been providing totally free of charge Career Counseling and Development services and sessions to students and jobseekers wherever needed in Universities, Schools, NGO’s etc.. during the last 17 years. Since the end of the IVLP program, Friends who are delegates from Germany & USA & Brundi visited Egypt for a re-union.. Riham from Egypt visited delegates from Morocco, Slovenia, Serbia and India where there was a re-union with the delegates from India, Greece, Burma, Brundi, Slovenia, Morocco & Bulgaria..

Template to copy

Transcript: Learning target: - you must be able to communicate in writing and saying combined with digital media - you must be able to explain what death means in the Christian religion Who will help you: - me (teacher) - your class mates (feedback groups) - the church (Eva and Pia) Who do you know who can help us? - ?? (students: maybe the verger can help us!) - ?? (students: or perhaps the burial cooporation?) The Learning Line Teacher's guide Example Learning target: - you must know how to cooperate with people outside the school - you need to be able to present your ideas and project in front of someone you do not know Students ideas: - a virtual tomb - tombs with qr-codes and silent music - tombs for pets Signs on learning from students: - it can be hard to get ideas on command - YES! It is fun to work with our own ideas We will work with: - how to get ideas which can benefit others - how to be creative with the body Which other things can we use to be creative or to get good ideas from? - ?? (students: we can use LEGO) - ?? (students: we can go for a walk or do a play!) Signs on learning from students: - we will use Animot and poems - we will use theater to tell about life and death in a positive way - we have learned to use Google SketchUp to visualize our tomb Below is an empty template you can print or copy and hand out to your students or share with your colleagues Groups The perfect burial We will work with: - different ways to communicate; body and voice - life and death - different medias (modalities) Which other communication tools have we previous used? - ?? (students: we can use what we learned when we made our own fairytales) - ?? (students: we can use blogs and wikis or make our own film as we did in the science project earlier this year) Learning target: - you must be able to explain what a brainstorm is - you must be able to write or draw your ideas Signs of learning: - it is funny, but also hard to work in groups - we need to help each other - you need to be brave and prepared when you need to talk to someone you do not know - an example the man from the burial company Class A dialogue based tool for assesing and evaluating creativity in learning Used with 4th and 5th graders in a project about burials using danish and religion as curriculum . Progression Individual Planning

powerpoint template

Transcript: Nobody knows babies like we do! Quality products . Good Customer service. Every Kid really loves this store.. BABYLOU ABOUT US About Us BabyLou was established in 2004. It has been more than a decade since we started, where we have ensured to take care of every need and want of every child and infant under one roof, true to the caption “NO BODY KNOWS BABIES LIKE WE DO”. Our benchmark is to provide 100% customer service and satisfaction and continue to deliver the same with a wide range of toys, garments and Baby Products. Play and Create We Are Best 01 02 03 Block games Building Blocks help Kids to use their brain. PLAY TO LEARN in Crusing Adventures Our Discoveries Enjoy a sunny vacation aboard a luxury yacht with the LEGO® Creator 3in1 31083 Cruising Adventures set. This ship has all the comforts you need, including a well-equipped cabin and a toilet. Sail away to a sunny bay and take the cool water scooter to the beach. Build a sandcastle, enjoy a picnic, go surfing or check out the cute sea creatures before you head back to the yacht for a spot of fishing. Escape into the mountains Disney Little Princes in Also available for your Babies..... Also... Out of The World… Our reponsibility BABYLOU…. Our Responsibility All children have the right to fun, creative and engaging play experiences. Play is essential because when children play, they learn. As a provider of play experiences, we must ensure that our behaviour and actions are responsible towards all children and towards our stakeholders, society and the environment. We are committed to continue earning the trust our stakeholders place in us, and we are always inspired by children to be the best we can be. Innovate for children We aim to inspire children through our unique playful learning experiences and to play an active role in making a global difference on product safety while being dedicated promoters of responsibility towards children.

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