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Engaging Powerpoint Presentations Templates

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Prezi Presentation

Transcript: Prezi Meaningful, Engaging, Captivating Overview Overview Prezi provides educators with templates to produce engaging, captivating, and motivating presentations for each and every lesson they teach throughout the year. Prezi present, Prezi video, and Prezi design are all offered under the free subscription of Prezi. Each are wonderful teaching resources that make your lessons the most engaging in your school. Objectives To assist educators with creating meaningful, engaging, and captivating presentations Objectives Competition Competition Visme Powerpoint Canva Presentation tool that allows users to create powerpoints either with a template or by a clean slate. Same offerings as Canva, but is less user friendly and can take more time to learn. Canva is an online design tool that offers users the opportunity to create posters, slideshows, images, event flyers, resumes, cards, certificates, infographics, and other media. How We Are Better Than... How We Are Better Canva Canva Canva offers a variety of different templates, but no templates are animated, so engagement and captivation for the audience and students is little to none. Prezi offers animated templates that helps engage, motivate, and captivate your audience or students. Powerpoint Powerpoint Powerpoint offers its users clean designed slideshow presentations that users can either create from a blank slate or template. The templates offered are not as creative, engaging, or captivating as Prezi's. Visme Visme Visme is very similar to Canva in its offerings to its users, except it is harder to navigate and use. Many reviewers said that Visme is not as user friendly as Canva. Prezi on the other hand beats Canva on userfriendliness, and is much more captivating to the audience or students. Statistics Statistics Our Numbers Our Stats According to Prezi, in 2021, the software company has more than 100 million users worldwide who have created approximately 400 million presentations. Visme: 18.5 Million Canva: 75 Million Prezi: 100 Million Powerpoint: 500 Million Our Team/Contact Our Team/Contact Jim Szafranski CEO

Engaging Presentations

Transcript: d Crafting Compelling Characters Developing Dynamic Protagonists Create multi-dimensional protagonists with compelling desires and relatable qualities. c Your narrator Describe your narrator Start and end My mom isn't really strict, she's strict to my sisters a little bit but when it comes to the boys they can do whatever they like. She Where does your story start and end? Write a two-tier outline Graph your story Write a two-tier outline Graph your story Defining Genre Essence Personalities: Aligning with Audience Expectations Extending Rules to Fictional Worlds e Interesting Me Opening scene Detail the opening Scene here a Start writing Closing scene Detail the Closing Scene here Before I was born : - My name is Siska Tudela, my dad is Palauan and Japanese and my mom is Refaluwasch. - My parents were both born here in Saipan in 1982 and 1980 - My dad was raised in Palau for I don't how many years and my mom left to the states when she was pregnant with my sister then came back. - I think they met when they were in hopwood when my dad was selling betelnut. - My grandma from my momsu Digital Media, P3 My Entrance: MY EARLY YEARS: I'd say my childhood was a mix of everything but overall I wouldn't wish to be anyone else. My favorite memory is when my siblings and I would play outside and when I found 20 dollars in the grass outside my house. My childhood friend was my neighbor. Her mom and mine knew each other from way back, so I grew up her since we were in pampers and running around with mucus. Now we're both in the same school and living in the same village. - In the year I was born, Amerian Gangster and Spider-man 3 was on the list for popular movies. - Singers who were popular during the year I was born Amy Winehouse and Gwen Stefani. - The first Iphone was introduced. I was born here in Saipan on May 10. - When I was younger my favorite movie was Twilight, I would rewatch it so many times that I started reciting their lines too. When I was younger we used to collect our egg cartons and used a lot of pennies to fill up where the eggs used to be. And then we would start the game using pennies, I don't really know how to explain it but it was and still is the best game to me. My sisters name is Jornei but at home we call her something else, shes 14 years old and is almost as naughy as our little sister. She's a freshman at this school but will probably transferring next school year. Jornei's taller than me so a lot people mistake her as older than me and some people go as far to say that we're twins. She also likes to cook and clean so most of the times shes the one who does the cooking because thats something shes better than me at. b -My mom has been married to her husband for 3 years and they met 5 years ago. - Something that makes me and my mom similiar is our height. - I have 1 dog and his name is chopper. One of my brothers named him after One Piece since it's his favorite anime. My mom was born on September 9 and has 6 kids, 3 boys and 3 girls. She attended Garapan elementary school, then Hopwood and MHS. She was raised in China-town by my grandpa and his brothers and is the 3rd oldest among her siblings. My oldest brother Byron is currently 21. He was raised in Tanapag and attended school almost everywhere in Saipan because we kept moving. Out of all my siblings he's the one who looks a lot like our mom. He has hair that is just below his shoulders and is still deciding if he wants to grow his hair or cut it. My brother Jeran is 18 and goes to school at MHS. He works with tasi and the alii's where he dances and does fire dance too. He has anger issues so I don't like to make jokes with him because I think he's bipolar and might hit me. But he's good at making people laugh and is a nice person. My brother DJ is like 9 or 10. I don't remember how old he is because when my mom gave birth to him a family member came and took him because they couldn't have kids. Anaya is the youngest, she's 7 years old and is very naughty. She doesn't like taking her naps unless we bribe her with snacks or something that she likes. She's small but is a very energetic kid, like way too much energy flows through her veins. But Anaya is also a very considerate person for her age. There was this time I was folding my cousins clothes and she stayed with me. She asked me if I was tired and I told her that my back was hurting and then she told me to stop folding and sleep next to her so she can know if I get up again to fold. When I told her that I have to finish she helped me fold and told me that I can go rest, so I told her that we're gonna go sleep and we both did. f My Family My family and I don't really celebrate things except for birthdays. Sometimes we do celebrate holidays but we don't really do it all the time, it really depends on our moods and money. No exuses Expand on the section here Strategic plan Create a plan for success Expand on the section here The power of getting coached Expand on the section here

Engaging Presentations

Transcript: CLASSROOM RULES " PICK YOUR DOOR" ACTIVITY “Take Me to Butuan City” G-Great attitudes help learning A-Always do your best L-Listen to your teacher and follow directions I- If you have any questions just raise your hand L- Listen to your classmates when they speak E-Enjoy learning O-Obey classroom and school rules E A B C D LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Angela is from Bayugan City and she wants to watch the latest movie of Haikyuu which is only available in SM Butuan City. Unfortunately, Macapagal bridge is temporarily closed due to a parade and the only way she could go through SM Butuan City is by the magsaysay bridge riding a Route 10 Multicab. But here’s the problem, Angela needs your help to pass the Magsaysay bridge safely. Do you want to help, Angela? 1. define the AAS and right triangle congruence theorem 2. actively participate in the activity related to AAS and right triangle congruence theorem; and; 3. assembles puzzle using AAS and right triangle congruence theorem that can be used in real life setting To help Angela, you need to identify the Triangle Congruence Theorem used in every triangle that we can see in the Magsaysay Bridge. The choices can be found in a Magic Box provided. GOOD DAY CLASS! STUDY THE JOY OF LEARNING QUESTIONS: 1. How did you feel helping Angela crossed Magsaysay Bridge in the activity? 2. Were you able to identity the Triangle Congruence Theorem correctly? If not, why? 3. Were you able to recall the characteristics of a right triangle? PREPARED BY: HONY MAE H. POLINAR STUDENT INTERN Angle-Angle-Side and Right Triangle Congruence Theorem HyA or (Hypotenuse-Acute angle) Congruence Theorem. If the hypotenuse and an acute angle of one right triangle are congruent to thecorresponding hypotenuse and an acute angle of another right triangle, then the triangles are congruent. ANGLE- ANGLE SIDE HyL (Hypotenuse-leg) Congruence Theorem. If the hypotenuse and a leg of one right triangle are congruent to thecorresponding hypotenuse and a leg of another triangle, then the triangles are congruent. If two angles and the non included side of one triangle are congruent respectively to the two angles and the non-included side of another triangle, then the two triangles are congruent. LA (leg-acute angle) Congruence Theorem. From the figure, given that ∆DOG≅∆CAT, <D ≅ <C, <G ≅ <T as marked, while DO ≅ CA tells the congruence of the non-included sides. Given that ∆ABC≅∆XYZ, <A ≅<X, <B ≅ <Y as marked, while AC ≅ XZ tells the congruence of the non-included sides. Therefore, two triangles are congruent using AAS theorem. If a leg and an acute angle of one right triangle are congruent to a leg and an acute angle of another right triangle, then the triangles are congruent. LL (Leg Leg) Congruence Theorem. If the legs of one right triangle are congruent to the legs of another right triangle, then the triangles are congruent ACTIVITY "BUILD ME UP"

Engaging Presentations

Transcript: Zoom out for more assets Asset library Analysis explanation Critical Question!!! B C What will life be without memories? and what can we do to improve our memory health wise? we have four main types of memory: The short-term memory, known as the working memory. It is active, temporary and fragile. It is the bridge between enconding and long-term memory. The long-term memory, known as the return to working memory. Memory are not retrieved in details. It is activily re-ordering of fragments. The declarative memory are those that can be experienced in our conscious awereness, such as a list of numbers. The non-declarative memory are thos that cannot be experinced in our conscious awereness, such as the motor skills necessary to ride a bike. We are not born to knowing everything we need to know about the world. medina 2014 pg. 128 A SO WHAT? So What? Memory provides a big survival advantge. We learn through experiences and teachings. Ou memory allows us to remember the encounters we've had with these experiences and the lessons learnt, for example, the ability to speak, ride a bike, play basket ball etc. This is an important concept to understand because in our modern culture we have a thousand distractions that can cause us to splitt our attention. If we are not careful we can start letting unimportant stimuli distract us from what is truly important and worthy of our attention. A Analysis Making a list of what we want to prioritise and getting rid of distractions is one way to help our brains focus. Using noise cancling headphones, going to libraries, and turning off notifications are all things people can utilize so that the brain does not have to try to multitask. B The Brain cannot Multitask While the brain can allow a person to walk and talk at the same time, it can not split its attention to two tasks at once, such as listing to a professor and doing other homework (Medina, 2008, p. 115). C Critical Question Would limiting unnecessary stimuli in our society today help people to feel like they do not have to juggle a hundred things at once? What are ways we could get rid of exstra stimuli? A So What? Without this ability we would have to force ourselves to memorize what is going on around us at all times, but automatic processing makes recalling details of a wedding, hike, or classroom much easier. Automatic Processing pg133 This form of memory takes place when we try to recall an experience. We automatically take in what happens around us during an event, making it easy for our brains to recall and process (Medina, 2008, p. 134). B A Analysis SO WHAT? We have a common impression that our brain is a lot like a recording device. to learn we push the 'record' button and to remeber we hit the 'play' button. WRONG!!! This ability is the opposite of effortful processing which reqires us to purposfully remember things such as a passcodes or phone numbers. We understand what is being taken in automatically and what needs more effort to be memorized then we can start to make descions based on these facts. For example, when going to an art museum you know you will remember the general beauty of the place, but decide to really study a certian painting you want to remember. We don't just press the "record". medina 2014 pg. 131 C Critical Question Is there a ways we can improve our automatic processing so that we can be even more accurate when recalling events? B Analysis Explanation Our brain is like a blender. As we learn, the information is chopped into pieces and splattered all over the insides of our mind. This happens immediately we look at a complex picture, for example, it extracts the diagonal lines from the vertical lines and stores them in seperate areas . same with color, if the picture is moving, the fact of its motion will be extracted and stored in a sepepate place than if the picture were static. This leads to encoding. To encode information means to convert data into code. our brain translate external source energy into electrical patterns the brain can understand. Encoding envolves all our senses and their processing center are scatttered throughout the brain. C Critical Question!!! What could we do better to develop our sense of encoding? Are there other ways to develop encoding in our brains? Attention and Memory

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