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Finding Nemo Powerpoint Template

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Finding Nemo

Transcript: Protagonist: Marlin Dory Nemo Goals: -Marlin's Goal is to find Nemo -Dory's Goal is to find family -Nemo's Goal is to escape the tank and find his father Character Description: -Marlin: Overprotective, stubborn yet determined, serious, devoted father -Dory: Silly, youthful, energetic, persistent, forgetful, lonely -Nemo: Naïve, playful, adventurous, strong, curious -Bruce: Good-hearted, friendly, macho, deceitful -Gill: Mysterious, dark-past, clever Character Arc: -Marlin: Marlin starts out as very happy with a wife and many offspring. This changes when a barracuda attacks and kills his wife and all of the eggs except for Nemo. This causes him to become very overprotective for Nemo. As Marlin goes through trials to find Nemo and save him, he realizes that he can’t control Nemo’s life and learns to trust him. The biggest Turning Point for Marlin is when Nemo tells him to trust him to save Dory and the other fish stuck in the net. -Dory: Dory at first is lost because of her short-term memory loss until she runs into Marlin and goes on with him on his adventure. By spending time with Marlin, she ends up getting her memory back and finally finding a place to call home. -Nemo: At first Nemo is rebellious over his over-protective dad. He believes his “little” fin isn’t as much of a handicap as his dad thinks. He proceeds to get captured by humans and ends up in a fishtank where he realizes he needs to listen and that his dad is only trying to help him. Dramatic Need: -Marlin: To protect and find Nemo -Dory: To rediscover her past and find a family -Nemo: To have more freedom Structure Spectrum: Classical and Linear -Inciting Incident: Nemo rebels and gets captured by the divers -Turning Points: Baracuda attack – Nemo Disobeys (touches boat) – Marlin and Dory go through the Jellyfish field, Dory gets stung badly, Marlin realizes that he cares about Dory’s safety – Whale scene, Marlin has to trust Dory – Marlin leaves Dory behind out of despair when he thinks Nemo is dead – Marlin has to trust Nemo to save Dory and the fish -Crisis and Climax: Nemo is taken (Crisis) – Dory gets trapped in the net with Nemo (climax) -Resolution: Marlin trusts Nemo to help Dory and the other fish. Nemo ends up being safe and Nemo, Marlin, and Dory return home Story Values: Life/death, freedom/confinement, trust/mistrust Controlling Idea: The main controlling idea is that Marlin should trust Nemo, but Nemo should also listen more to his father. Theme Parents know what’s best for their children, but they have to give them independence in order to grow up. Genre: Dramatic comedy Setting: -Time period: Modern Day -Duration: week to two weeks -Location: Pacific Ocean/Sydney Australia -Level of Conflict: Inner conflict, Environmental conflict, External conflict Exposition: The first scene between Marlin’s wife and his children/Dory repeating the address in order to find Nemo Forces of Antagonism: Baracuda, Divers who take Nemo, three sharks, Angler Fish, Jellyfish, group of seagulls, the fisherman’s net, Darla Closed Ending When Marlin’s son Nemo gets abducted, he, with the help of his sidekick, Dory, goes through great lengths to find Nemo. Dramatic comedy Finding Nemo Premise: Genre:

Finding Nemo

Transcript: Thriving amidst chaos in Finding Nemo Dory always trusts her inner voice, because she lives in the moment and barely remembers her own name. On the other hand, Marlin starts out questioning every move he and those around him make. He is timid and does not trust anything. Through his journey from the reef to Sydney, Australia, Marlin gains his voice back and starts to trust himself and others once again. Marlin became even more neurotic and frantic as he searched for Nemo. As he met Dory and proceeded to ask for her help, he quickly created a distrust that was hard to rid himself of (Quinn, 2005b). While Marlin didn't trust Dory, she was the only one that could help him and he leaned on her because without her, he would have been too scared to go on. Dory's short-term memory loss was a problem for Marlin and he was often frustrated that she was so carefree. He only gained respect and trust for her every time he betrayed her and it backfired. When Marlin and Dory wake up, they are surrounded by sea turtles on the East Australian Current. They meet Crush, who teaches Marlin that their kids are capable to do things on their own. Crush's wisdom sinks deep into Marlin as he watches Squirt, Crush's offspring, successfully reenter the current on his own. As Marlin tells the story of his journey to the young turtles, he realizes he could have avoided losing his son if he had only trusted him in the first place. Being comfortable with ambiguity in Finding Nemo Wisdom and success in Finding Nemo The main character of the story, Marlin, could be characterized as a twice-born leader (Bennis, 2003). He was a take-charge person when he and his wife moved into their anemone while awaiting the hatching of their offspring. One day a predator appeared and attacked his family. Marlin lost all but one injured egg and he vowed to never let anything happen to it. His only son, Nemo would have a tiny fin. Marlin's second leadership opportunity can only surface when he regains his confidence and trust in himself and others (Quinn, 2005b). His journey through the ocean to recover Nemo does just that. Transformative leadership in Finding Nemo When Marlin and Dory reach the Sydney harbor, they meet a pelican named Nigel who helps bring them to Nemo. Upon arriving at the dentist's office, Marlin finds his son floating belly up in a plastic bag. He loses hope again and wants to grieve on his own which leads to Marlin leaving Dory alone. Dory can no longer remember anything and swims aimlessly until Nemo gives her a purpose. As Dory helps reunite father and son, Marlin finally gives Nemo the freedom to prove he is capable of being independent. Grief and purpose in Finding Nemo Becoming a twice-born leader in Finding Nemo Marlin realizes that he cannot finish the journey on his own as he needs Dory's skills to balance out his flaws. However, his trust issues continue as he manipulates Dory into doing what he believes is best instead of listening to her as she wanted to pass through the gorge. His selfish manipulation leads to Dory becoming injured and both passing out from jellyfish stings. Attitudes and respect in Finding Nemo Commitment and cooperation in Finding Nemo Dory is comfortable with ambiguity from the very beginning of the story. Her short term memory loss helps because she lives in the moment. Marlin learns to be comfortable with ambiguity, but only after he recovers Nemo. In the beginning Marlin is closed off and stays in his anemone. When Nemo wants to go to school, Marlin feels uncomfortable and would rather have him and Nemo stay at home for another year or two. He shows a little comfort with Nemo leaving with his class until the other parents tell him where Nemo is heading. This uncertainty with the location makes Marlin chase after Nemo and the incident with the boat and divers happen. If Marlin had not chased after Nemo, his journey would not have ensued. Gill, whom Nemo met in the fishtank at the dentist's office, can also be seen as a transformative leader. Scared and out of his element, Nemo bumps into his new tankmates and runs into trouble as he is about to be moved again. When Nemo is sucked into the vaccuum tube he believes he can only become unstuck by the help of others. Gill guided Nemo out by explaining clearly what he had to do and by establishing a connection with him (Quinn, 2005a). He teaches Nemo independence and how to survive on his own. Nemo looks up to Gill because Gill too has a little fin. Fear and defiance in Finding Nemo Marlin and Dory leave the East Australian Current to continue on their journey and find themselves seeking help from a whale. Marlin stubbornly believes that Dory can not communicate with the whale even though she is fully capable. She does not quit even with Marlin's negative attitude. As Marlin realizes he has been treating Dory the same way as he treated Nemo, he lets go both mentally of his trust issues and physically as he drops into the whales throat as he learns to trust

Finding Nemo

Transcript: Finding Nemo Ecology Barracuda is Secondary Consumer Andrew Nguyen Ecological Relationships When trying to help Nemo escape from the fish tank in the dentists office to reunite with his father, Gill was put on the verge of death (severely decreasing his fitness), but this increased Nemo's fitness to be able to reproduce in the future after his escape. This is altruism. Marlin being over protective of Nemo would be a parental care behavior because, as being the only parent, it is necessary to ensure the survival of their offspring until they are reproduce. A type of behavior that coexists when adapting to an environment. The relationship between Nemo and Jacques, the cleaner shrimp, in the fish tank was a mutualistic interaction because both species benefited the interaction. Nemo was benefited from being cleaned and Jacques benefited from the food he received from cleaning Nemo. Marine Biome An ecologic relationship between two different species that live together with positive, neutral, or negative effects to one or both species. Symbiosis The sum of how species in the environment interact with biotic and abiotic factors. The interactions between organisms that cause an effect on the structure of the community. A classification category of the world's ecosystems by its vegetation, wildlife, and unique features. Reunited Fallacies Finding Nemo Food Cahin Biomes: 3 Fallacies A factor that is sometimes misleading, but does not actually exist in the real environment. Altriusm and Parental care The amount of pressure at the depth of the Deep Sea Angler's environment would have cause Nemo and Dory to suffocate, yet the environment seemed to have no impact on their survival. The Sea Turtles in the film were caring for their young, but in reality, the mother Sea Turtle travels to a sand bank to lay her eggs and will never return. Marlin and Dory were blown out of that whale's blowhole. The amount of pressure required to blow that amount of water out of a small hole would be enough to crush Marlin and Dory in the process. Finding Nemo, located in the Great Barrier Reef, this biome contains organisms ranging from primary producers (seaweed) to tertiary consumers (barracuda). The general area of the reef has an average temperature of 83^F that is year-round. These organisms, for example; crab, shrimp, clam, oyster, starfish, sponge, sea anemone, octopus, eel, worm, snail, and coral have all adapted to this type of warm, bright, and diverse environment. Having a colorful phenotype is one example that these organisms have adapted to. The consistent flow of energy from one trophic level to another; Primary producer, Primary consumer, Secondary consumer, Tertiary consumer, and Quaternary consumers. Primary producers: Seaweed and Algae Primary Consumers: Coral, Seahorses, Sea turtles, Clown Fish Secondary Consumers: Barracuda Tertiary Consumer: Angler Fish Quaternary Consumer: Shark As the energy travels up each trophic level, the amount of energy the organisms consumes by 20-25%. The shark's use of a biotic factor in their environment is by eating other organisms, mainly small primary and secondary consumers, to get energy and survive another day to reproduce. Like in the film, one of the three sharks had eaten he "fish-buddy". Competition is competing against another organism to get food. In Finding Nemo, competition is slightly different, but has a similar meaning. Dory and Marlin raced through the jellyfish to see who could get passed the swarm first. This would still be competition, just not for resources, but for the fitness of Marlin's son. Ecological Niches and Competition Community Ecology Energy Flow Adaptive Behaviors Mutualism Interspecific Interactions and Keystone Species One example of an Interspecific Interaction is "Predation". The scene where a barracuda eats Nemo's mother is an example of predation in the film. Nemo's home, the Sea Anemone can contribute a keystone species, as they are essential to clownish safety. Since clown fish have adapted towards living in a Sea Anemone, it would be difficult and crucial to their survival if they did not live in a Sea Anemone. Finding Nemo Food Chain

Finding Nemo

Transcript: Tad decides that if he picks out a purple or a red marble, replaces it, and then picks out another purple or red marble, then the chances of either of them winning will almost be completely fair! Students on time: 5/10 = 0.5 = 50% That is not fair at all! Tad decides to revise the plan. 14 Purple Binder Oh My Cod! Everyone got so wrapped up in the fun that they are going to miss the bell! Thank goodness Sheldon is rational about this. They need to figure out a path to get back to class on time! How many paths can they take if they can only move right and down? = 2 903 040 Oh, Pearl! Just as Tad is about to pick his first marble, they realize that Pearl has taken the seat opposite Nemo! Playground Games 3 6 Table Of Contents Early students: 3/10 = 0.3 = 30% 8/14 x 7/13 = ~0.31 10! = 3 628 800 Late students: 2/10 = 0.2 = 20% Nemo needs 1 binder and 1 pencil. Over all he has: a purple binder, a yellow binder and 3 different multicoloured pencils. Fundamental Counting Principle Factorials Indirect Method Dependent Event Independent Event Non Mutual Exclusive Event Pascal's Triangle Experimental Probability 4 Thank goodness, they made it back on time! Phew! According to theoretical probability, there will be: 3 students that are late, 3 students that are on time, and 4 students that are early. This time, there are 2 students that were late, 5 students that were on time, and 3 students that were early. Nemo wants to find out how many students came back on time, late, and early. Nemo is very happy to be back at school. After he went missing, he and his father have gotten along , much better. Because Nemo has been reunited with his friends, Mr. Ray has decided that they should take a class picture. Everyone will be in the picture including Tad, Sheldon and Pearl, Nemo's very best friends. Mr. Ray wants to know how many ways the students can line up. There are 10 students. 1 2 Pencil 1 21 Pencil 2 14 4 Pencil 3 Admittedly, Marlin was very over protective. He always made sure that everything was in order for his cherished and only son: Nemo. That's about a 51% chance that Tad will win... Well, he did say it was almost fair. 9! x 2 = - 725 760 1 1 17 Finding Nemo There is only a 31% chance that Tad will win. Fin Wrestling 6 7 Pencil 3 Yellow Binder By: Laura Radford 1 30 6 10! = 3 628 800 4 Fish Who'd Like to Play Fin Wrestling: WOW! That's a big number! School (10/14) x (10/14) = 0.51 Current Location Fish Who Don't Want To Play Anything: Fin 7 3 Pencil 1 Octopus According to Nemo's math, the experimental probability shows that he and his friends were part of the 50% probability that they'd arrive on time! One day, to make things easier for himself, he decided to map a tree diagram of all of the school supplies that Nemo could take with him. Swim Scotch A little while later, it is time for recess. Tad and Sheldon both want to ride on the Sea-Saw with Nemo, but they can't decide who should go first. They don't have a sand dollar to flip, so Nemo makes a proposal. He has a bag of marbles. If Tad picks out 2 purple marbles without replacing the first marble, then he gets to go first. Any other combination, and Sheldon gets to go. There are 8 purple marbles, 2 red and 4 green. Tad wants to make sure this is fair. 10 Soon enough, it is time to go home. Nemo had a great day at school with his friends! He is very happy to be back. Marlin and Dory come to pick him up and he says his goodbyes. "Did you have a good day, Nemo?" asks Marlin. "Yes," replies Nemo, "it went swimmingly!" They determine that they will have a Tournament of Fin wrestling! How fun! The winner will be the o-FISH-ial strongest fish in school. UH-OH! Flub and Chub are not happy! They don't want to be be-tide each other when they take the photo! Mr. Ray sighs. Now he'll have to recalculate. 16 2 Fish Who'd Like to Play Swim Scotch: 34 "That's still a very big number and it was hard work to get it" thinks Mr. Ray, "But at least everyone is happy now!" 5 There are 30 ways they can make it to school on time. They better hurry! Pg. 4 Pg. 5 Pg. 6 Pg. 7 Pg. 8 Pg. 10, 11, 12 Pg. 13, 14 Pg. 15 58 Marlin discovers that there are 6 combinations. He can now pre plan what Nemo will bring to school! Data Management Story Book 1 Pencil 2 After everyone has a turn on the Sea-Saw, Nemo thinks that it would be a good idea to have a school wide game. They come up with three ideas: Octopus, Swim Scotch and a Fin Wresting tournament. The asked 76 fishies and they made a diagram of their preferences. Fish Who'd Like to Play Octopus: 41

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