Movie Poster Powerpoint
Transcript: Texture Form The color in this poster (also refered to as hue) is very well shown, and you can see what I mean when you look at the different lights in the picture and the colors of the titles. This is very important because it gives a whole different feel of the picture itself. The movie poster shows some balance. It shows it from how the car and the writing is specifically placed on the poster. 8 Elements of Design The eight principles of design will include; line, form, space, shape, texture, color, value, and tone. Form is shown in all the places where there is also some objects and where/how they are arranged. The three principles of Design will be explained to you in this order; balance, proportion, and unity. Description The value is also a thing that is shown very well, because you can see the degree of shadowing and different color brightnesses all around the poster. It is about many cars that compete against each other, and fight for a grand prize. I would say that proportion is shown in the way the car fills up the poster and stays strong. To me, the way that Lamborghini is placed gives me a good feeling about the car and how it would feel like to be in it. So, you can see all the textures on it and around the poster. For example the letters. In conclusion, all the objects and shapes are well fitted together, and placed to stay there peacefully. The Races Begin; Movie Poster Analysis By: Aleksandar Bogdanovic I guess that you could say that space is well used in this poster because in the areas where you see the writing meet with the car itself it looks kind of neat because the space is well used. The recommended rating would be around PG-14. Shape Space The line, that is shown in this movie poster is mostly where the car is touching the ground, but there is also some line used in, where the title and subheadings are. The way you can see this element is where and how the shapes are, and how they are placed there. You can see all the shapes is that Lamborghini and around it as well. 3 Principles of Design This element of design is kind of similar to Value, because it also is about the lightness and darkness in a picture. This one pertains to the lightness and darkness in all the ways you see lighter and darker things mostly in the upper section of this poster. Line Proportion Tone Color Value This movie is similar to the Fast and the Furious movie series; as a result, the genre would be considered to be a drama-action film. Unity Balance