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Transcript: WHAT IS TIMESAVER? WHAT IS TIMESAVER? MAIN PROBLEM MAIN PROBLEM Population between 30 and 50 Source: National Institute of Statistcis Population between 18 and 30 Source: National Institute of Statistcis THIS MEANS MORE MONEY VERY LITTLE TIME LESS MONEY A LOT OF TIME THIS MEANS Unemployment rate by age group OUR SOLUTION OUR SOLUTION 18 to 30 years old 30 to 50 years old Offer their spare time Demand help in order to spend their time on what's really important to them Courrier Fix and put together Chores (shopping, babysitting...) Moving Anything needed Workers will categorize things they're good at, hobbies or specialties Make money. Start contributing to Social Security Micro jobs with no specific qualification requiered Jobs for profesionals from different sector Anything needed Construction Electrician HOW DOES IT WORK? HOW DOES IT WORK? OUR PLATFORM OUR PLATFORM WHY TIMESAVER WHY TIMESAVER TRUST AND SAFETY The key to everything is trust. We provide a trustworthy team that you can depend on to get the job done. Our TimeSavers undergo an extensive background check and in-person onboarding before joining the TaskRabbit community. They’re professional, highly rated, and always ready to lend a hand. QUALITY AND COMMITMENT Trust and safety are our top priority. Every task is insured. Our talented Customer Support team is available to help every hour of the day. PAYMENT AND PRICING Secure Payments Pay directly in the app with your credit or debit card when the task is done. No cash. No worries. Transparent Pricing Book same-day jobs for a set hourly rate, or make an appointment and choose your own TimeSaver Cancellation Policy Plans change. We get it. Cancel or reschedule any task for free with at least 24 hours notice.. FOR USERS FOR WORKERS FIND JOBS YOU LOVE Turn passions into a means to make a living. Share your talents with people that are in need of them GET PAID AT RATES YOU CHOOSE You decide what your work is worth and offer your services to those who need them MAKE A SCHEDULE THAT FITS YOUR LIFE Make yourself available only when you want to be. That way you can make time for everything you plan for. START CONTRIBUTING TO SOCIAL SECURITY TimeSavers gives you the chance to start acrewing unemployment and contributing to social security TAXES AND MONETIZATION TAXES AND MONITIZATION In order to use TimeSavers services, users must be subscribed to our platform contributing with a monthly fee, proportional to use: Standard: 1€ (up to 5 tasks a month) Premium: 2€ (up to 10 tasks a monthe) Élite: 3€ (unlimited tasks a mont) In order to work through TimeSavers platform, users must pay a monthly fee that would cover the following: Accident insurance for worker Customers insurance in case of theft or damage Administration fees Background check 29€ Clients will be notified in their order the amount of taxes paid by them toget this task done Most workers in the age group of 18 to 30 will be first timer self-employed workers. Therefore will be able to benefit from new Spanish law reform, that establishes self-employment fee for under 30 year old first timers is 50€. At the end of each month TimeSaver will make a payment to each worker deducting their platform user fee (29€) and any withholding taxes if applicable Example Example Fernando lives in the city center but works 40 mins by car Fernando lives with Clara and their son Gabriel Clara works close to her house. It is 16:30. Gabriel gets out of school at 17:00 and Clara is in an important meeting and Fernando has had an emergency at work that requieres his inmediate attention. Fernando and Clara needs help Either of them could rush to Gabriels school,pick him up, rush home, and go back to work but theyd be dissmissing one responsability for another. Sometimes this is OK, but when it happens too often, it can lead to either of them missing work oportunities because they can't handle the responsability So they use TimeSaver and are much more relaxed because they know emergencies like this can be solved easily and rapidly. Alberto is living abroad studying a Masters in Quantum Optics and also trying to get in to the Berlin Ballet. Alberto is great with kids, people in general, also talented in music, mathematics, and is a good cook. Sometimes between university classes in the morning and ballet practice in the evening, Alberto gets a couple of tasks to pick up Gabriel a kid from school because his parents are running late. He runs over to their work, grabs their keys, picks up Gabriel and goes back to their work to give them back the keys. Other times, he pops by their house after ballet practice, because they havent arrived yet and need someone to cook dinner and help their son gabriel with his homework. He stops by the grocery store, Gabriel opens up for him and he gets everything ready before they get home. WHY WOULD IT WORK? WHY WOULD IT WORK? VIABILITY Similar service platforms have proven to work in other markets VIABILITY TaskRabbit - USA Thumbtack - USA 10


Transcript: Facts: Our outstanding work has led to the production of an in-house operating system and solution called Content Media Guru is a Content Management System with in-built SEO and SMO principles and is changing the way SEO and online marketing works for the client by enabling you, the customer to control every aspect of your online presence through a single solution. By focussing on keeping your content relevant and fresh – updating more often than ever before. Wikipedia pages are shining models of page title to keyword relevancy, they have thousands of pages linking to each other internally (Wiki Community) and have Human Edited Content, content that is fresh and relevant. Wikipedia Have Lots of High Quality Content. Relevance, good quality content and freshness are the major factors in high rankings. The ‘community aspect’ of Wikipedia is a main reason for them gaining the best positions in Search engines. Wiki is made up of thousands and thousands of websites – all interlinked. Google loves Wikipedia. Everyone knows it, and many aren’t that happy about it, especially when some of their poorly written content outranks higher-quality websites on the same subject. But did you know Wikipedia pages appear on Page 1 of Google for 99% of searches? Beyond that staggering number, Wikipedia is the No. 1 result on Google for 56% of searches, while 96% of searches saw Wikipedia in one of the top five positions! Source: Danny Goodwin Associate Editor, Search Engine Watch Is SEO dead? We are a dynamic, Global Business Solutions provider that researches and develops new software to effectively use the internet to market your business online through various search engines around the world. We have developed incredible, state-of-the-art, game-changing software called CMS Guru which will help your business to make the most of your website. Organic or Natural Results Wikipedia Appears on Page 1 of Google for 96% of Searches! Nothing has changed and everything has changed… When it comes to Google's goals, nothing has changed. It STILL has a first priority of displaying the most relevant search results possible. It wants to weed out the gunk and only show us what we are really, really hoping to find. What has changed is how Google accomplishes this goal. Before the emergence of social media, Google had to only rely on the language of the website and how popular, indicated by the number and quality of links to that site, a site was. But today, Google can use ‘social’ data to determine which content is important. This means that, in addition to paying attention to everything it used to pay attention to, Google is also factoring in how popular you are in your industry through social media. The whole algorithm is changing. Sites such as Wikipedia and TripAdvisor are good examples of sites making full use of this. Our solution: Organic listings tend to generate more click throughs as they offer unbiased product information. Source: Enquiro FACT: More people click on organic listings than sponsored listings. As much as 85% of all click throughs in Google are said to be organic. Source: Enquiro Organic results tend to be longer lasting. Unlike a sponsored campaign where a competitor can outbid you for top spot, a well-optimized site can remain in top position for months and even years. It easy to see how these top organic rankings help contribute to their achieving massive online sales each month. Content Media Guru 25 million internet shoppers PayPal and Datamonitor data predicts there will be nearly 25 million online shoppers in the UK by 2011. Each shopper is predicted to spend an average of £48 per online transaction, £865 per year. This will push the total online spending figure up to a massive £39 billion. PayPal found that nearly half of UK adults (43%) claim price is the overriding factor pushing them to shop online, something that is particularly true for electrical (49%) and music purchases (53%). With two-thirds (66%) of us likely to have access to broadband at home, shopping online in 2011 will be quicker and easier than ever before. Source: Paypal One billion internet users The number of people using the internet has exceeded one billion for the first time in December 2008, according to comScore Inc. The figure represents people aged 15 and older accessing the web from computers based at home or at work, but does not include minors or mobile internet users. Every home in the UK will have access to broadband internet access by 2012 under a new Government initiative announced today. 19% of Brits say they could not live without the internet, according to a study by BT. More than half the UK population now spends more than 6 hours a week online, according to a report from BT. Source: comScore/BT Top 5 reasons to shop at a particular website 62% I went to the retailer I have purchased from in the past 38% I found the retailer through search engines 25% I came across an email promotion from the retailer 25% I subscribe to

MarketMSO TimeSaver Roadshow

Transcript: What is ? What is ? Events Calendar What is ? TimeSaver and DIY Service Plans 12-15 pages of compliant content You can add/delete/move/change: Images Pages You Create Events Protected Content Videos Colors/Fonts/Backgrounds MSOData Add-on Email Campaigns Contact Management Reporting & Graphs MarketMSO Team maintains content on templated pages $20/month WordPress Website TimeSaver What is ? YOU have Control! Helping you take your business to the next level Post events with images, maps & descriptions Track RSVP responses Sell Tickets Check-in attendees with QR code Modern Email Campaigns Why ? Compliant Short with Links Pictures Items in stock Historical Reporting & Trending Why ? Month over month analysis of business trajectory What is ? Affiliate Program What is ? Reviews Idea developed from conversations with Diamond Leader Sonya Swan and her leader team Using technology to support and grow their downline's Young Living businesses Incorporating feedback from many users throughout the development process Open to ongoing enhancements based on user feedback Why ? What is ? Personal WordPress Website Contact Management Events Management Compliant Email Campaigns Up to 5 Professional Email Addresses Protected Content Area Sales Reports and Graphs Blogs - YL & Create Your Own Managed Content Available What is ? What is ? What is ? MSOData Add-on Contact Management Email Campaigns Reporting & Graphs $15/month What is ? What is ? Contact Management You retain control of your downline/lead information Import names from other tools Manual add/update new leads Group downline members Create email templates Contact Management What is ? Professional Email Addresses -or- Why ? Powered by Established in 2009 Combined 30 years of technology experience (corporate and private) Team of 4 developers and 3 marketing professionals Focus on scalable solutions - as your business grows, we can grow with you Owner and Product Manager are Young Living Distributors Automatically sent every 7-10 business days to contacts you select Prospects Business Builders Product Users Fresh, modern content Professionally written You can create your own templates What is ? Email Campaigns Prospect What is ? Product Users What is ? Business Builder What is ? Marketing Scents YL Family Simple Downline Oily Tools YLScents YL4Life YLWebsite MyOilSite Managing Multiple Logins Why ? What's next for ? Shared Image Library Shared Events Calendar Real Time Reporting & Analytics Country Specific Sites & Campaigns Product Pages Keep the Recommendations Coming! Young Living & Gary Young Blogs automatically post on your site Ability to automatically post to Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Supports Tags, Categories and Keywords Scheduling of posts What is ? Blogs Which website address says you take your business seriously? -or- Why ? Professional Website Address DIY What is ? Suited for web savvy users - no updates $15/month Legendary Technical Support What is ? How-to Videos Live and Recorded Online Training Sessions Facebook Closed Group for MarketMSO Users Support Tickets Controls who sees pages/content Store marketing and business building info Protected Content What is ? What is ? Compliance Risks You have NO control: Content Updates Verbiage Changes Page Updates Event Content Why ? MSO Data Graphs (previous 12 months) New Members/Average PV Total OGV Downline Reports (previous 6 months) Going Inactive Missing Out on ER Commissions Top Enrollers Downline reports (Latest PV month) New Members Inactive Members What is ? Reporting and Graphing Total OGV What is ? New Members/Average PV What is ? Sign Up is Easy! How do I get ? Get a temporary site until you are ready to choose your website name! Powered by

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